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Everything posted by Gustavo6046

  1. In fact, it could quickly collect the Jupiterian hydrogen using radial intakes while skimming like a glider, and make the reaction and exhaust once it has passed the atmo. It can be repeated until the periapsis get too low to pass the atmosphere without expending dV, which would be bad. Then a circularizing burn at Ap (above atmosphere) and a direct returning to a H2 to liquid fuel factory.
  2. Grrrr.... you boys... heh nothing... It was just a fictional context to help understanding the theory. It applies for any celestial body (except for stars), e.g. Jupiter (may) have hydrogen in the atmosphere. A spacecraft with a very fuel-efficient engine can hover for a nice time in the atmosphere and collect hydrogen using that technique described. In theory. Edit: Milacre was "miracle", just an error in translation from Brazilian Portuguese.
  3. No, it isn't fanwork, it is a chemistry theory! Grrr, nobody here know chems? Someone that just concluded high school? Gah, forget, I'm still in elementary for some reason​...
  4. No, it is a theory in extracting hydrogen in Moho to manufacture into liquid fuel in Kerbin. Sorry if you didn't understood. I will later propose a better scheme explanation, in a GIMP-made image. PS: Later means soon!
  5. Introduction: Context (mental workaround possibility, MWP) Imagine a year where liquid fuel in KSC is in crisis due to the blast of the nuclear power plant which provided energy for water eletrolysis in H2 + O- (H2O + e- = H2 + O- at the electrolysis plant which sells liquid H2 to KSC). But, for a milacre a interplanetary exploration vessel discover hydrogen traces in Moho's atmosphere (remember mission Koulomb?) shortly. Naturally it would be considered "better than Kerbonite and Kethane, in the middle of crisis" by the R&D Subsidiary manager, I mean, they naturally would extract! From Moho, yay! In other words... Here I have an theory on how they would have made it, presented in the best PhD format for an twelve in elementary school. Basic understandment requirements: Knowledge in contrary particles, i.e. positrons Fresh high-school knowledge in basic chemistry, electrolysis, pH and hydrogen bonds Knowledge in thermic isolation, seal systems, dissolution and etcetra Optional: ability to read a text scheme into a imaginary, "built" one Schemes: Extraction Reactor 1 The vessel that extracts H2 from Moho dissolve the captured air in a tank of accidized Kerbal(adjective for Kerbin) water (Reactor 1) and react positrons in the solution where H2 is separed from the rest of atmosphere, when hydrogen bonds are formed between the water particles. The atmospheric particles which remain in the tank (i.e. everything but Hydrogen) after the water have been put in the Reactor 2 is exhausted back into atmosphere. Reactor 2 Before entering the reactor, the just-hydrogenized water is centrifugated to remove other solved compounds (other elements from Moho atmosphere dissolved in Reactor 1), which are then exhausted. Once in the reactor, solar panels generate power to react the water with Electrons to separate the hydrogen bonds (i.e. hydrogen from Mohovian atmosphere) which just formed with positrons (the panels also make energy for everything else electricity-related here). The water, once the hydrogen has separated, returns to Reactor 1 for another cycle (the extraction system/cycle) and the hydrogen enters in a depressurized tank. When returning the pressure valve and the entering to the H2 tank are sealed to prevent future leaks. Manufacturing When the vessel returns, the hydrogen is cooled at a Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT, the inverse of UHT), to form liquid fuel, and keeped in thermic-isolation tanks to sell to KSP. Kerbals are ecologic; KSC sells back the isolation tanks (read: cans) for ecology and discount. KSC is to cool to enter bankruptcy. Note: I didn't mentioned the crisis included oxidizer, so let's just assume KSC already have excedents of it and only mixes with liquid H2 for further missions. P.S.: Remember bombarding Neodymium with Cerium results in Ununoctium which rapid Alpha decay can be used to power electricity!
  6. In fact pretty cool. I wish to rule one mission this big... I am planing Mission Koulomb and Station Two, but this made me glad I am still a forum novice. XD
  7. Nope, I just am new in the forums, but I am an very good Aspie in the screen, and in respect to KSP doubts are zero. Just check out my Mission Koulomb... - and why the .craft file doesn't appear when I save it?
  8. "Since the approval of the last theory of H2 in Moho's atmosphere, and since liquid fuel is basically liquid H2, it made some nice precipitated amusement at the labs. So they proposed we sent a rover mission to Moho to confirm the presence of the gas and discover, among other things, the resources that are below the surface of the planet." The Koulomb spacecraft after an electrical shortage. Might probably work on that later... Behold the posibility that led us to create the Project Koulomb,1x, to assure us before sending a manned team of atmosminers in hitchhiker pods to grab the H2 (and get the ore, if any). The rover's test missions were failed, but for now is not that much we can do. Recent tests indicate the rover can survive quite high falls, which has made us happier. It have one skycrane, I don't like it specially due to it's unstability and unability to lift the rover, but later redesign can quite help a better skycrane design to form. The current mission spacecraft link is below, for debugger teams: missing, why can't I find the file anywhere in the KSP folder?
  9. *requesting thread stickiness... or not* Problem Introduction ______________________________________________________ Hello People. I seem, since I am fan of KSP, and forum has a lot of people, why not me participate of this hot happiness of vodka and rocketfest? Happens out I don't think in anything to present! Anyone has a idea of where could I have a nice and graceful start in this sparkly community? i watch danny2462 Tips: I love innovative designs, showing my creations, creating big space stations and having shared collaboration in the station's .craft file, figuring out how to use MechJeb (MJ's menu don't appear, no matter what), customizing KSP (I added a Station One and Brazil flag, all from Gimp), being brazilian like always! (If you have the same problem than me, read the replies beneath here, I do also want to help!)
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