@MarkusA380 thanks for the quick reply.
I don't think I understand what you mean when you say MechJeb is a probe core. Yes, it allows control of stability through it's SmartASS function, but No you can't bring up stock SAS (or if you can I certainly don't know how). So far the only way I've found of getting PR to play nice with MJ is to have stock SAS set to point at the maneuver vector. I must be missing something there. I normally have the MechJeb SmartASS window up when carrying out maneuvers with MJ, but of course it switches to one setting (Auto) during the actual maneuver while the MJ autopilot is in control.
If I understand what you said about having almost no angular momentum prior to time warp, then it appears a more correct assessment might be that PR is incompatible with MJ's "Create and execute" button in the Maneuver Planner. I've tried a couple things to see if I could effect a reasonable outcome using MJ to perform a very simple maneuver to go from a circular 200km orbit around Kerbin to a coplanar 300km orbit using a craft with a high degree of control authority (very nimble in attitude, quickly getting to and holding any orientation). If I create the node, then use SmartASS to point to the Node, then wait for the craft to appear to be quite steadily pointed to the node, then execute the node, the result is my orientation diverges fairly quickly and soon enough MJ comes out of time warp and we begin to oscillate back and forth across the maneuver node vector. That didn't work so well, so I tried a variant: Create node, Point at node, Kill rotation, wait a bit to be sure, execute node. This resulted in a slower drift away from the maneuver node, but it did drift significantly nonetheless and the only solution to stop the endless oscillation when coming out of warp was to abort the node execution and repeat the process starting with point at the node, etc.
Is that how it's supposed to work? If so, then I'd rate this mod as marginally compatible with MJ in that it doesn't flat out break the users ability to program and cary out maneuvers, it just interferes with it in an annoying and tedious way. Again I really hope I'm missing something basic here and have just not caught on to how I should be or could be using this mod.
Speaking of such things:
How does one open the PR Reference Selection Window? And on a related note is there any source for documentation on how to use PR? Maybe what I really need here is a basic how to that covers such things. If such a guide already exists then could there be a pointer to it prominently located in this forum?
Here's what I see when I try to configure PR:
When I go to a vessel in flight the PR window is up at the top of my screen with two buttons: a cogwheel that brings up a Configure window, and box that if clicked becomes a line and adds a "Rotation" and "Momentum" button, with "Rotation" in green and "Momentum" in red. Below that it says "Enable SAS to use this mode!". Of course I can't do that since clicking on SAS produces the onscreen KSP message that "<Vessel> has no operational SAS modules and no pilots aboard. Cannot engage SAS".
In the Configure window I've got two possible things to control: "GUI Visibility Mode" (Always, Stock, and Blizzy's), and below that "Default Reference Body" with choices of None and Dynamic. I've tried both None and Dynamic with the same results. And I can click on the Rotation and Momentum buttons to my hearts content with no effect (meaning they don't change color or seem to do anything). If I've got a probe core or a pilot, of course I can switch on SAS and then the "Rotation" and "Momentum" buttons become functional.
What am I missing?