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Posts posted by DerpyFirework

  1. 2 hours ago, Felger said:

    Posted a new version of RealPlume - https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealPlume/releases, shouldn't break much, may want to check out engines that use Hypergolic-OMS-White.  Marked as compatible with 1.1, so ckan should pick it up soon.  Should also be backwards compatible with 1.0.x as well.

    Nice work on the new plumes! They look real nice!

    Thanks for the warning on the Hypergolic-OMS-White, seems like they need rescaling and repositioning, I'm working on it right now.

    Edit: I won't be able to fix the VSR support, and I think VSR support should really be moved out of the Squad configs and into their own. (Use :AFTER[RealPlume on them?)

    Edit2: Should also mention that I won't be able to fix them all, just stock and Tantares/KPBS/RLA Stockalike

    Edit3: Done! Stock, Tantares, TantaresLV, KPBS and RLA Stockalike now support the latest release of the core RealPlume!

    @Nhawks17, I'm going to leave it to you for the actual release of this, I don't know enough Github to make a release. (Don't forget to merge the PR!)

  2. While I'm no modder, I can think of three ways of doing this:

    1. ModuleEnginesFX allows both a powerEffectName (Linked to actual thrust) and runningEffectName (Linked to throttle). You could put the verniers on the runningEffectName, however they will show full effect even when thrust limited.

    2. Use 2 engine modules with 2 effects, without mode switching. This would be kinda hacky, and you would have two sets of engine options and limiters, but you'd have full control over the verniers.

    3. Split the vernier into its own part, which eliminate all the problems at the cost of a new part, but allows finer control over them and allows them to be used elsewhere.

    Those are the ones I can think of right now. Like I said, I'm no modder, but I know a thing or two about modding. Hope this helps!

  3. @Beale, I just did some testing with the Black Arrow parts with the supplied craft file.

    First time, I followed prograde. I deliberately deviated by a few degrees, and it flipped as you described.

    Second time, I did the same as above without the fairing, and it required more deviation to cause the flip, so the fairing but seems to contribute to it.

    Third time, I just simply followed prograde to space, but failed to orbit due to pilot error at circularisation.

    So something does seem up. Have you tried deleting the PartDatabase? The Dragcubes could be corrupt on your end.

  4. 16 hours ago, Nhawks17 said:

    Not 100% but this might be something wrong with how the thrustTransforms were set up by the mod author. Going to ping @DerpyFirework for his thoughts as well.


    On 02/03/2016 at 1:49 PM, FiiZzioN said:

    Would there be any way to allow mirroring of plumes / flares? I've made plenty configs but I've run into a few situations where, without a RealPlume config, the effects mirror / appear opposite of each other. The part that's confusing is I've made configs that properly mirror, but then there are situations like this where it's the completely different situation.

    That's the most recent example and by far the most frustrating since I love that part mod, but realplume would make it even better. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    My guess for this is that the transforms are not perfectly symmetrical, I had this problem back when that mod first came out too.

    I'd give more detail, but I'm not very good at explaining these things.

  5. 6 minutes ago, curtquarquesso said:

    Thank you both for doing configs for various mod packs. They add a lot to the game. Do either of you do custom plumes, or do you just utilize the prefabbed plumes? Beale does some really great custom FX for some of his more specialized engine parts, and it'd be a shame to not use any of that work in the configs for RealPlume. The particle/FX system is a system I don't know a lot about unfortunately. Can't find too much documentation on how they're created, defined, and configured. 

    I only use the prefabbed plumes when I do my configs, but I do agree with you about Beale's FX. They're so good I sometimes consider uninstalling RealPlume, so I think I'll mess around with the configs and see what happens.

  6. 5 minutes ago, VenomousRequiem said:

    @curtquarquesso Ahh, I feel so special! I've never been mentioned by anyone other than Cobalt. :P

    RP support is kinda limited for this mod, actually... @Beale Would you like me to write a better set of RP configs to be included with the mod in the download? I want to contribute to this mod and that sounds nice.

    RealPlume support should be up to date for the current release of both Tantares and TantaresLV. The TantaresLV configs I wrote myself back when RealPlume Stock was just getting going, and I recently redid the Tantares ones for the next release of the stock configs.

    Of course, if you want to include your own configs in the Tantares/TantaresLV packages, feel free to do so. I'll make sure to remove them from the main RP package for the next release.

  7. 10 hours ago, Nhawks17 said:

    Not a problem! I'll poke it some more to see if I can see what's up. Might've mucked something up that I didn't notice.

    I see what the issue is. The parts in question have "PhysicsSignificance = 1" in their CFG, so SmokeScreen doesn't show plumes (It uses data from the parts' rigidbody, which physicless parts don't have). I've already logged the bug on the SmokeScreen repo.

    It's also the reason why the stock "Puff" engine doesn't have plumes.

  8. Just been playing around with this mod for the first time in a while, it's nice to see that everything seems to work fine.

    The only thing I noticed was the low max temps that have been reported above, and I found that removing the kso_dre and kso25_dre .cfg files in the FX folder seems to fix it, both orbiters reentering reliably.

    Just thought I'd share this bit of information in case others find it useful.

  9. 20 hours ago, Felger said:

    It's not dead per se, I've just not had time to work on it in the past month or so.  Also 1.1

    On which note, if anyone would like to take over maintenance of RealPlume Stock Configs, I'd be happy to hand the reigns over.  I know @Nhawks17 and @DerpyFirework have done a lot of work with this, and are likely familiar enough with the architecture of the mod to do upkeep.

    I've got the pull requests on github incorporated, and released, but I'm afraid my schedule doesn't really allow for more than that at this point.  Even when real life settles down a bit, I'll probably go back to spending most of my time on Realism Overhaul, so I'd love to see someone take the reigns and continue the work on the stock configs for RealPlume.

    I should be around to keep this going.

    RealPlume is one of those things I'd wanted for a long time, and it's nice to be a part of it.

    So, thanks for making RealPlume and it's configs the way it is, it makes it so easy to work with!

    Going to work on some configs for the newest stock parts now, since I have some time free.

  10. About the RealPlume issues, I experienced this behaviour when I first wrote the configs for the Rodan. It's most likely a smokescreen bug with particular partmodule setups, and the issue is only present after a quickload/revert to launch.

    There's nothing wrong with any of the configs as far as I can tell, they're exactly the same as all the others that I have made, which work just fine.

    I'll mess around with some parts now to see if I can find the cause.

    EDIT: Looks like this might be relevant.

    EDIT2: Yep, using the heatshield as the root part fixed the issue. I guess if you're using RealPlume, you should use the heatshield as the root part (Unless that causes other odd bugs...).

  11. Unfortunately I think that is lost forever unless another person has kept a copy.

    I have the old Tantares TM release you're talking about Here. I also have most, if not all, versions of Tantares and TantaresLV from v3.1 onwards (Including most pre-releases :P).

    And about the D2: Could that be revived with a stock procedural fairing integrated into the pod?

    EDIT: I've gotten the Kliper mostly working, game-ready and unity source files are Here. It seems to be capable of a runway landing (with tweakscaled wheels) and full re-entry (with RCS) without reaction wheels.

  12. Just want to report that this seems to be having difficulties with KScale2. After installing Sigma Binary v1.1.0, all planets have reduced gravity (seems to be 1/4th).

    Any idea if this can be fixed? I really want a Duna-Ike binary. (Great mod though!)

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