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Everything posted by Brigadier

  1. It might be the mod but I don't think it has anything to do with settings. Do you still have the log files for when this happened (i.e. have you played the game since)?
  2. Provide a minimum log that includes the freeze. Let's see if there's anything in there.
  3. First thing would be to provide some more details. I would recommend posting your log files here for others to vet. See this topic for some guidance: It's difficult to diagnose problems without information, such as is the game freezing when you do something in particular? After a period of time? Randomly? What version of KSP and GPP do you have installed? How did you install your mods (manually or CKAN)? Does this occur to you in an unmodded KSP game? Could you be running out of usable RAM?
  4. ksputil.dll was removed in KSP 1.2. I would recommend updating to KSP 1.12.5. FF is working for me in that version.
  5. @AleksandrLXXXIVSure, we'll try. I appreciated that English might not be your primary language but I'm not sure what the problem is. Are you concerned about the green lines ( those are communication paths)? The difference in colour? The lack of clouds? Please clarify what you think your issue is. In the meantime, and although you aren't referencing a mod failure or incompatibility, read this post for some guidance on how to report problems. More information from you, such as KSP and mod version numbers, list of mods installed, etc., would be helpful.
  6. How so and what might we do to help? Read this topic for some guidance on where to find and how to post logs.
  7. That probably isn't up to JPLRepo, although he may have some influence. A lot goes on in a game design studio that's above even a Senior Dev. Your best place to advocate for feature inclusion is on the KSP2 forum, such as https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/120-ksp2-suggestions-and-development-discussion/
  8. I have a feeling you might be right since my current game is career, but short of delving into the code (or a magical appearance by @JPLRepo), I have no idea how true this might be.
  9. @rrty44 Welcome to the forums. On the first issue, I have the same situation. The fora are replete with similar stories and fixes but it keeps returning. I don't know what the solution might be in this case. Posting a log file might help, so follow the guidance in this thread. For the second problem, ensure that the telescope itself is the control point. Right-click on the scope and in the PAW > Control From Here. It should then orient as you are expecting.
  10. Did you update this recently @linuxgurugamer? AVC is notifying me of an update but there's no indication on CKAN yet.
  11. Welcome to the forums. We have no idea what might be going on because you haven't provide much information. Please read and follow:
  12. Mind you, I've never had to do this myself but I have the feeling that it can be done. I seem to remember others finding a solution some time ago. Have you tried docking the two craft? If they're then considered one vessel, performing maintenance should work. Alternatively, can you disconnect the Uranium container from the source craft and reattach it to the destination craft? I doubt this will work since I think you're prohibited from holding onto a radioactive source in your inventory. Failing that, could you instead pick up the entire reactor? I know...a bit of a stretch.
  13. Do you also have Near Future Electrical (NFE) installed? If so, I'm pretty sure you need to do this with an Engineer on EVA. There's no other option.
  14. @AmanitaVerna You might also consider using the still-supported KSP Craft Organizer Improved. @linuxgurugamermaintains the mod.
  15. Have you tried the Reset Camera or Close Camera commands, or returning to the KSC then back to the scope?
  16. Read this topic The short answer is save your log file to a file sharing service, such as Dropbox or GoogleDrive. The create a public link to the file and paste the link here.
  17. How did you install the mods, with CKAN or manually? If manually, are you sure you have included all of the dependencies? Which USI mods exactly? Which version of KSP? Read this topic on how to report problems. Your following its guidance will help others assist you.
  18. We've all been there and done that. I usually blame the keyboard. Welcome to the club!
  19. Agreed, there is a fair amount of knowledge assumed but OTOH this mod isn't really the place to teach you about standard aircraft navigation instruments. I'd recommend you google Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) and Instrument Landing System (ILS) for a bit of self-help. If you still have questions, I'm sure we can provide some answers.
  20. Are you flying yours such that your AoA can be >5º? If so, MechJeb is being limited to 5º. Just a thought.
  21. If you're unsure how to install/remove mods, I recommend you try CKAN. Deleting the mod folder from the GameData directory usually works. Also note that Craft Manager might not be compatible with KSP versions beyond 1.9. Consider using
  22. It's there. Make sure that your CKAN can see all 1.12 mods under Settings > Compatible game versions.
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