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Posts posted by Nefrums

  1. I tried to make a long range plane,  I hade som initial promising results with a plane flew above Mach5, while using less than 0.04 fuel/s but it took two thirds of the fuel to get up to speed, so it only got 2500km.

    After several attempts I made a very light wight plane that flew slightly above Mach2 with a fuel consumption below 0.014 with drag of less than 7kN, That actually got 4500km before failing to land...


  2. 42 minutes ago, Kergarin said:

    Did you do all the dockings just using the landers main engine? :D

    Yes, It is easy to dock a small agile craft like that using only one engine, you can decrease the thrust by right clicking the engine to do the precise maneuvering required.

    I cannot really take credit for the eve lander as @Foxster made a very similar one. Mine is slightly heavier and but has less part count, It also have some more dV to be able to do the rendezvous and docking.

    I did try to keep the size of the ship down, with the goal to be able to lift it with a single 3,5m stack.   A mammoth engine was not quire enough but a cluster of 7 vector engines could lift it.  

  3. 12 hours ago, wibou7 said:

    I'm curious on the reasons why Dress and Duna are so far at the end instead of the typical Duna -> Dres -> Jool -> Eeloo?

    Did you find a nice tranfer window, did you want to shed some mass at Jool first or is it simply to reduce velocity on the way back to Kerbin?


    well the dV required for the transfer is depending in on the relative distance from karbol.  doing the planets in increasing order or decreasing order is the same total dV .

    Doing Jool first has the benefit of not needing to carry the heavy landers further than necessary.

    I have now done all of the hard landings and hope I have enough dV to make the rest. :)

    Progresses so far:





  4. I've never done a grand tour so I thought that I try to do one.  Landing the same ship on all planets with only stock parts and without isru is actually pretty hard.

    Here is a teaser:



    Plan is to split the ship in two in LKO and do the inner planets first and then return to the rest of the ship and do the outer planets. The same MK1 landing can will touch down on all planets, to complete the contract.

    Flight plan:   Kerbin->Eve->Moho->Kerbin->Jool->Eeloo->Dres->Duna->Kerbin.

    Mods used: KERTime Control (faster time warp), Precise Node, Minimum Ambient Lighting (to avoid problem with dark screenshots)

  5. 3 hours ago, foobar said:

    Thanks for the tip. Does less tilt translate to less torque change throughout the launch? Seems like with any tilt at all, the main engines are unusable after separating the fuel tank.

    The engines need to gimball less if the they are further from the CoM. so they can handle more shift in CoM.  Moving the fueltank (and hence CoM) forward also helps.

    If the main engines are tilted more then they can gimbal they can't be used after separation of the fuel tank.  But they should not be, only the vacuum engines should be used after tanks separation.

    If twr is the problem try scaling up those vector engines.



  6. 14 hours ago, foobar said:

    I reworked my shuttle again for STS-3. This Mk4 version has more cargo capacity and handles less like a brick.

    Mods used: lots of parts mods (B9, NearFuture and such), TweakScale, KJR, KER, Trajectories.

    Nice looking shuttle.  One tip: it is better to have the shuttle main engines further back, as that allows for them to be less tilted. 

    What payload capacity does that shuttle have to LKO?

  7. 6 hours ago, 53miner53 said:

    Are you sure you didn't accidentally grab Gilly instead?


    98% sure.

    I have been trying to improve stability while flying with the asteroid.  To be able to more like "land" and less like "controlled crash".

    And I do not want to modify the shuttle to mush. The next plan is to attach a RCS system to the asteroid. :)





  8. 2 hours ago, Speeding Mullet said:

    Grrr, checking in from work again after the block of flats opposite blew up their transformer, melting it off the side of their building and cutting power to the whole street.  currently running of a generator, and to top that the floor of my bedroom is being taken out tomorrow as it's collapsing into the cavity below the house.  Such is life, but won't be able to check in for a couple of days :(

    Wow...  that sounds really bad.


    I have after several attempts managed to land a class D astroid:


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