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Posts posted by Patrykz94

  1. I have a bit of a problem with parts (a specific part) failing due to atmospheric stresses. Is there a way to increase a part's strength through a MM config?

    I have KJR installed and this is in a RO/RP-0 game. The issue happens quite often during reentry (doing a Falcon 9 landing).

    I'd mostly be looking for a part config since this pretty much always happens to the center engine but any suggestions are welcome.


    Thanks in advance

  2. 2 hours ago, FumbeiNumbie said:

    Hi! How do you calculate suicide burn time?

    Answer in the spoiler below (as it's not really relevant to the thread).


    Well, now it works quite a bit different than in the video I linked. I updated it so that depending on how much fuel (or more precisely DeltaV) it has left, it will either land like this or like this (there are also two intermediate settings).

    BTW, this is not a "real" suicide burn and can be improved a lot but it works for now.

    I have a function that takes in the current surface velocity, number of engiens to use during landing and the thrust setting that you'd like to use, and it calculates roughly how long it will take you to decelerate from that speed. This is not very accurate because due to gravity losses, you need to use more deltaV than the velocity you passed in but the atmospheric drag evens it out so it works pretty well for me.

    Then I use two more functions, landBurnHeight() which calculates the distance that rocket will cover during the burn, or in other words at what altitude the burn needs to start, and landBurnSpeed() which keeps calculating what speed the rocket should be moving at based on altitude (exact altitude above the landing pad) and predicted burn time.

    That's the first part of the burn and it varies depending on what configuration you've chosen (1 engine or 3 and the throttle level). The second part of the burn is responsible for a smooth touchdown and it works exactly the same, regardles of what config you use, and this is just an equation that makes the rocket touch down at the minimum thrust it can produce with just 1 engine. A nearly empty Falcon 9 with 1 engine running at minimum throttole (around 36%) has a thrust-to-weight ratio of around 1.3 so it's not able to hover.

    Then I just use a simple PID loop to match the rocket speed to the one calculated by landBurnSpeed() at first and then the one calculated by the other equation.

    I will seriously need to rewrite the script to make it more clear and hopefully run faster.

    And as for the issue I had with the aero stress destroying the rocket, it seems to be kind of working properly now.

  3. Hi,

    I'm making a Falcon 9 landing script with kOS (here's an earlier version of it in action) and after recently updating some mods (many mods), I'm having a bit of trouble with Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly during reentry, usually when the drag force on the vehicle passes ~600kN.

    It is always the Merlin-1D engine (from Launchers Pack) that fails due to atmospheric stresses first, taking the rest of the rocket with it. So my question is, is there a way to increase the parts strenght with a config? I tried increasing the breakingForce and breakingTorque but thay didn't seem to do much, unless I just didn't increase it high enough (tried 2000 each).

    Thanks in advance.

  4. On 24.05.2016 at 2:21 PM, svendii said:

    They come in three different sizes for the diameters of the stock tanks. Not sure whether they will fit the Falcon 9 though.

    Would you be able to make them more suitable for Realism Overhaul for real-life sized Falcon 9 (3.66 meters diameter)? I built a Falcon 9 with accurate dimensions and everything and the 3.75m legs look a bit too big and they stick out a little bit from the rocket (as in there is a little bit of empty space between the rocket and the legs) so I need to move it manually.

    Other than that, the mod is awesome!

    BTW. Having them in white would be great as well :)

  5. I can confirm that I did have an issues with resized fins, I did remove parts 1-by-1 from the craft and found that whenever I had resized fins attached, my craft would slowly raise even when attached to launch clamps, after a while it was starting to shake uncontrollably and crashed my game a few times. Didn't happen with regular non-resized fins. This was in the previous version thoug.

    In the version that came out yesterday (5th of March) I noticed another bug (don't know if it was there before but I noticed it now) I installed MFT again as it says that the compatibility for it was fixed. Whenever i resize a fuel tank or any part that can store fuel with MFT, the dry mass of the parts is calculated incorrectly. It shows the correct dry mass on the right click menu in VAB (thats what MFT displays I believe) but the actual dry mass of the part is different and when parts are scaled down it can go to negative. I tested to see if it is just a bug in displaying the mass incorrectly in the VAB but on the launchpad, a craft with negative mass with slowly start raising and if there is any other part on the craft that has mass, the craft flips around so that part is on the bottom (makes sense since it's heavier). This doesn't happen when I resize a procedural tank so I'm guessing it is an issue with tweak scale calculating dry mass incorrectly.

  6. I'm having a little issue. I just got the FungEye Telescope into orbit and took a picture of the Mun (actually I probably took 5 as I didn't know if it works, there was no message). Now the science window popped up and it has 5 results. Each of them is worth 3.2 science and the bars are only about 1/10 filled but whenever I click Keep Experiment or Transmit Data, nothing seem to happen and the debug log says:

    [Log]: CactEye 2: Logical Error 3: SkinStored is null!

    [Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    The science window doesn't disappear and it still says theres five of these experiments, when I transmit, it does give me a tiny amount of science but the experiment is still there.

  7. @taniwha I haven't tested it but this is the most recent changelog of TweakScale:


    * fix scaling of the root part

    * update for 1.1
    * Workaround for the camera breaking (root part scaling is still broken)
    * support for new stock parts
    * shrinking science and probe cores makes them more expensive
      (only changed for stock so far)
    * update for the OPT v1.8 test release

    BTW. I've been using TweakScale for around a year now and never encountered the bug you talked about.

  8. Hi all.

    I have a problem with the Launch Escape System, not sure if it is because of AGX exactly.

    I made the abort action group and added the option for it to activate LES, a decoupler and a fairing. When I press the abort button, the fairing and decouplers do their job but the Launch escape system doesn't start. It says that the engine is activated and on the staging section on the left off the screen it displays the fuel bar as if it was working, but the actual engines don't ignite and after I right click on it, its says the status is off. Same happens when I activate it by clicking activate. It works just fine when I start it via staging but that's obviously not how it's supposed to be used. Am I missing something?


    Looks like this only happens when I use the actual abort action group. If I use any of the regular action groups for example AG 1 then the LES fires just fine.

  9. Hey Mike. Awesome mod.

    The only thing Is that the Dream Chaser wouldn't fit inside the Shuttle (in reality). Dream Chaser has a wingspan of around 7 Meters (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream_Chaser; http://www.space.com/19551-dream-chaser-space-plane-flight-test.html) and the payload bay of the Shuttle is only 4.6 Meters wide (http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Human_Spaceflight/Space_Shuttle/Shuttle_technical_facts).

    EDIT: Wrote this before looking at your last post.

  10. Hi. Is anyone else having an issue with the nose gear acting strangely?

    For me, when I land it just keeps suddenly stopping every few seconds. When it does that, the whole front of the Shuttle bends. Not sure if it's an issue with brakes or something.

    And a question to the dev. Could you make the parts more expensive? At the moment it is unrealisticly cheap to build the whole Shuttle with fuel and everything for 29k while a regular MK3 Cockpit itself costs 21k.

    I made a shuttle with some stock parts and couple of mods and the newest version of it (I was rebuilding it a few times) costs 207k and weights 605 tons with the whole launch system.

  11. I've been using ATM up through the .90 release(s), and it worked great. It doesn't help much in 1.02, however, as everyone has already talked about. What worked for me, using a GTX-660 Nvidia card, was the -force-d3d11 flag at the end of the shortcut's target. Dropped from 3.6GB RAM usage at startup (right at the x86 version of the game's limit, in Win7 x64, for reference) to 1.8GB! Chopped memory usage IN HALF, outright.

    For other graphics cards, this may not be helpful. Forcing OpenGL may work instead.

    Am I correct to assume that the game defaults to DX9? Is that why the DX11 flag works so well?

    SAVIOR!! Big thanks man. I just tried that and got my ram down from slightly over 3,6GB which was crashing within a few minutes of startup. Just applied as the startup parameter on steam and its now only taking ~2,3GB (I have a lot of mods installed).

    Really recommend people to try this.

  12. Thanks for the feedback!

    Can you give me a bit more detail? Are all the parts stock or are some part mod parts? I've done countless transfers to many combinations and have had no issue. I've been using a space station for testing, so I have up to 30 tanks to play with...

    Is the issue from source to target or target to source or matters not?

    Any additional info you can provide would help. also, if you go to Settings, Config, and turn on verbose logging and the debug window. there will be an output generated. click on save and post that. It will hlep with the troubleshooting.


    I'm not able to provide the log because once the game frezes i can't click on anything. I have instead taken a few screenshots which show when this happened.

    It doesn't seem to matter which way I'm transfering the resource or whether it is a modded or stock fuel tank. When I transfer LiquidFuel and Oxidizer (at the same time) I'm only able to transfer from 1 tank to up to 2 other tanks. I can also transfer from 2 to other 2 tanks without issues. Transfering to 3 tanks freezes the game.



    I have tired only LiquidFuel and only Oxidizer and then the problem first occured when transfering it from 1 to 5 tanks. However in this case It did transfer some of the fuel prior to freeze. It usually freezes right when you press the Xfer button.


    I have also tried the Monopropellant and that gave the same result as LiquidFuel + Oxidizer.


    I have many mods installed, here is the screenshot of my GameData contents.


    Let me know if there is anything else I can test.

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