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Everything posted by hendrack

  1. My game is not broken in Linux, I am enjoying 1.1 quite well. There are bugtracker tickets for some linux issues, so that's hardly ignoring when they did not fix it in the first patch or have to work out some other way if its an Unity issue. They had to make an engine update some time, and everyone who believed this would be without issues or bugs is simply naive and should have kept a 1.0.5 backup, which runs perfectly fine with zero crashes in linux. Given that I got something like 1000 of hours of fantastic gameplay for 40 bucks I am grateful Squad is actively developing this game further. If KSP had been a Paradox game they would have called something like 0.90 final release and moved on to the next game, with no patches at all.
  2. Me neither. My point was comparing two games with Unity engine issues. One company has not considered this performance issue to be a problem at all for two years, while Squad is rolling out patches.
  3. I beg to differ too, since Cities Skylines has some serious performance issues under Linux, which is most likely to be a unity issue as well. The difference is that the CS:Skylines developers don't give a single **** about that.
  4. https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/graphics/lighting-and-rendering http://ogrehead.com/2015/09/how-to-lightmap-in-unity-5/ Does this help? Wish I could help but I have absolutely zero knowledge about 3d rendering
  5. After most of my essential mods are updated to 1.1 and minor things are sorted out, I started a new career save. Even the most boring chore contracts put a smile on my face when I see how smooth the 1.1 performance is. No more mini lags.
  6. Strategia throws null exceptions when I am in R&D and do something, sometimes KSP freezes and I have to restart. [EXC 13:27:53.397] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Strategia.CurrencyPopup.OnGUI ()
  7. https://kerbalx.com/CaptKordite/craft One of the crafts report a missing docking port, just remove that from the craft file with an editor. That mod has a nice Soyuz skin for its fuel tank.
  8. @Beale missed this before the update. Btw the Habtech modpack goes very well with USI and Tantares stations. They got some nice looking science labs, supplies containers and even basic life support. Thats nice if you only want MKS-Lite and not the full UKS/OKS chain.
  9. Right now 90% of mod issues are caused by CKAN. Tomorrow I do a clean install and test again.
  10. Right, no KJR this time, still wonky gimbal. Third try with 6(!) verniers and 3 big fat wings worked.
  11. Confirmed in stock aero. Check YT video I posted: first try just a test weight (25T) + fuel tank + proton. Aggressive roll and unplanned rapid disintegration. Second try I added some verniers which helped with the roll maneuver, still unplanned disintegration. In KSP 1.0.5 the Proton worked best for me with a long and top heavy design. Not with this version though.
  12. The combination of 400% on milestones is quite heavy. There are a couple of things to unlock to get a career going: VAB level 2, to have more than 30 parts (225.000 upgrade) launch pad level 2, to have a craft more than 18 tons (75.000! upgrade) tracking station level 2, for maneuver nodes (150.000) mission control level 2, to have 7 contracts and spam advance income (75.000) = 525000 After that, Mun landing wasn't difficult. Lets make a Minmus flyby now and I can unlock R&D level 2. Mind, this is just my opinion, and the mileage may vary depending on skill level and mods used. Please do not take this as criticism, just as food for thought. I personally play with DMagic and 50% science modifier, so science is my main progression bottleneck in career mode. I'd like to read what the other players think. Perhaps this doesn't need tweaking and I am just abusing the game too much. After 1.1 is somewhat stable I'll probably start career again and just tweak the income slider in difficulty options.
  13. Be careful with CKAN at the moment. Some users update netkan files withoutdated or incompatible mod versions. Rasterprop monitor was installed twice for example, with different version numbers.
  14. I like the idea of this mod, but it is too imbalanced imho. My second career vessel, a very rudimentary craft within the first 3 nodes of CTT, which is capable of a Mun flyby, gives me a whopping 500k of funds because of the Mun program's 400% to milestones.
  15. Yarp. Installing SVE through CKAN was messy. Removed everything and installed manually to make it work. CKAN is a nice tool but right now with the 1.1 transition its not stable to use. Right now I am just testing 1.1 but once I start a career I'll unintall and install with hand picked mods and KSP-AVC.
  16. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qln495ayvmjo55o/_Extra_USILifeSupport.cfg?dl=0 I updated the USI MM patch. I reduced the mulch to almost nothing. USI parts have their own mulch containers, so either you just restock your orbital stations and throw mulch out of the window, or use USI-LS parts anyway. Also, there is no need to add replacement parts, since USI has a MM patch that adds that resource to command pods (which most Tantares parts in this MM patch are anyway). I have not encountered any problems in MKS-Lite or OKS/UKS.
  17. Had to look though all mods to squash a bug that was haunting me for 3 days, but now I can play again. I decided to go the extra mile from MKS-Lite to full USI-LS chain, just for the station parts! Work on Mun Space Station has started.
  18. Thanks! MJ is just one issue though. If you look at the youtube video, it shows at about 100-200m to target, speed wobbling raises to a 2m/sec difference. Thats quite a bit. Without your mod its about 0.1-0.2m/sec. Still seems like some phantom accelaration.
  19. FINALLY Ok, I removed all mods until it worked again, and the root of this cause seems to be Stock Bug Fix Modules from @Claw (nudging, perhaps I can help with debugging this) Mind, the navball wobbles still a bit, but MechJeb has no problems anymore docking, with 2 caveats: if either craft has more than one command modules (I have MechJeb and engineer for all MM patch, though disabling all MJ cores on every craft except 1 command module doesn't make any difference) docking autopilot still goes off if facing the craft from the other side of the docking port, perhaps this is a MJ issue and not related Anyway, I have no problems docking manually, but this was really nagging at me, sometimes I just want to hit MJ buttons and go make laundry or something.
  20. Another thing: docking on my orbital station around Kerbin works perfectly. I've done about 50 dockings both manual and with MechJeb. No issue what so ever. If I put my Kerbin Space Station into orbit of another low gravity object with hyperedit and try to dock with a Soyuz replica, those issues surface. I thought it was some issue with one of the crafts, but when I take 2 vessels that dock perfectly in Kerbin orbit and put them somewhere else, it goes nuts.
  21. Right-Shift + F12 -> show input lock stack -> clear input lock stack.
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