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Posts posted by Mythos

  1. Everytime I want to know that border I look the body's wiki page and I don't find it. Then I search the wiki for "altitude" and also don't find it. I'll try to remember the keyword "science" from now on :-)

    So, shouldn't that be on the wiki page for each body? There is so much info there I don't care about, but most times I am looking for

    - high/low altitude border

    - atm. border

    - highest mountain

    - period of an orbiting satelite at some circular reference orbit, e.g. at high/low altitude border

  2. First Thing to your original Problem. You should try the mod Kerbal Alarm Clock which reminds you to set alarms like changing SOI or a a maneuver node.

    To your question about saves must be mentioned that if you use quicksave F5 it will of course be overwritten by the next time you press F5. Same for just saving the "persistent" file, which will be saved every time you leave the game and also from time to time while playing. The mod above will also make copies of your saves, so you have more choice to switch back to.

  3. Yes it's normal; everything but the big map will reset its position. This is something that should probably be changed so that everything only reverts when restarting KSP (except for the big map, the size and position of which is saved in the persistent file), instead of every time you load or change scenes.

    Thank you for the confirmation that I don't have to search for problems in my install. Just want to clarify that this behavior changed from 8.1 to 10.0 (wasn't perfect but better in 8.1).

  4. I have missions of building Mun or Minmus surface bases, satellites everywhere ( check) and even Orbital Stations ( also check). Thing is, the science tree is so huge that I do not know where to focus at. Should I get the nuclear LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor? Maybe Solar Panels technology ( I have deployed Satelittes with sollar panels attached to plain metal structures so far) or maybe what it seems the technology to be able to build Rovers for Mun and other planets exploration ( I really do not know what I could get from this since the current missions such as gathering data from the Mun or the Planets requiere to be on flight).

    Carrier mode is so hard that I really do not want to develop the wrong tree and discover hours later that I messed up so I really ask for some council, where should my little Kerbals head to now on? THank you.

    So you have check on satellites and station and the suface bases or visits to mun or minmus are still open? Maybe you should research something you need to fulfill these contracts and thereby getting more and more science. Maybe there is a lucky contract that sends you to a biome wehre you haven't been before and get alle the science from there... Oh well, you should invest science into getting more science, make sure you get all the experiments as soon as possible.

  5. I don't use KAS and no ship was planned to return home now, so I didn't try lextacy's method.

    That first method "Super quick and dirty instructions" worked for the Sr. docking ports between engine and cmd section, I could now undock and re-dock a couple of times there.

    For the other pair that method didn't work and I have some problems with the further method from that thread "In-depth Instructions" in short or long version. There's the point of getting the part number, where I get confused.

    I identified the pair of docking ports by renaming instead of disabling crossfeed and they read like this (left out the brackets and capitals):

    portName = kaputt-Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port
    uid = 705835744
    parent = 0
    attN = None, -1
    attN = bottom, 0
    state = Docked (same vessel)
    dockUId = 2730936619

    portName = kaputt-Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Docking Port
    uid = 2730936619
    parent = 46
    srfN = None, -1
    attN = bottom, 46
    state = Docked (dockee)
    dockUId = 705835744

    I know understand the relationship between the pairwise uid and dockUId and this looks ok, where I could identify both ports by that uid vs. dockUId and also by the changed name. I also see that the unshielded port is the (same vessel) port, what fits to it being on the stations cmd and the shielded one being on the lander and thereby the (dockee). Also that fits to the way I've built them, both were connected on top of the root part during the building process, which was the 3-kerbal cmd in both cases. So the parent in both cases is attN at the bottom, where the unshielded one's parent is in fact the root part of the whole station, which should be number 0. So far I understand.

    But both were built top-down and then connected at each one's top side. Each port is only attached to it's vessel by that "attN = bottom, x" relationship, nothing else is connected to these docking ports besides that docking-link, that for now only struts but doesn't want do undock or decouple. So what would be the part number that I could use on both sides to be "attN = top" and to transform that link into a "state = PreAttached"?

  6. I think the spelling thing is browser based.

    Thanks, maybe I should have known that :blush: Didn't turn it off, added new language but without changing keyboard layout. Feels much better now.

    There is indeed some line in the persistance file that can be changed to fix it.

    I would test any variation if it was a small ship. But on a station with many docking ports fiddling with the file without knowledge will end in a mess :D

  7. Hi,

    I need your help with fixing my persistent file or any other clue. I have a station in mun orbit consisting of 2 permanent parts and currently 2 landers docked to it all in one line in this configuration:

    engine - command module - lander - lander

    Both landers already had some missions on mun including successful undocking and re-docking. The engine and command module are connected for quite a while, actually the station was built connected to my kerbin station and then undocked and launched from there. Suddenly (after a supply visit from my "taxi" on another sideways docking port on the command module) I realized the docking ports got messed up.

    Usually when I dock a small ship to a large one, the game decides which one to keep as for the name and so on, I guess the larger one. And then usually the docking port on the smaller ships side says "undock" and on the "mothership" side it doesn't say "undock" but "decouple".

    My station now has this behaviour only between the two landers, and I can undock the outermost one. The other two links say "undock" on the command module side (which I consider the wrong one) and no option (besides "crossfeed", "control from here" and "rename port") on the outer sides. And when I click "undock" this button gets erased but nothing happens.

    I tried switching to another ship and back, to KSC and back, reload quicksave, quit game and restart, no change.

    I made a backup of my quicksave and edited any line that belongs to that vessel to say "... PART { ... MODULE { ... EVENTS { Undock { active = True ..." which was "False" before. But reloading the changed one also didn't change anything.

    Thanks in advance


    P.S: Can someone give me a hint, how to deactivate automatic spelling correction in this forum input box? It always wants to capitalize my words :mad:

  8. As someone else said, capturing asteroids outside kerbin SOI feels scary but is really effective. Indeed, escaping kerbin in the same direction that the asteroid is coming from will get you a decent intercept.

    I also skipped from capturing asteroids from inside kerbin SOI to outside. But I'm still not shure where to do the plane change. Matching plane inside SOI (like in escaping same direction as asteroid would come in) feels somewhat less efficient, but I have not really compared. Does anyone know better?

  9. What's going on with the position of the small map window? In earlier versions I hat to reposition it every time I started KSP. Now in version 10 I have to reposition it every time I switch between vessels. I think position should be saved when closed. So what use has the button to reset all window positions? Did I miss something? I tried that reset button and every way of closing the window or leving it open while switching via Alarm Clock or the standard ways, but none of that helped.

    No hints so far would mean this is normal behaviour?

  10. Really promising update!

    But... What's going on with the position of the small map window? In earlier versions I hat to reposition it every time I started KSP. Now in version 10 I have to reposition it every time I switch between vessels. I think position should be saved when closed. So what use has the button to reset all window positions? Did I miss something? I tried that reset button and every way of closing the window or leving it open while switching via Alarm Clock or the standard ways, but none of that helped.

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