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Everything posted by Finndibaenn

  1. hhhmmm those are interesting leads, i'll try that, thanks
  2. I'm wondering How are the rules about the "new station" rule for station missions combining with statins made from multiple substations, some of which were launched before the contract acceptance and some not. I was assuming that the heavier subcomponent would be the one "winning" ... Is that correct ?
  3. At least for LKO reentries, I found you do fine by facing backward (engine first, it can take a lot a heat), if your reentry is not too steep
  4. It 's for 1.4.0, I didn't see a mention of 1.4.1, gonna scan the thread again I guess.
  5. I've just downloaded this mod and it's really good ... when it works I had the same "grey window" a while ago, and it now seems broken (didn't try restart though) THe log shows a stack overflow [EXC 23:32:43.066] StackOverflowException: The requested operation caused a stack overflow. ActionGroupManager.ShortcutNew.onHide () RUIToggleButton.SetFalse (Boolean makeCall) ApplicationLauncherButton.SetFalse (Boolean makeCall) ActionGroupManager.ShortcutNew.SwitchTexture (Boolean vis) ActionGroupManager.ActionGroupManager.UpdateIcon (Boolean val) ActionGroupManager.View.SetVisible (Boolean vis) ActionGroupManager.ShortcutNew.onHide () RUIToggleButton.SetFalse (Boolean makeCall) ApplicationLauncherButton.SetFalse (Boolean makeCall) ActionGroupManager.ShortcutNew.SwitchTexture (Boolean vis) ActionGroupManager.ActionGroupManager.UpdateIcon (Boolean val) ActionGroupManager.View.SetVisible (Boolean vis) ActionGroupManager.ShortcutNew.onHide () RUIToggleButton.SetFalse (Boolean makeCall) ApplicationLauncherButton.SetFalse (Boolean makeCall) ActionGroupManager.ShortcutNew.SwitchTexture (Boolean vis) ....
  6. That may very well be the issue, I know I tried at some point with the exhausts pointing on the wheels. I'm not aware of that, guess i'll have to experiment with it Thanks
  7. Yes you're right, KER only shows TWR based on vacuum, but Twitch Thrust doesn't change much : 16 in Vacuum and 13.7 in Atmos. However, I'm not sure what was going on, i've tried again the twitch version after fiddling with the thud one, and it now works as expected, I guess i had done something wrong, but no idea what
  8. Hi, I've been working on putting together rovers for a mining base on Minmus, they are made like this As shown by KER, this is supposed to give a TWR of 1.18 when the fuel tanks empty (on Kerbin), but when testing, the rover never lifts on Kerbin. I've also tested with 8 Twitch instead of 4 as shown in the image, the result was the same. This is my first try with Twitch engines, I was previously using Thuds when needing radial attachment, and it was working fine. To compare , i've tried replacing the 8 Twitch , (which should give 8*13.7 = 109 Thrust), with 2 Thuds , throttled down to 33.5 % and it lifts up just fine when the tanks empty (TWR tops up at 1.18 similar to above). Am I doing something wrong ? or is this known ?
  9. I never landed on Eve yet, but maybe you could have kept your periapsis higher ? like 60 or even 70 km to allow deceleration to occcur ?
  10. PreciseNode helps a lot with that, as it will let you input the desired time
  11. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96985-1-0-2-WAC-s-Delta-V-Map-(24-05-2015) this one says 430, it will definitely depends on the quality of the transfer window. According to http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/, if you start from 85000Km of Kerbin and target the same orbit on Eve, it will cost you about 1250 total (including insertion, 500+)
  12. isn't white knight 2 a plane ? if so, space ship 2 will have quite some horizontal velocity at its apoapsis too
  13. oh ... the images/links were working for me, but i guess i have some kind of remember em cookies; sorry about that, i'm not yet familiar with dropbox. Seems like i can't create img links to dropbox hosted files, that's a shame ... moving the images to imgur
  14. I have another case of a strange spontaneous explosion : i have prepared a maneuver node 45 mins in the future to get out of minmus and visit kerbol's SOI. I'm warping to the maneuver node, but whenever i get close to the node the ship explodes. This ship is OLD, it was launched in 1.0.2, and I recently took it from Kerbin to Minmus with no issue. Link to the save https://www.dropbox.com/s/tiru7uncheuyts1/explosion20150630.sfs?dl=0 The ship is "Passenger4_2.5KDV" edit : list of installed mods
  15. I have this issue too, with atmospheric planes. The jet engines do not seem to cool down at all. I have a contract to do crew report on the other side of the planet, and engine (1 ram jet) reach the extreme overheat at maybe 75% distance. I tried adding passive radiators as close as possible to the engine, but they don't seem to change a thing. Active radiators are out of the equation as you need to deploy them, and they get ripped off if you do so inside the atmosphere
  16. on my side, I bought the game from GOG, so no laucnhing from Steam. My Windows is 64bits though
  17. Well I'm facing a similar issue (engins overheating) but with Jet engines, flying in the atmosphere on long distance flights (trying to reach a contract site, kind of opposite of KSC). I tried attaching radiators, but the fixed one don't seem to prevent overheating, and the extendables arent usable because they break as soon as you extend them
  18. Thanks for the time you took looking at my case . I'll definitely try that, especially as, having accepted the battery loss, when I came back to the ships a few Kerbin hours later, the ship had disapeared without a trace, there aren't even a debris orbiting Minmus , i Have no idea what happened edit : just tried your suggestion, and shockingly, overheating didn't even occur ... I had also turned on thermal data and thermal debug colors, and no part in the ship changed color
  19. according to the autosave (which was maybe 1 min before the explosion) it seems - the 2 nuclear engines have temp = 356 - the hottest battery bank has temp = 338.815503555444 which doesn't seem that hot (60°C or so) - - - Updated - - - if anyone cares here are links to - the save : https://www.dropbox.com/s/enlvrio2vmkw2vr/overheating.zip?dl=0 the faulty ship is "Minmus Bus Probe" in orbit of Minmus - the ship description from the save https://www.dropbox.com/s/1buw54s20h24nse/overheating.txt?dl=0 - a screen shot of the ship just after the explosion, the battery was where the temp markers are
  20. The only reason I can imagine for this is that the ship was flexing quite a lot, but I only fired the engines for maybe 30s, and the batterys are very far from it. Mind you, this is a 1.0.2 ship, so without radiators. Is this to be expected ? THat would mean i have to rebuild every ship which would be slightly painful
  21. I witness the same behaviour, using 1.0.2 and somewhat different mods Commons ones with you are Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Engineer Redux It just happened to me and the last line of the log is [LOG 20:05:59.761] [Orbit Targeter]: Target is MinmusBase (unloaded)
  22. did you try filling the tanks ? do you have a docking port on top you could use ? Maybe if you make it heavier by filling the tanks it would get lower. I actually did a similar design on minmus too, but using MK1 and MK2 wheels, not the MK3 as you seem to have used. Regarding your direction issue, did you try inverting the faulty wheels ? Also I gound that reaction wheels can make a rover uncontrollable by applying torque when you want to turn (was usually in a perpendicular - up/down - direction in my case), disabling them may help too
  23. A similar issue occurred to my team once too where I had accidentally stage the chutes in orbit, and they burned off during reentry. My stace agency found that it's quite cool to keep all the capsules together (saves on decoupler, chutes, and heat shield mass too), 4 of them are not an issue. I thinkg i even did 5 once.The issue will be with them tipping over during reentry if the pilot is not able to keep it straight enough though
  24. HI I'm trying to accomplish something similar to your plane, with a MK2 crew cabin. However, once the jets shutdown and i'm left with only the 2 nervs, i start losing altitude even if i keep my pitch to 5° or so. THe craft mass is quite similar I think, mine is 23.3 Tons
  25. hi, just a stupid question ... do you want only the tank ? or do you want it full ? If you empty it before launching, it's ll only weigh 6 T instead of 36, and that will be a lot easier ! Might be an easy solution if you have a minmus/mun mining op. and even if you want your tank to go to minmus by itself 1500 m/s dV should be ample, and that would not require a full tank.
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