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Everything posted by StevieC

  1. Where should I request changes to the Kerbal Renamer addon now that it's being managed by KSP-RO?
  2. What's that pod on top of the fuselage of the 4th plane?
  3. How do I change the engine-mode on the main JetWing from monoprop to jet fuel? I try to toggle it in the VAB but the delta-V stats and such don't seem to work if it's in Jet Fuel mode and the right-click panel always shows the engines as being in monoprop mode even when I set the wing's fuel-type to jet-fuel
  4. Fair 'nuff. Thoughts, though, on the rigid-rotor system that Lockheed used in the XH-51?
  5. Surprised nobody is challenging/disputing my claim that hingeless rotors are superior to articulated, as making that claim on other fora has sometimes accidentally triggered flame-wars. Here's part of why I assert that hingeless rotors are superior.
  6. Good. I actually prefer rigid-rotors (even though calling them 'rigid' is a misnomer, they're properly called hingeless, since they rely on allowing the blades themselves to flex in order to serve the same function that the led/lag and flapping hinges fulfill on an articulated rotor-head) because they allow a rotorcraft to reach higher airspeeds and are more responsive to control-inputs.
  7. are these rotors hingeless, or articulated? (articulated rotors have hinges to let each blade swing up and down which makes it unsafe to perform zero-G aerobatics if the rotor is articulated)
  8. Another small request: Make the Sabatier Reactor wedge only consume carbon dioxide and electricity, no hydrogen, and have it output waste and oxygen. Or, better yet, Make that a separate part and call it a CO2 Scrubber
  9. I can't get the launch clamps to release at all with this mod installed.
  10. Until this is officially updated, you may consider @Angel-125's "Buffalo" rover parts-pack which has some parts that allow for a KIS+KAS buildable rover to be carried with you fairly easily.
  11. Please forgive my tone in my previous post, I was slightly frustrated mainly because, as seen in this quote, it was RoverDude himself who first mentioned the biplane cockpit lacking a hatch, so I had high hopes that said bug would be fixed in FireSpitter 7.3
  12. well, I just finished testing the biplane and its cockpit still has no entry/exit hatch, despite lacking a roof over the pilot's head.
  13. Ahh, fair enough, I guess. I asked because I just suggested an idea in the Universal Storage thread about scavenging boiloff from your cryo engine mod's LH2 boiloff to replenish hydrogen storage for that mod's Alkaline Fuel Cell and Sabatier Reactor resource-converters, a-la what United Launch Alliance is working on for cryo boil-off scavenging in its next-gen spacecraft systems.
  14. One thing I also feel would vastly improve usability of the various Resource Conversion wedges in Universal Storage would be to give them masses that aren't so different from one another as to hinder me from keeping the vehicle's center-of-gravity as close as possible to the vehicle's centerline.
  15. @NerteaGiven the fact that your Cryo Tanks are heavier than stock fuel tanks, and are said to be insulated to help mitigate boil-off, would it not make sense for the insulated tanks to have slightly slower-boil-off rate than the non-insulated tanks, after electric-power for cooling has been depleted?
  16. maybe call it "Cryogenic Boil-off Scavenger Unit"? ULA is working on such a thing for real-life use on cryogenically fueled rocket-stages. Main thing we would need to figure out is how many units of Nertea's LqdHydrogen from his Cryo-tanks would equal how many units of Hydrogen in these Universal Storage Hydrogen-tank wedges.
  17. what I mean is, the Sabatier Reactor and the Alkaline Fuel Cell both use "Hydrogen" where which is NOT compatible with LqdHydrogen. Is it possible for there to be a way to allow these two items to have the option of using the LqdHydrogen resource? Either that, or do is there a way for the boil-off from LqdHydrogen tanks to replenish the Hydrogen tanks for the Sabatier and Alkaline Fuel Cells?
  18. Small request: Can you make your Universal Storage hydrogen storage and hydrogen consuming parts compatible with Nertea's CryoTanks' "LqdHydrogen" resource? Your part-descriptions say that the hydrogen in your parts is cryogenic LH₂, so it would make sense for it to be compatible with Nertea's cryo engines and cryo tanks, yes?
  19. @NerteaCan you please indicate what diameter that nuclear salt-water rocket engine would be in-game, to provide us with a sense of its scale?
  20. Can you add the ability to do this with Liquid Hydrogen for fuel-tanks like Nertea's CryoTanks and CryoEngines, please?
  21. Suggestion: Offer a choice of two heat-shields: one that is lightweight and can be jettisoned, and the other being a bit heavier and not allow jettisoning, but boasts slightly more ablator, AND integrated retractable landing-feet, a-la the SpaceX Dragon v2 capsule's heat-shield with landing-gear.
  22. One other small request: It would be immensely helpful to have the option of the "Extended Trunk" for the Dragon Cargo craft as shown here. Your stock Dragon Cargo analog's trunk is a little short, and an extended trunk would make hauling some payloads into orbit a lot easier.
  23. Fair enough on most of those points, but I will remind people that once you're at 70 thousand feet, you're above 90% of the atmosphere, by mass.
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