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Everything posted by DerOverlord

  1. I have a similar issue using TACLS and MKS modules. I was, however, blaming UKS/MKS because that mod actually generates the food. I have all the modules to generate enough food, water, oxygen, and power (manned with 6 three star engineers) to have a net positive influx of those resources according to the TACLS resource window for the station. I can warp as fast as I like while focused on the station and everything works as it should. At 1000x food ticks up at about 1:5 so more is made than consumed. The other resources stay maxed. If I switch ships and warp while watching the TACLS resource window, I am net NEGATIVE for food (oxygen is topped off by Karbonite conversion and water by mining). This is letting it run days at a time. I don't see any "catch up" cycles kicking in. I nearly killed everyone at the station warping at max for an Eve run. I had to disable TACLS until its fixed which bums me out because I spent weeks building that station to be self-sufficient.
  2. Thought about that, and disabled it for each chute to no avail. It's only a big deal because I'm dropping 16 solid boosters in the 1st stage @2km, and without the chutes they are crashing into and wiping out the launch pad. Not only that, but I'm not getting credit from Stage Recovery since I can't get 22km away before they hit the ground. Staging manually opens the chutes and life is good. I'll just have to remember to kick autostaging back in after. Since RealChuteLite is now part of FAR, and just about everyone uses FAR, I suppose this will need to be fixed sooner or later.
  3. Make sure you didn't leave the unzip package or dll in the base gamedata folder. Did this myself today updating to the latest dev version and had the same missing buttons problem. - - - Updated - - - Also found a bug. I don't have a github account so I'll just report it here. Autostaging is not opening parachutes at all. I even set the chutes to open a stage early, and nothing. I'm using the #460 build. I do have FAR, and RealChutes installed with auto-arming enabled. I thought it might be a problem with RC, but manual staging using the spacebar works fine. I was testing with stock Mk16 chutes so has to be how MJ is staging.
  4. The icon in the space center disappeared for me too. I deleted the 4 modulemanager cache files and the active texture management cache after updating some mods, and it came back. Go figure. My chutes weren't opening AT ALL. Figured out that it was a combo of the auto arm setting (why isn't this enabled by default?) and Mechjeb autostaging. The latter must be a bug because in manual mode a single space bar now opens chutes, but autostaging still doesn't open them.
  5. Thanks for the info. At least know 1.0 broke it now. FAR hasn't been updated for 1.0 yet so I'm running stock aero. Everything flies totally different now than in 0.9, and there currently seems to be no way to view lift/drag on individual parts in flight. At least until either nuFAR comes out, or VV gets updated. This mod is very slick, and helps with design. Definitely looking forward to that eventual update.
  6. Anyone else notice both the lift and drag modeling isn't updating in real time? The other modes seem to work fine. I have the latest 1.02 versions of VV, RPM, and Toolbar. It used to work before the 1.0 update. I rely on this quite a bit to find drag spots on my planes, and it looks like what shows up now is a frozen image at zero velocity.
  7. Has anyone figured out how to fix the Karbonite texture missing issue? I tried disabling all of USI's mods via ATM's config file, but it didn't seem to do anything. Every other reload of the game textures for several parts are missing. Having to manually delete the cache then wait an extra minute for the game to compress the textures again is a PITA (especially after a game crash). ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = UmbraSpaceIndustries enabled = false }
  8. I had the freeze too when clicking around in Space Center. I deleted all of the entries for "completed contracts", and it fixed my 0.9 save game to work in 1.0. All my active contracts are still there, and seem legit. Thanks!
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