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Posts posted by Wraith977

  1. Looks good, quick question though, in your unity import settings for the model under 'normals and tangents' do you have the normals option set to 'import' or 'calculate'? In your images it looks as though you have it set to import but having it set as calculate and giving it a reasonable value smooths your missile and makes it look more round, see the spoiler...


    With normals set to import ->


    With normals set to calculate with a value of 45 ->


    hope this helps.

  2. On 28/05/2016 at 3:07 PM, ckirky said:

    quick suggestion for you, make an imgur album, may help interest all the newcomers to the mod and show them all of the parts, not just the 4 you show currently.

    Thanks for the suggestion. Put together a quick collection of screenshots of parts that I don't intend to change for a while, the only problem is that I'm not happy with most of the turrets and so I'll probably be remodelling them soon. Since it can take quite a while to get some nice images for an album (especially with the constant crashes), I don't want to spend hours making images that will be outdated within a week, I'll add to it as I'm happy with the parts.

    What I might end up doing (especially if people want it since it would take a long time to do) is to model the chassis of the vehicles that the turrets are meant to fit on, maybe even do some IVAs if I can teach myself how. This would make for very easily made combat vehicles to use.

  3. Update 0.1.4

    • Retextured most existing parts.
    • Remodeled ZT3-Ingwe and LMT-105 (slightly).
    • Fixed incorrect normal orientation in almost every muzzle brake.
    • Added LMT-105 Canister Varient.
    • Added ZT3-Ingwe Fixed Launcher (with the added booster the ZT3 no longer fits in the TOW launcher.
    • Added Mokopa ATGM.
    • Added Umkhonto-IR.
    • Revised particle effects (still needs some work...)
    • Usual cfg tweaks and fixes.
    • Added license as per form addon rules.
  4. 2 hours ago, Messernacht said:

    So I've seen through Curse that someone's added a 'Boomstick' series of weapons that are supposed to add on to and complement the BD Armory arsenal. Has anyone tried these, are they a legitimate addon to BDA, or is this someone riding the coat-tails of this highly brilliant mod?

    If you are asking about THIS or any other 'BD Armory addon' on the forums then they are completely legitimate, unless they were uploaded by anyone other than the author (unless they got permission). It also depends on the license used by the mod, for @SpannerMonkey(smce)'s boomsticks mod no one else may upload it, even with changes and/or credit as it is all rights reserved, for other licenses such as CC-BY-SA others may upload it so long as they give credit and have altered the contents in some way (as far as I can remember). Read up on each license for how they work exactly.

  5. 12 hours ago, Acea said:

    Looking forward to more weapons:)

    For the DDS issue just don't convert normal maps and leave them in PNG format.

    I'm very new to this, I followed @LORDPrometheus's tutorials as far as I could (massive thanks to him,) but I can't see a normal map anywhere, or how to generate one. what I could dois just make all textures .pngs like they are in the BD Armory main mod, this works fine and reduces the size to about a third of what is is as .MBM. This will also be a lot simpler than sorting out the whole dds issue, the size reduction from .png to .dds is pretty small for most of my textures.


    For reference this is the problem I get when the texture is a .dds ->




  6. Addon for BD Armory currently containing several weapons made by various divisions of Denel in South Africa.







    Pack currently contains fourteen parts (five turrets, one missile launcher one bomb and seven missiles,) more are planned and in the process of being made but this is what I've done so far.


    • Denel A-Darter.
    • Denel Al-Tariq.
    • Denel Mokopa.
    • Denel R-Darter.
    • Denel ZT3-Ingwe - Fires from ZT3-Ingwe launcher (it no longer fits in the TOW launcher :c)
    • Denel Umkhonto-IR.
    • Denel Umkhonto-R.

    Turrets / Launchers

    • Denel 35mm Dual Purpose Gun.
    • Denel G6 Howitzer.
    • Denel LMT-105.
    • Denel LMT-105 Canister.
    • Denel GI-2 Helicopter Autocannon.
    • Denel ZT3-Ingwe Fixed Launcher.


    • Denel CB-470 Cluster Bomb


    Current version: 0.2



    • Added new models for Al-Tariq and G-6.
    • Removed desert camo textures and BDAnimation Modules texture switching code in cfgs.
    • Minor changes to several cfgs.

    • Re-added G-6 and Al-tariq parts I had accidentally left out.

    • Updated cfgs to work with the latest BDA pre-release version (V1.1.0)
    • Deleted BDAnimation Modules due to lack of texture switching feature and causing crashes

    • Added redone models for missiles and some turrets.
    • Changed some stats.
    • New cluster bomb, the CB-470.
    • Texture switching for camouflage.
    • Packaged with BDAnimation Modules for texture switching.

    NOTE: I may not have been as diligent as I should have in remaking some parts and the sizes of most of the parts have changed; This may break vehicles with these parts attached or make them look strange.

    • Fixed model for GI-2 *sorry about that.
    • Changed name of Ingwe fixed launcher to make it easier to find.
    • Changed collision mesh for Ingwe fixed launcher, missiles placed inside can now be selected, should also put less strain on the game.


    • Retextured most existing parts.
    • Remodeled ZT3-Ingwe and LMT-105 (slightly).
    • Fixed incorrect normal orientation in almost every muzzle brake.
    • Added LMT-105 Canister Varient.
    • Added ZT3-Ingwe Fixed Launcher (with the added booster the ZT3 no longer fits in the TOW launcher.
    • Added Mokopa ATGM.
    • Added Umkhonto-IR.
    • Revised particle effects (still needs some work...)
    • Usual cfg tweaks and fixes.
    • Added license as per form addon rules.

    • Hotfix for name of A-Darter and GI-2 Helicopter Autocannon.
    • Minor tweaks to config files, mainly Al-tariq.


    • Particle effect fixes (world to local velocities) and improvements.
    • All model textures changed to .dds format.
    • Added two new weapons. Denel Umkhonto-R and Denel GI-2 Helicopter Autocannon.
    • Minor tweaks to config files.

    • Changed all textures to .pngs.
    • fixed paths in Agencies config.


    • Initial release.


    Upcoming stuff


    OMT .50 Cal turret (wont be in next update, needs a lot more work)


    Note that this is a work in progress, if something doesn't work (with the models, I can't fix the BD Armory modules if they are broken) tell me and I'll look into it. If you have any suggestions let me know.

  7. YsLjaP5.jpg

    Which rotation did I mess up? :D Turret base rotation (-90 degree thing)? at least it sort of works, mostly...

    EDIT: Fixed the problem, works as intended now.


    What the turret looks like and a few other things I'm working on... If all goes well I'll release it in a few weeks. Tell me what you think.

    Denel 35mm Dual Purpose Gun-


    Denel R-Darter-


    Denel A-Darter-


    Denel Ingwe (needs retexturing, currently has 2k textures that are too big)-



  8. 5 hours ago, Linkdeous said:

    Hi BahamutoD, i wanted to ask you something. It's about addon for this mod, does ther eis any FAQ to how to create addon for BDArmory ? Becasue i'm somewhat good to medelling/programming, and i really wanted to make a addon for this awesome mods, thanks you ^^

    Not sure if this is what you are after but Prometheus made a few tutorials on how to make weapons for BDA here. A few things are no longer valid but use common sense and they'll point you in the right direction.

    18 minutes ago, War Eagle 1 said:

    Sadly there are some bugs that prevent boats from being used. For example if you place a boat, go back to space center then go back to the boat it will explode

    Explode.... or fly into the air like not-so-majestic birds depending on what boat parts mod you are using...


  9. 2 hours ago, Joshwoo69 said:

    I think Baha wants to maintain stock compatibility thus he decided not to add armour points... I swore there is a older mod that did it :/

    Skillful by InfiniteDice was a weapons/damage mod that added a proper damage system, using different types of ammunition to do different things (incendiary to set things on fire and so forth), I really can't remember much as this was years ago - the only weapons mod that came before it was the laser guided missiles by Romfarer - but Skillful was really the first proper weapons mod out there. It's been kept up to date so far but from the last few posts it seems like that wont be happening any more.:(

    As for implementing a damage system in BDArmory... I personally think that using heat alone is a somewhat limiting approach (whilst certainly being the easiest), It would be cool to have a damage system in place that better shows and reacts to damage (wings lose lift if they're damaged, fuel tanks leak and can catch on fire, etc...), along with the fact that heat dissipates and radiators are currently like little auto-repair bots. Skillful did indeed alter any part in the game, giving it an armour value by (as far as I can remember) the user running a bat file.

  10. 5 hours ago, Toonu said:

    I use for aerodynamics only FAR, not RealEngines or AdvJetEngines. I use B9ProcWings and some other mods, some parts from B9, but mainly stock+B9ProcWings. The craft is very good at flying. I can turn in it at 15G at Mach 1+ without problems. I can fly with it very good, but as I said autopilot have problems with afterburner. I don't think I need to modify the jet, just modify autopilot slightly.


      Reveal hidden contents

    It's F-22A made for my Empire Air Forces :D

    First model F-22A is armed with 8x AIM-120 and 2x Paveway IV

    Second model F-22S is stealh and have only 4x AIM-120 covered in bays




    And craft file.....

    I give u the F-22A


    Mods used:


    B9/B9PWings(I'm not sure about B9, maybe I have on it only PWings)

    BDA of course, with BDMk22Cockpits, RedvsBlue bay, 



    TweakScale (but idk if I changed size of smth)

    And my own rockets for RvB bay, because AIM-120 don't get there good, I've take one rocket from RvB and change config to AIM-120 characteristic, it just have wrong size. But real plane can have in bay AIM-120 or paveway IV....... I removed them from file...


    You have a few more mods than that in use (and working versions of bd mk22 cockpits and red vs blue are almost impossible to find) but nonetheless I was able to track everything down. Testing without the autopilot showed a couple of problems that may or may not have to do with the autopilot crashing your jet. 1- you don't seem to have enough air intake, the right engine flames out whenever pulling hard manoeuvres and causes stability issues, especially when using engines with that kind of vectoring. 2- at what altitude are you flying at? at high altitudes ~6km everything works exactly as it should (most of the time), at lower altitudes however it seems to be extremely prone to stalls and flat spins unless you know how to bring it under control (pretty easy for a human - just tone down the manoeuvre and correct the roll angle - but the AI is focused on facing the enemy)

    After testing it with the AI... I see your problem (Long story short FAR doesn't like manoeuvrable jets), I was able to get a configuration where the jet flew stably but the solution I got was to basically make it less manoeuvrable, therefore less effective in combat. You can change the values to make them a bit higher than I did but the most important thing is to disable the vectoring on the engines, the reason you say it loses control when the afterburners activate is because of the added manoeuvrability the engines suddenly give.



    Other than reducing the AI manoeuvrability there's not much else I can suggest other than removing FAR, with stock aerodynamics this jet would fly perfectly.

    Also, not sure if you are aware of this but your radar module appears to be pointing backwards.

  11. 43 minutes ago, dark jam said:

    wait the AI can land aircraft aswell


    When I say land I really mean successfully glide to the ground and come to a standstill without destroying any other parts after losing all engine power, beyond that I don't think the AI actually has a 'land' command and I can't see anything in the wing commander menu. Would definitely be a cool feature though.:(

    That being said... If you shut down the engines on your craft the AI will not automatically reactivate them and it will flatten out the craft and lower it's gears when below a certain altitude. It therefore can with a bit of luck, proper engineering and the manual shutdown of engines essentially land an aircraft. This is somewhat dangerous though, I make no promises that your kerbals, or especially the rear-end of your aircraft will survive. Don't expect it to line up with a runway or anything either.

  12. 5 hours ago, Toonu said:

    ...But that's minor thing. Because I need help guys. I can't figure out how to setup autopilot at my plane. I'm trying it for long time and still autopilot get to major stall and just crash into ground after maaany spins. Pilot flew great, until he activate afterburner, then plane will get unstable and get into spin....when I fly with it, afterburner is good, but AI is AI....any ideas? I can give you craft file for tests..or photos...ideas?...

    If you can give a link to download the craft and whatever mods you might be using I will try it out, from your description it seems that you might just need to modify your jet a bit to get proper ratios and control. If you're using any mods that change how aerodynamics work then also just see if it works with these mods disabled.

    The AI is also actually surprisingly good, I've had is successfully fly jets with one wing and land aircraft with 90% of their parts blown off in a battle, but then again I've also had it nosedive jets into the ground at mach 2 and faster.

  13. 4 hours ago, Cdodders said:

    I meant so I can place the turrets facing forward, in line with the ship and only rotate to one side for example

    That is not currently possible as far as I know, but the solution that was given does solve the problem and as the broadside guns would usually be used to fire on targets to either side of the ship it actually allows for faster aiming on the target. Using broadside guns as broadside guns also makes it look a lot better and can give more firepower (you don't have one gun pointing into the back of another, so all will fire.)

  14. 23 hours ago, Artfact said:

    ...Made a Ju 52 and Spitfire and had a little turkey shoot. Had the guns totally misaligned but managed to clip the tail with a 20mm so the Junkers had to burrow itself into the hills...

    You can easily align guns by pressing F2 in the SPH/VAB, you can even angle them so that they will harmonize at a certain distance.

    What mods did you use to make those aircraft? They look awesome.

  15. 14 minutes ago, Planetfall said:

    Hi, This mod looks real interesting (AI!) but my computer said there were viruses on the Github link. D: 

    has anyone gotten a virus from this, or is my computer overreacting?

    What antivirus are you using? Avast is particularly infamous for false positives...

    Also, no virus. Bitdefender picks up nothing and I've had no reason to suspect a virus on my pc at all.

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