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Everything posted by DDE

  1. No, that's a... *breathes in* delivery expert. Sincerely, a consultant.
  2. Right, that went well. Have another one. It's all from one econ/business group on VK.
  3. *takes notes furiously* You'd think all you need is a crowbar and loud insults about your victim's patronage...
  4. I know, but - starting in the 2022 Russian wave of rebrandings - this problem suddenly showed up everywhere at the same time.
  5. I generally go easy on the employees, but I have a serious complaint about the food trays. Who does every place I go have trays that bulge uowards, making stuff roll off them?
  6. ...when instead, it already takes shape of a COTS quadcopter lobbing a bottle of water and a pack of smokes to a lone stormtrooper in some shell crater. Complete with at least one reported case of an air-to-air kill with a water bottle.
  7. The greater bottleneck seems to be payload manufacture, not boosters. Why push the envelope only to find it's not in demand, and end up like Delta-IV non-Heavy, or Energia?
  8. The only difference between upbringing and indoctrination/corruption/grooming/brainwashing is that the speaker approves of the former and disapproves of the latter. Whether that's justified or not is subjective, as it varies from society to society and from time period to time period, and is ultimately on their own conscience. *shrug*
  9. DDE

    Shower thoughts

    It's typical. We want evil to be distinct, recognizable, visible, and, ideally, personalized. These are all cognitive and emotional shortcuts.
  10. As you may know, the Bell Cobra series of fighters had an extremely unconventional engine location. When multi-seat versions were required, the solutions were... divergent. At least the US one was not a trainer but some sort of an aerial lab.
  11. Hippos are an invasive species in Columbia thanks to escaping from the late Pablo Escobar's personal menagerie when his hasienda was sacked by his enemies.
  12. The next-gen Chinese fighter (-bomber?) looks like something straight out of Ace Combat. https://armyrecognition.com/news/aerospace-news/2024/breaking-news-chinas-next-gen-6th-generation-fighter-jet-successfully-completes-first-flight https://t.me/fotozak/7689 Also, F for the Christmas holidays of Pentagon drones. Gotta churn out those reports. Oh, crap, first it was Chengdu, now a relatively mundane UFO is seen above Shenyang https://t.me/fotozak/7692
  13. It's possible to stand directly on/amidst Helena's Hair - remains of fuel rods streaming from underneath the upended top of the reactor - in Chernobyl and live. But you have to be a crazy photographer and not his subject
  14. Alexeyev are a two-trick pony (hydrofoils and ekranoplans), and so they joined in on the attempts to snatch that fat Energia-Buran budget. However... wasn't the floating stage also rocket-powered?
  15. * wink-wink nudge-nudge* Don't forget the https://toughsf.blogspot.com/ of our other regular, @MatterBeam
  16. To be clear, this can be harnessed instead.
  17. Also reviewed by MatterBeam at length (section "Pure Fusion"): https://toughsf.blogspot.com/2022/03/fusion-without-fissiles-superbombs-and.html?m=1
  18. Utterly pathetic by Adeptus Soveticus standards. Import Know-Hows for Everyone: Compact Thermonuclear Ordnance
  19. This delicate flower will not survive for five minutes in the toxic landscape of Russian influencers and coaches in successful success... In other news, tonight's military launch becomes the thousandth R-7-family flight from Plesetsk. Assumed Lotos signal snooper. https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=61898.0
  20. When part of your team doesn't do the research.
  21. Also, asteroid C0WEPC5 about to hit in the middle of nowhere in Siberia at 19:17±1 min MSK
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