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Everything posted by cmacrander

  1. For Part 4 we had the challenge of keeping one really big ship next to another really big ship. We used harpoons, and I gotta tell ya, it was pretty awesome.
  2. We're making progress! The main body is assembled. In coming videos we'll add the modular mission craft. Part 2: Part 3:
  3. Hey-ho Kerbonauts. This is my first time posting, and I'm excited to share a really cool mission my friend and I have been working on. We asked ourselves, "what's the biggest challenge we can tackle in KSP?" and decided that a single mission that visited all the bodies in the Jool system was it. We did tons of planning and are just starting to actually put stuff in orbit. We're going to have to play it in beta, though, since 1.0 changes so much, it would throw off all our dV calculations . Right now we're hoping to video most of it, but we'll have to see how long we can sustain that. Let me know what you think!
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