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Everything posted by Theysen

  1. But 1.3.1 will never leave my heart. Will change, thanks!
  2. Hey @Avera9eJoe, *when* I play stock I still grab this as its so pure and nice One question though which came up now as I got a new stock install up, will you at some point retouch the scatterer ocean configs? Because - and I hope I didn't botch anything - under certain conditions you can't tell them apart from the land mass, they're all one of the same green/brownish mud. Cheers!
  3. Okay @michal.don that’s great to hear. To clarify what Atmospheric Autopilot *would* do is nothing more than holding attitude, the same as pressing T for stock SAS. It neither flies any profile or specific launch trajectories. Its just a lot „finer“ than the seemingly broken stock SAS. As I said, it’s no biggie for me to use stock SAS for ascent though mission 2 is basically done already, coming soon I hope
  4. No problem, I can definitely do this manually Then scrap my post above - I'll do it on entirely on video, makes it more legit
  5. Hello, while usually dabbling around in RO I've come to seek some diversion and especially challenge with the stock scale and mechanics, what place is better than this one here? Since I actually have a decent shuttle lying around for some time now, I hope I can make an entry here? Despite the shuttle being build with pure stock parts, the following gameplay mods are used: KER, RCS Build Aid and EditorExtensions for the Editor Atmospheric Autopilot for basically all operations during flight (Is that "allowed"? I can't be bothered with the stock PID controller ..) Visual mods and sound enhancements just for the viewing pleasure I plan to make videos of the upcoming challenges, but I hope for the STS-1a entry an imgur album is sufficient? If all mods are given a "go" and the pictures are enough to evaluate my efforts, I'd like to very well join! This is my orbiter, meet the Fortuity. and here's my mission album for the STS-1a mission, going to orbit and landing back down. https://imgur.com/a/bDkFdLp
  6. UPDATE: Realism Overhaul v12.5.0 for 1.3.1 & 1.4.5 Changelog: Fix FASA MOL cargo bay Update universal storage configs Fix KK Star48b typo Update SABRE engine configs MMRTG model reference update B9 configs updates Update SSTU MU tank fairings to work with smaller sizes Add new Launchers Pack configs, raptor, ITS New resized RO parts Update and fix BDB configs Many new additions and fixes to SSTU parts Update F1, J2, LMDE, LMAE global engine configs Update Probes Plus configs for new parts Remove asteroid patch Fix lv1 solar panel scale Fix mass calculation of engine clusters Fix RSB bugs Moved several parts from Utility to Electrical tabs Fixes for fuel cells Add new Nk-9 configs CO2 scrubbers fixes Fix voyager antenna scale Fix missing EC on FASA parts Remove SAS modules from parts that shouldn't have them Added plumes for many parts including atlas boosters, RL-10 for FASA and fixes Many additions for Raidernick parts and craft files NOTE: Does NOT support DLC parts yet, that will be coming in the next release Thanks to @AnticlockwisePropeller, @raidernick, @Max-Q, @winged7, @PhineasFreak, @Relic13, @jeremy-penn, @rsparkyc, @Tidal-Stream, @DocRockwell, @MikeOnTea, @1724673, @RoboRay, @Starwaster, @pap1723, @ec429, @leudaimon, @Bornholio and @Theysen for work on this latest update! DOWNLOAD HERE: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/releases/tag/v12.5.0 (Give it some time for the CKAN indexer to update their repository) HAPPY LAUNCHES!
  7. Was it also tested with the mods we use in RO/RP-1 though like TestFlight, RealFuels and the likes? It may very well be that the culprit lies in the in a mod interaction there instead of the pure base game. But reading won’t help us until we can actually test it , so every help is welcome
  8. I'd actually NOT install RealPlume with what is currently sitting on the master branch of this mod on GitHub. 11/10 !
  9. ^ From the TexturesUnlimited thread op, which you most likely installed during SSTU installation. You have to use DX11 or GL, unfortunately.
  10. It is locked. End of statement. There really is nothing more to say about it other than you always can check the Kopernikus thread title and use the version that is listed there for the newest version of KSP / Kopernicus. (There are backports for the last two major stable versions of KSP usually).
  11. UPDATE FOR KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM 1.4.5 Updated for KSP 1.4.5 Added a patch to fix the density and size of the asteroids. Cleaned up the RSS source to remove obsolete code. Thanks to PhineasFreak for providing the patches and fixes for this release. Follow the usual installation steps and enjoy the real solar system experience in KSP 1.4.5!
  12. The three mods you listed are fundamental for RO / RSS. And to be honest, it wouldn't consider it "halting" a release, just view 1.3.1 as the base version for RO to remain on until we eventually someday update it to 1.4.X whatever the version of KSP is current. Are there actually features absolutely needed for RO? I didn't bother to check but saw the many bugs, fixes and issues still remaining with the current version of KSP. 1.3.1 is nice and stable. If FAR and other mods remain on 1.3.1, we will too. I think the big update will happen once RP-1 *might* be released, otherwise there is no rush whatsoever. :)
  13. Spinning up before payload release is normal procedure to ensure proper separation. Almost any launcher goes with such a procedure. For example you can look at the Ariane user guide and the values , turn rate and angles are completely documented so the customer knows what he has to prepare for. Of course there are many configurations and customer wishes but spinning up is nominal.
  14. RP-0 is a complete addition to RO, you can’t run it on your own, it’s a hard dependency.
  15. Thread OP and title always has the newest released version in it , no testing at this point
  16. Seems like latest Launchers Pack has features on them from the new 1.4, make sure to get the version for 1.3.1, our configs are a year old, might be changes in the mod itself which we need to adapt.
  17. Exactly. Make the configs and Test them and then PLEASE - submit them to the RO GitHub repo so they don’t start scattering and become „exclusive“ to some people, were a big community and we’d love to have the same basis for everyone.
  18. We should make KRE by embersarc compatible
  19. known bug. you need to add a procedural weight for the amount of your kerbals (100kg per kerbal?), design your vessel and then delete the proc weight and add the kerbals before launch. In flight it is correct.
  20. This is actually needed as KSP doesn't support axial tilt, so RSS tilts all planets around Earth to maintain proper inclinations. Principia implements axial tilt, by the way but it also implements n-body physics.
  21. Updated release available! Changelog for v12.1.0 for KSP 1.3.1 Add support for smart parts Fix NEXT ion thruster Add support for new ProbesPlus parts Correct SSTU orion mass Fix AJ10-190 fuel ratio Update RSB configs Fix SSTU module manager errors Add GCRC srb config Fix X-15 cockpit Various Raidernick config fixes including LOK/LK, Pioneer, Molniya and Luna Add support for RN N1 rocket Fix RN remotetech configs and add for new parts https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/releases/tag/v12.1.0
  22. Update available! Update custom asteroids compatibility for 1.3+ Fix earth terrain noise for changes in ksp 1.4.x, still works in 1.3.1 Fixed the problem with the normal maps for Ceres and Vesta, requires update of rss textures pack RealSolarSystem plugin: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/releases/tag/v13.1.0 Textures: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures/releases/tag/v13.1 Enjoy!
  23. you most likely have FAR craft files in the KSP/ships thumbs, vab and sph folders. Try to manually delete them and CKAN won't cry about them.
  24. As already said - the op will be reworked completely. What are you running ? For RSS there is RSSVE , EVE 1.2.1-1 and scatterer 0320b are required.
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