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KAL 9000

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Everything posted by KAL 9000

  1. Chapter 1 Part 2: Old age should burn and rave at close of day J'Louver had presented his idea to the Council of Species, and it had been approved for a design study. However, there had been a few objections. Lû'tœ, the representative of the Kråx species, had pointed out, "Lælæ r'løū gßãkôę". After a second while the translator did its work, a speaker played out, "Yes, we do know wormhole theory inside and out, but the energy requirements are huge." Another representative said, "And how do we know the new universe will have the same physical laws as ours?" After some heated discussion, a scientist pointed out, "If we compress a 'nugget' of spacetime to the Planck length, a new Big Bang happens to that "nugget", and it starts expanding outside of our universe. If we keep a microscopic wormhole open in between the rest of the universe and the "nugget", we can expand the wormhole later and go to the new universe. Because the new universe was originally part of our own, it will have the same physical laws and parameters." "But that would be an even greater energy requirem-" "But it would save everyone." "True. If we can find the energy, we can save everyone!" So it was decided that a fleet of Alcubierre drive-equipped spacecraft would scour the remains of the Local Group for anything that could be used for energy. The ships left, crew in hand, and the race was on to find the energy before the universe succumbed to its fate...
  2. Well, the turbines and stuff are all miniaturized, and the heat energy of the RTG can boil all water in the small tank in ~46 seconds. That could drive a very small turbine.
  3. With the emergency problem, why not try DeepFreeze? If an emergency pops up on Duna, you can just put your Kerbals in cryosleep until supplies arrive.
  4. So you mean the probe is transmitting "......", but its creators will know when it stops functioning when they don't "hear" the signal? That does seem reasonable, but that basic "I'm alive!" signal would probably have more data than that, like what systems have failed (if any), power output of its solar panels/RTGs/whatever at the moment, etc...
  5. Well, there was a huge dust storm, dry lightning or storm interference may have interfered with the probe's functioning or communications. We did get 1 black-and-white image back from it, although nothing identifiable is in it.
  6. 17.532 MJ/hour I'm terrible at modeling and texturing, could someone make a model/texture for this? You could switch it to ElectricCharge generation, it would make 4.5 ElectricCharge per second.
  7. My theory: Laythe is obviously very close to Jool. Thus, we can expect a lot of tidal heating. This, earlier in Laythe's history, would have led to rampant volcanism (similar to Io). As gravitational influences from the other Joolilean moons perturbed Laythe's orbit, it moved a little farther out, experienced less tidal heating, and volcanism ceased. However,when they were active, volcanoes spewed greenhouse gases such as CO2, water vapor, and methane into Laythe's atmosphere. This means that, even though Laythe is far from Kerbol, it traps most of the heat it recieves and is warm enough to melt its icy crust. After Laythe became habitable, lithopanspermia may have spread life from Kerbin to it.
  8. Sorry, the next installment will say Chapter 1 Part 2. Each chapter will have 3 parts. The conclusion will have 4 parts. It's not a very long story.
  9. I got the actual poster with my monthly hard copy of National Geographic. It's hanging up in my room now
  10. Hello! We have a whole section called "Science & Spaceflight"! I would (as would everyone else on these forums) recommend KSP as both a fun game and a great tool to learn about space travel. It's physics and orbital mechanics are mostly realistic. Beware! You have entered the realm of the nerds!
  11. If you left in 0.7.3, A LOT has changed
  12. @max_creative's transcript: Newdun Kermulan: ...so we just wait here, bloaked until the enemy comes? Wehrford Kermulan: Yes. Newdun Kermulan: Have you ever wondered how it works? Bloaking, I mean. Wehrford Kermulan: Such things are of no concern to a true warrior. One need only know how to use it to kill the enemy. Hail the Empire! Newdun Kermulan: Hail the Empire! Wehrford Kermulan: Now maintain radio silence unless you have something intelligent to say. Even our focused beam transmissions could be- Newdun Kermulan: What is it, Wehrford? Wehrford Kermulan: Nothing - a sensor malfunction. I'm getting a proximity alarm, but there's no- Wehrford Kermulan: Something's grabbed me! Something bloaked! Wehrford Kermulan: It's tearing my ship apart! Shoot it, Newdun, shoot it! Newdun Kermulan: But I'd have to un-bloak! And turn on my targeting radar! Our orders- Wehrford Kermulan: Screw the orders! Save me! Save- Wehrford Kermulan: AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Evil Bill (Bill Kermulan): Hey, Recon Two just un-bloaked! Evil Bob (Bob Kermulan): -the heck? Evil Bill (Bill Kermulan): I'm detecting weapons fire! Newdun Kermulan: AAAAAAH! --Newdun's fighter fires missiles at the unknown enemy (possibly Martystu, possibly The Ghost, possibly The Kraken)-- There ya go.
  13. What's attacking the Kerbulans? Could it be- yes! MARTYSTU AND THE KENLISTAR AWESUM ARE HERE TO SAVE THE INTREPID!!!
  14. That's for 1.0.5, and it's just one satellite, not a whole system.
  15. Ever wanted to deploy a huge swarm of satellites in one launch, but can't because the satellites are too big? Ever wanted to send a lightweight and cheap payload to explore another planet? Well, worry no more, because I am developing a mod that will fix that! MicroStuff will give you tiny probe parts and more 0.625 meter parts as well. This is a very work-in-progress mod that just started development, so don't expect a release for a month or two. Planned features: -Tiny radial attach components -A new 0.3125 meter size for tiny parts -More probes and more probe parts -And more! Current in-development parts: 0.625 meter: Oscar-A Fuel Tank: We're not sure why you would want a half-length Oscar-B, but here it is anyway. JAI Tinydapter-Type 1: To transition between 0.3125 and 0.625 meters. JAI Sparky: A version of the Spark with the same thrust and better ISP. Radial: JAI ST-001 Decoupler: It's a really small radial decoupler. JAI KAL Guidance Unit: A really small probe core, it has a few ElectricCharge and an advanced AI. Warranty void if it turns evil. JAI OX-STATiny: A really small solar panel, it attaches to the KAL guidance unit. JAI Potadio: A tiny antenna, it attaches to the KAL guidance unit. JAI SuperTinySuperBattery: A tiny battery, it attaches to the KAL guidance unit. Not taken from Jeb's TV remote, we swear. 0.3125 meter: Tiny versions of all the stock and MicroStuff 0.625 meter parts so far.
  16. I old like to help out with this mod, so I'm working on a part for you! It's my own little idea, which I call a dual-step RTG. Basically, water pipes coil around an RTG. Any heat that escapes the RTG's heat-to-electricity conversion boils the water into steam, which drives a turbine, which drives a generator. The steam goes into a tank where it condenses back into water, and the cycle repeats. So, you can get rid of any waste heat that an RTG produces and get more power out of it. So I guess it's a tiny nuclear power plant, but the reactor part is replaced by an RTG.
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