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  1. I thought TAC and USI were mutually exclusive. Could be mistaken though.
  2. That's precisely why I would encourage you to reconsider and post your log. The diagnosis of its contents may reveal the cause of the problems you're having. It's more information for those capable of figuring out what's going wrong. Without the log, many hands are tied and people will offer guesses without any data to back them up.
  3. No, the mod is not obsolete and does scanning that stock just doesn't do.
  4. On Windows, the log is stored at %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log. KSP always produces a log file unless there's some catastrophic failure on start.
  5. Booster Guidance is giving you problems, though I don't think it's sufficient on its own to cause your Kopernicus issue. You may want to raise it independently with the mod maintainer at I can't help more than that, I'm afraid. Wiser heads will prevail.
  6. Welcome to the forums. Have you installed all of the dependencies, other than Module Manager (which you seem to have): Recovery Controller, Toolbar Controller and Click Through Blocker? If you're not comfortable installing mods with complex or numerous dependencies, I would suggest you use CKAN to handle mod installation and maintenance.
  7. To which gauges are you referring? A pic might help since I have no idea what other mods might do to the navball.
  8. Not a problem. If you're not an aviation enthusiast it can be confusing. For a general description, search in your favorite search engine for "Horizontal Situation Indicator" or "HSI". Briefly, your craft is represented by the little stick airplane at the centre of the dial. The yellow line is the localizer (the horizontal component of ILS). The displacement of the line from the craft represents the distance from and angle to the localizer from your current craft position on the approach. The line and 'o's along the left and right hand sides represent your position relative to the vertical component of the ILS, or glide slope. Fly to the lines to adjust your approach so that you put the airplane on the localizer and glide slope. Realize that the closer you get to the runway threshold, the more sensitive the changes to your descent path will be. It's easy to overshoot.
  9. First, welcome to the forums. Read this thread on how to report problems with modded installs, then post a link to your log file (as described in the thread). It might help those who can diagnose the problem you're having.
  10. As for confirming if it's coming from the computer, turn the sound off in Windows. Then turn it back on and mute KSP from its options menu. I doubt, however, that these are your real first diagnostic steps and you've already determined the source. I don't intend on being sarcastic or condescending, but it seems from your text that you might not be entirely sure of the sound's origin. Forgive me if this seems trivial.
  11. I get the first part of the sentence but the second half eludes me. What do you mean?
  12. What exactly are you looking for? It was last updated in August so perhaps you should read the last page of this topic.
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