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Article Comments posted by cephalo

  1. I have a concern as to how this is being fixed. The problems with the runway also exist on general terrain also, so if you fix the runway only, and then fix the planets, the runway will break again because you fixed the planets.

    This is a new problem that began with 1.2. These cracks in terrain didn't exist prior to that. Someone mentioned this earlier in the thread, and it was explained as the 'kraken' but that is not the case. There are in fact little rover destroying brick walls in the terrain, and you can see them if you get close. On some planets, (I noticed this on Eve.) you can see the rectangular terrain patches that aren't lining up. These are just like the issues with the runway and likely have the same cause.

    I am guessing that there is a tiling issue with the vertex textures. Vertex textures need to overlap by one texel in order to line up, or else the edges need to be blended with each other. This is different than regular textures. Also, this behavior could change on different graphics cards.

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