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Status Replies posted by HoloYolo

  1. Have you though about updating the Planet 9 thing?

    1. HoloYolo


      It would be cool if it was standalone honestly.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. I have actually seen you a lot. You ninja'd my post but i didn't realize till now. 

    Have you never noticed me? I am hurt. =(

    1. HoloYolo


      My famous alter-ego Kaboom has been famed across the multiverse!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. I have actually seen you a lot. You ninja'd my post but i didn't realize till now. 

    Have you never noticed me? I am hurt. =(

    1. HoloYolo


      I have noticed you. I know that was a joke but I've seen you (not much though)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Yo man what's up?

    1. HoloYolo


      Great. Enjoying spring break in Tampa and it's awesome the stuff you can do here.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. This looks like facebook :huh: 

    And what's the point of having the forum active yet if none of the forum stuff is active?

    What does "status" even mean?

    Why did we even need to move the forum anyway?

    Why is this double spaced?

  6. This looks like facebook :huh: 

    And what's the point of having the forum active yet if none of the forum stuff is active?

    What does "status" even mean?

    Why did we even need to move the forum anyway?

    Why is this double spaced?

  7. This looks like facebook :huh: 

    And what's the point of having the forum active yet if none of the forum stuff is active?

    What does "status" even mean?

    Why did we even need to move the forum anyway?

    Why is this double spaced?

  8. This looks like facebook :huh: 

    And what's the point of having the forum active yet if none of the forum stuff is active?

    What does "status" even mean?

    Why did we even need to move the forum anyway?

    Why is this double spaced?

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