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Everything posted by StevieC

  1. Temporarily switching back to version 1.2.9 to load inventory I can't load with 1.2.10. Hoping that those .craft files will work after re-updating to 1.2.10
  2. no I mean even when I use up ALL of my monopropellant I can't circularize, even with an EMPTY payload bay. And I really need to have some monoprop left over after circularizing for not only the deorbit burn, but also to do docking-maneuvers. NONE of those things are possible. I only have 500 meters per second of delta-V on monoprop, with an empty payload-bay, and to be a usable shuttle I need at last 1 km/s delta-V on monoprop ALONE when the payload bay is full
  3. I think many here will agree with me when I state this: Judging on the quality of his mods to date, no matter how long alexustas takes to get this mod out, it WILL be worth the wait when it DOES get released.
  4. This mod's OMS engines are woefully underpowered for me. I can't even circularize my orbit with an EMPTY payload-bay.
  5. I can't add parts from Angel-125's Buffalo parts-pack to inventory, nor can I add any of the DMagic Orbital Science parts to inventory anymore either. In the case of the Buffalo parts-pack that's a serious problem 'cuz one of its touted features is that you can put its "JetWing" into inventory, and now I can't do that anymore.
  6. So, with the latest version of KIS, I can't put the JetWing in inventory, either in a Kerbal's inventory assigned by seat, or in a storage module either. Can't store the Buffalo vehicle parts in storage modules anymore either.
  7. why settle for russian or american knives when the Swiss make the best?
  8. do the landing-legs in this parts-pack work in 1.1.2?
  9. my other suggestion was a Wankel-engine, something like a repurposed engine from a Mazda RX-8 perhaps
  10. B-36 would be neat 'cuz it'd be a pusher-prop, and I'd love to see an Armstrong Siddeley Double Mamba (which powered the Fairey Gannet. Two turboprop engines geared to a pair of contra-rotating propellers, such that one engine powered the clockwise turning contraprop, and the other engine powered the anti-clockwise turning contraprop and you could feather one contraprop whilst continuing to use the other one). If that's not feasible, than just contraprops in general would be cool. Another thing I'd like to see is a prop that's on a Wankel engine instead of a piston-engine.
  11. you need to make an "Agencies" folder in the "TundraExploration" directory" with a few files in it. There should be files in the "Squad" directory in GameData that can be used as a sort-of template.
  12. one other small thing: Can you please make Tundra Exploration selectable in the "Browse By Manufacturer" tab?
  13. Four small requests. Please add roll-control to the grid-fins. Please put the "Ships" folder directly in the same directory as the "GameData" folder so that CKAN will automatically install those files into the default "Ships" directory. The heat-shield fix I mentioned earlier in this thread. Mark the pack as being compatible with KSP version 1.1.2 Do you think you can please put out a quick 0.8.6 patch with these 4 things over the weekend?
  14. SUCCESS! That fixed it! Here's a few screenshots to show that the inventory buttons are correct now.
  15. when I try to run it without WildBlueTools installed it just hangs on the initial loading screen, stuck at WildBlueIndustries/Buffalo/Parts/JetWing/WBI_JetWing and won't load beyond that point.
  16. well, the latest master branch of WBT didn't seem to make the problem go away, nor did removing WBT entirely. I'm afraid you may be right about it being either a KIS or KAS bug.
  17. okay, installed it from that link. No change. Should I try the master branch of WBT? Or do I need to delete PartDatabase so the game rebuilds it? well, deleting PartsDatabas.cfg didn't fix it either.
  18. yeah I've got 1.2.2, but it was the one that came bundled with MOLE. Maybe I should download the standalone WildBlueTools?
  19. Okay, this fresh install did get the Buffalo control cab and crew cabin "general" inventory slots to show up correctly but there's an anomaly in the crew cabin that I still think could be indicative of a bug. My modlist in this KSP install is: ModuleManager 2.6.24, RasterPropMonitor 0.26.0, ASET Props 1.3, Community Resource Pack, KIS 1.2.9, KAS 0.5.7, MOLE 0.6.1, and Buffalo 0.2.14, and no other mods.
  20. Gimme a sec, got a fresh, clean stock KSP install and I'm gonna manually install just KIS, KAS, the ASET props, MOLE, and this, and see what I get.
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