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Posts posted by Recon777

  1. ...I'm having a really, really difficult time finding how any of my response was biting the head off of someone. I explained that I was confused with the asking, that I don't deal with CKAN except for the problems that it causes for me, and that CKAN's problems are best kept to CKAN channels and with CKAN's people. Not wanting anything to do with CKAN and complaining that it has caused issues is being a jerk now?

    Well, as someone relatively new to KSP and this community, seeing this unfold leads me to what one would think would be the most obvious solution...

    Mod author does not want to be involved with CKAN, but is regularly burdened by CKAN-related inquiries from people who are not aware of the compatibility issues.

    Mod author does not actually care if CKAN lists his mod if it were capable of installing the thing correctly.

    Mod author prefers that people have his mod correctly installed and fully functional.

    Mod author is irritated by the policies/conflict surrounding the CKAN people.

    The most obvious solution from my perspective would be for the mod author to work with the CKAN people so that it installs the mod correctly, thus eliminating all CKAN-related inquiries from people having problems because they installed the mod with CKAN. As far as what "work with" looks like, from what I can tell, all it entails is simply saying "go for it". Nevermind that things have been done without permission already anyway and the request for permission seems to be an inconsistent policy. Who cares? If this whole thing can be resolved by saying "go for it" then why not do exactly that?

  2. Out of curiosity, is the lander can not meant to reenter Kerbin? I sent Bob to Minmus to grab some science. I ended up using the lander can for whatever reason. I don't actually know what its advantage is over a command pod. But I couldn't keep it from exploding on reentry. The 1.25m heat shield did look like maybe it didn't cover everything. There was plenty ablator left when it blew. Then I thought - maybe these aren't meant to come back to Kerbin at all.


    I have a CKAN sprint scheduled for this Sunday, which I was hoping to use to get our issues list under control, but which I'll sink into all things metadata and compatibility if required.

    ~ pjf

    This is good news! I think I will hold off upgrading to 1.0.4 until after you get a solution online. Currently, my 1.0.2 instance has 66 mods installed, but only 35 can be installed by CKAN for 1.0.4. I'd really rather not manually install thirty-one mods, especially since manually installing seems to disconnect CKAN from being able to manage updates for those mods. Keeping up with sixty-six moving targets by manually watching for updates is crazy difficult. Had enough of that with Minecraft. Very grateful for CKAN!! Although somewhat confused at some of the hate out there for it. For instance if I venture onto the FAR thread, they talk as if anyone who doesn't install manually is some kind of lazy moron. Apparently they don't think CKAN does a very good job installing their mod. Anyway, I think it's a fantastic tool that takes a big headache out of mod use. I just wish it worked with 1.0.4. That's fine though - 1.0.2 is still playable and I can wait a week or so for the fix.

    I do recommend putting something in the UI to force compatibility though. Having it "command line" only is almost as bad as a manual install. Nobody is going to want to do it that way.

  4. Well, I guess all your mods are just in the Game Data folder which contains the Squad folder only by default. So just everything from the fresh steam install over to your modded game would update your current install *no warranty given*

    That would disjoint everything from CKAN, making the manager believe that everything was installed manually, and thus not keep them up to date. Hmm it seems that only about half the mods are compatible anymore! What's with that? CKAN is showing 263 compatible mods where in the 1.0.2 instance it shows 510.

  5. Is there an easy way to update the game to the latest version? I have a Steam copy but I play with several dozen mods active in a SEPARATE folder. Of course, only my Steam copy stays up to date, so which files do I copy over so that my modded instance is up to date?

  6. I just noticed that TAC Life Support doesn't have its button available in Toolbar anymore since using x64. Does anyone else have this issue? The mod itself seems to be working. The TAC Life Support items are still available to add to the ship. But no interface button, which is kind of important for estimating how many days worth of food you've got on board.

  7. FAR seems still a bit buggy, but unrelated to 64/32 bit (for me at least).

    I removed FAR after experiencing some weird behavior in flight (in 64 bit as well as in my parallel 32 bit install without AVP/KSPRC). I had random debris spawning every few seconds around my ship, and sometimes there was no drag while falling through the atmosphere, even with deployed parachutes. Deleting FAR solved this behavior, or maybe it's the chutes light plugin, idk.

    I don't have the time right now to reproduce it and write a bug report, I think I wait until the next FAR release before I install it again.

    It definitely was loaded properly, I needed roughly 800-1000 less deltaV to get in LKO.

    I just tested and found FAR for me acts like there is no atmosphere on Kerbin. Just a basic starter rocket: command pod, flea SRB, mk16 parachute. The rocket went up to about 15km high and by the time it started going back down it kept accelerating faster and faster regardless of atmosphere density. When I deployed the chute, it did NOTHING to slow down and Jeb plowed into the ground at about 550m/s.

  8. Yup, I got FAR and KJR working by using this at the very least. But, FERRAM and any other modder: If you are checking my profile because I have reported some odd bug, that bug is from my, or has at least been reproduced on my 32-bit install.

    Wait... are you saying FAR works? Because some of the comments suggest otherwise. FAR is a fairly big deal, and probably the main reason I hesitate to use this hack if the mod won't work with it. If FAR works, I may switch over for my main playthrough.

    The only mods I have really confirmed to not work are Deadly Reentry and RealChutes. Both of these are really great mods for making more challenging but not impossible reentry. Since that's a fairly small part of the game, I can probably live without it in exchange for having no more memory restrictions.

  9. Using KJR? (KerbalJointReinforcement)

    If you do it might be the problem with the save, KJR will not run on a 64bit KSP.

    Yes actually, I am using KJR. I'm wondering what other mods won't run on x64.

    Actually, REMOVING that mod doesn't fix the problem. My existing satellite solars still explode.

    Not only that, but the Mk1 command pod also explodes for new rockets put on the launch pad. (will try and narrow down the culprit mod)

    [uPDATE] Okay, actually Kerbal Joint Reinforcement wasn't the problem at all. It was Deadly Reentry! Sadly, having that mod installed will NOT work with x64. I removed it and now my solar panels and command pods are fine. Will continue to test, maybe with a brand new career save, and see what problems I find. I'm a bit disappointed to have to nix DR because honestly reentry is SO forgiving in vanilla it's kind of crazy.

    Bugs I've noticed:

    1. My KSC buildings all look upgraded, and the game thinks they are upgraded but they really aren't. This means I can't actually upgrade them in career mode. Could be a problem.

    Though... I noticed they revert to their unupgraded state after exiting the VAB, so maybe this is okay.

    2. RealChutes doesn't work. Also, since its parachute part category is missing, the Mk16 parachute is also missing and you have to uninstall RealChutes to get it.

    In addition, I'm not sure why, but my Mk16 parachute didn't open in time to save Jeb from a fiery death just from the very first rocket launch "capsule on top of the RT-5 Flea SRB". This propelled him up past Mach 1.5 in a few seconds and topped out above 15km in altitude. The descent was so fast the parachute had no time to act. I tried angling it out for a more shallow ascent but that didn't help either. The terminal velocity seems to be a whole lot higher for me now.

    These are the mods I'm using. If anything on this list is known to NOT work, please let me know.

    Of course, I plan on adding a bunch of mods since... that's the whole point of x64 right? ^_^

    Does anyone have a quick list of the best mods to add which are usually too high in memory use to be worth it in 32 bit?


  10. Has anyone had some strange things happen when loading an existing savegame? I installed this hack, and loaded up a copy of my usual career game. Went to check up on a couple satellites and the instant they came on the screen all the solar panels exploded! They literally blew up right off the satellites. Each one did this.

  11. For you MLP fans out there:

    Last year I had this particular artist make the cover art for a story I'm writing, and I noticed she's got one that reminds me of a certain awesome game, so I thought I'd share. ^_^



  12. I have no idea if this is a mod related bug or not, but I have several standard mods installed so I'm posting here.

    I've got a problem where a kerbal on EVA enters a command pod and becomes cloned. They enter, but a copy of them is still outside. The game then gets confused as to what the situation is. I had this happen in the tutorial scenarios but not in the actual game until today where I was trying to do a couple "rescue kerbals from low orbit" missions. I did my rendezvous and put the kerbal on EVA to be rescued. Then the clone bug happened. So, I just took off leaving the copy adrift. Did the 2nd rendezvous and this time the kerbal doesn't go in even though the game acts like they went in. I get no video of their face, so I'm not sure what's going on. Either way there's some sort of clone bug in the game and I'm wondering if anyone knows why. I've seen others post similar problems but nobody has an answer.

    Here's a video showing what I mean. Looks like any kerbal doing EVA is going to get cloned every time now. I'm not sure if this is a corrupted install now and I have to start over or what. Hopefully the save itself is not corrupted. Did not have this problem yesterday.

    [edit] It would seem to be a problem with my save file. When I use a save I made a couple days ago, I don't have this problem. It would still be nice to know what's going on. I'll keep a copy of the bad save in case anyone needs to see it.

  13. Norman Dean? Is that you?

    lol wut?

    If you watch the video, the gyro in the demonstration doesn't actually rise - it rotates about the pitch axis of the support structure. The appearance of moving perpendicular to the (assumed) plane of precession is caused by the actual vector of precession (after the force is applied externally by the demonstrator's hand) being different from the planes the movement of the gyro is constrained to by those supports, so some of it comes out in the pitch plane, some in the roll plane.

    Ahh, yes, of course. That makes sense. So it's not actually moving in a straight line, and only rotates about a center point, which if inside a spacecraft would just make the craft rotate but not actually get anywhere. Ah well.

  14. Adjust your peri within the atmosphere to taste(until you don't explode).

    Use Alt+F12 -> Physics -> Thermal -> Display Termal information in menus and check how hot the parts get.

    The US pods may be overheating, you need to adjust your Pe within the atmosphere until you find an angle where you don't burn out.

    3000 m/s or so is normal for Minmus return(+/- 200m/s) and I've never had a problem with US pods burning up (Make sure you update US, not only DRE, FAR too if you have it).

    Also, post an output log, which for Windows is located in KSPinstalldir/KSP_Data/output_log.txt.

    When you hear/see and explosion press F3, which will pause the game and bring up a log of all flight events, where you will be able to see what exploded and why right away.

    Are you using the latest version of DRE from last night? The previous version went through many iterations, mostly distributred via direct links to cfgs and dll files by Starwaster, some of which you may have missed.

    Wow, thanks. That looks like a lot of good info. I'll see if I can make it work. Maybe I went in too steep, but I set up my Pe from the Mun's orbit, not correcting it after. If I recall, it was 20km or so. Is it a good strategy to bleed off speed by entering the upper atmosphere and then skipping back into orbit for another pass?

  15. Reaction wheels on a spacecraft can orient the craft but cannot translate it through space, right? Well, I was watching this video which talks about the effect of gyroscopic procession.

    At this point of the video, a very interesting thing caught my curiosity. By applying angular force to a spinning flywheel, the wheel itself appears to move perpendicular to the plane of procession. The quote in the video is this: "If you force a gyroscope to process faster, it lifts up."

    So, I must be missing something because from that statement alone, it would seem that you could take a flywheel that is on the end of a rotating shaft and apply motor force to the shaft, thus forcing it to process faster, thus translating your craft forward in space without any propellant. Is this for real or am I missing something?

  16. I may not have spotted it but what actually IS the solution then if you want to match inclination with your parent body's orbit (not its rotation)? I tried doing exactly what the OP was talking about here last night. Was orbiting the Mun and wanted to line up with the Mun's orbit around Kerbin. MJ gives you "equatorial inclination" but what if the parent body itself is inclined relative to its orbit? Like in the case of Earth, if you wanted to shoot off in the same plane as Earth's orbit around the sun, you'd have to line up with that orbit and NOT its equatorial rotation. How is this done other than by using the Mk1 Eyeball?

  17. Hey there. Love the mod. But I have a question.

    So, I'm relatively new to the game and I went to the Mun for the first time to do some orbital science and come back. I've been making a lot of successful landings on Kerbin with Deadly Reentry installed, but this time I was not so lucky.

    The reentry capsule was a normal Mk1 capsule with two Universal Storage "quad storage" bays (8 segments filled with science gear) beneath it. Under the bottom science bay was a standard heat shield which I've been using without incident since starting the career. The reentry from the Mun was a bit faster than usual though, coming in somewhere about 3000m/s. I heard things start exploding but couldn't tell what was getting destroyed because the craft looked fine at least what I could see through the flames. Then suddenly it all just blew up. The heat shield wasn't even a third depleted yet either. Did I do something wrong? Is there a trick to coming back in from farther than a normal Kerbin orbit in order to survive? Can I bring back my universal storage pods?

  18. IRL, if CoL is ahead of CoM, the plane will be unstable, and you will crash. That is quite realistic. The problem is your flight simulators have properly designed craft, but your craft is not properly desiigned (by you, not the game)

    That's true, and I had considered it. Though, I have to say that even with the stock planes it still doesn't feel like real flight. Hop in FSX and fly around in an F-18 Hornet or P-51 Mustang, and the flight dynamic feels entirely different. KSP planes feel like a ball that just flies around the sky with the model of a plane that pivots around the ball acting on the air in various ways depending on what you do with the control surfaces. Not the best description I know, but it really doesn't feel like an actual plane. Maybe that's partially because these are planes made of rocket parts and they wouldn't fly like normal planes? I'm not sure, but it could be. The way momentum and drag behave feels all wrong. When do these things stall, anyway?

    Something else I probably should try is using a joystick. Flying with keys is not only counterintuitive, but doesn't allow for graduated pressure on the control surfaces. In real life, slamming the stick around all-or-nothing is a fast way to crash your plane.

    Yor rear wheels should be either slightly behind the CoM

    When I try that, the plane starts off with its engine touching the ground. Even with CoM in front of the rear wheels (by a small amount) the game starts with a physics jolt of some kind which puts the plane on its ass.

    It seems from what everyone is saying that there's a whole lot more to this than it seems. Maybe most of the parts which can make a nice spaceplane are unlocked much, much later. For me just starting out, I have the basic science node unlocked but that only gives you the parts to make essentially one plane - the plane I made. There really isn't much room for flexibility as far as I can tell. It'd take me 500 more science to unlock all the parts to get the Aeris 3A. I'd like to, but wow 500 science is a lot. And that's only three nodes!

  19. Your rear landing gear is too far behind your CoM to let you move your CoL back with the existing control surfaces. You want CoL a bit behind CoM, and the rear gear just under or barely behind the CoM.

    Ah. Didn't know the landing gear was meant to be so far forward. I'll try that.

    Out of curiosity, I looked up the parts for the Aeris 3A. I'd have to unlock the following:

    90 science for Landing

    90 science for Aerodynamics

    160 science for SupersonicFlight

    160 science for AdvancedExploration (Just for the ladder!)

    Sooo... that's 500 science! Not gonna happen anytime soon, methinks.

  20. According to those screenshots, CommSats 0.1 and 0.2 have inclination issues (inclination is not below 1.0 degrees).

    Ooooh!!! I didn't even notice that. I figured since the "Direct Connection" requirement was still showing as white, that this was the issue.

    So, I just fixed the inclinations for 0.1 and 0.2 and now is has ALL four sats green and is "Performing shake-out testing 1 day". WOOT!! :D


    Um... well when the 6 hour timer ran out, it RESET! Why is it doing a second shake-out test for an additional day?

    [EDIT 2]

    Oops, I forgot it was a 2 day test. I thought "shake-out testing 1 day" was the title, and the 6 hour timer was the one day. Then it switched to "just" 5 hours and change, without the "1 day" prefix.

    Although - in my haste to get it done, I time warped to 1000x, and that caused it to think it temporarily lost connection between satellites, thus resetting my counter. *facepalm*

    All done now though! Contract FINALLY complete after two days of real life work. lol

    I'll let you know if I have further issues. I plan on setting up the Mun and Minmus coverage networks next. Already accepted the contracts and got one Mun satellite in a perfect orbit.

  21. Can you successfully fly a included stock or spacecraft exchange plane built by someone else?

    I tried the Aeris 3A just now, and it seems pretty easy to fly, although it feels entirely unrealistic. I guess this is simply not anything like real life aircraft. I did notice that it wanted to pitch up, even with the throttle at 0%. I found that really strange because 0% throttle should cause the airspeed to go way down. It's almost like the plane has no drag.

    Anyway, I was able to get from point A to point B pretty easily in the Aeris 3A, which I suppose is the whole point. It's not a flight simulator. I still found it very difficult to actually come to a stop once landed. The landing gear brakes are next to useless and forward momentum seems to be really hard to bleed off whether in the air or on the ground.

    Regarding the plane I've been trying to build, yeah it's just meant to be whatever can be put together with the first science node having to do with spaceplanes. Maybe I need to just wait until I unlock some more advanced parts? Seems strange that the entry level parts don't give you enough to make a useful plane from. I did remove the oxidizer cause I saw someone's video recommend that. Also, very appreciative of the tip to switch yaw control only to the tail fin. I didn't know that was something you could do.

  22. Move the CoL back so that is maybe a quarter of one of those 400 tanks behind, at least (in this picture somewhere slightly ahead of the rear landing gear). Personally I would change it down to a single fuel tank to start (jet engines are VERY efficient) and use one of the plane ones (liquid fuel only) if you can. If that still doesn't work try swapping out the Delta Deluxe Winglets for one of the canards or other surfaces where the entire thing moves.

    Moving CoL to that point makes it unable to lift off. So, centering it on the CoM and maybe *slightly* behind it gives stable flight. Though, I still can't land without something blowing up like the engine coming off. Even a very very gentle landing on the bumpy grasslands west of KSC blows something up. The whole flight model is so unlike real planes, maybe I'm just not knowing the rules. For some reason cutting the throttle to 0% still allows the plane to fly for ages and doesn't slow down enough to stall and stay on the ground for a landing.

    Regarding the construction, well I had the T400 tanks on so that there would be room for all the parts. Removing one crams things together so tight that it doesn't all fit, so 3 tanks are needed. Also, I don't have any of the other parts because I'm trying to make a viable aircraft with just the initial set of spaceplane parts that are unlocked in the game.

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