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Posts posted by saqib126

  1. I`m now able to play ksp! I updated interstellar in CKAN to the latest version( now with the version with .6 on the end), downloaded that version via the link on the first post in this thread, and then coped gamedata(from the zip) into my ksp directory and overwrote as it asked.(it went to about 20% before it asked so it seems ckan has the wrong files or something)

  2. 3 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

    You must have extracted something wrong. make sure you extracted the folders content of Gamedata in Gamedata, and not Gamedata folder itself, otherwise you end up with a Gamedata  subfolder inside Gamedata, and that will result in the problems you describe.

    Strange, I installed via CKAN kinda expected it would install correctly, anyways i`ll try installing manually.

  3. Not sure why, but I keep getting stuck on WarpPlugin/Parts/Electrical/AntimatterReactors/AntimatterReactor/TweakableAntimatterReactor when loading ksp. Any idea how this could be fixed? I`m running ksp 1.2.2 with mods seen in these screenshots. 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/18tt0a1ahuhep8m/Screenshot 2017-02-12 18.49.38.png?dl=0   2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g5up1iwjdc9eajk/Screenshot 2017-02-12 18.49.58.png?dl=0    3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/agpsvzp74petu0z/Screenshot 2017-02-12 18.50.08.png?dl=0    4: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ltadsxeuxpieu0f/Screenshot 2017-02-12 18.50.11.png?dl=0 .

    EDIT: Output log link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t66uqsjnnd7ncxr/output_log2.txt?dl=0

  4. Is the parts storage system working? I can`t seem to find a parts storage gui, and my builds seem to not get any quicker once I`ve recovered the same vessel, for ex recovering a command pod from another ship, then trying to build a buggy using that pod. This does not seem to work for me either when I 'recover active vessel', scrap it for parts, and then build another vessel, using some of those parts.

  5. This mod seems quite useful but I like using usi life support, is it possible for me to simply have usils installed but use no parts from it on the transport and use a probe core, and that to work? Do you know what would happen if I used this mod with usi for crew transfers, but had no usils modules on the transport, instead just flying it fast enough to the station that the kerbals don`t perish?(due to no life support)

  6. Updated all of those mods and more, and fixed the loading getting stuck at quiztechaero, but now its stuck on usi kolonization, posted on that thread now,hopefully they can help me fix it.(if you decide you with to help, here is a link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79588-1-0-4-USI-Kolonization-Systems-%28MKS-OKS%29-%280-31-6%29-2015-07-29?p=2167557#post2167557 my post is at bottom of that page.)

    Thanks for your help!

  7. I don't use everything you use, but I also know that many of the mods I don't use have either been updated recently or don't have any issues running in KSP 1.0.4. This being said, you really have no reason to be playing in KSP 0.90 any longer unless you simply can't accept the new aerodynamics system that was rolled out by Squad. However... I also noticed you listed FAR in your list of mods, which means the stock aerodynamics does not affect you and i know for a fact that FAR is compatible with the latest version of the game, so you still have no more excuses to be using 0.90.

    So, i can just upgrade to 1.0.4 ksp then?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also how to I post the log files here, or do I have to go to dropbox?(A couple of forums i`ve found have this feature)

    A chunk of the mods I manually downloaded are back in .90 (as CKAN didn't work with them for no reason. I don`t remember which they are)

    - - - Updated - - -

    I boot up ksp 1.0.4 and get this message(along with a barrage of about 4 plz go back to .90 requests)

    These mods incompatible with 1.0.4 ksp


    Crossfeed enabler

    deadly reentry



    kerbal join reinforcement





    procedural parts



    Incompatible with unity 4.6f1


    It appears that the game has stopped loading at" QuiztechAero/Parts/FuelTank/Mk2_Quart_Tank/Mk2QuarterTank"

    - - - Updated - - -

    also dds support is not in .90, that was what I learned after successfully troubleshooting kerbinside`s completely nonexistent(thanks to that problem) texturing.

  8. Help!

    I`m having a problem when with this mod whenever I try to enter the tracking station,vab, or sph. The game resets the camera and doesn`t do anything, it just says vehicle assembly building or other building depending on what you click. You can`t move the camera but still can interact with interface, like choosing to recover a vessel or exiting the game. I`d appreciate if anyone knows how to fix this.

    Here is some info, though this problem only appeared after adding kerbal foundary: Here is some info!

    Version of KSP .90 (i use this because a lot of good mods are here like b9) Windows 64-bit, using 32-bit ksp (I thought 64-bit ksp was discontinued).

    List of mods, Toolbar, USI Tools, Active Texture Management (aggressive edition, 64x),Asteroid Reclying Technologies, B9 Aerospace, BDArmory, CIT Active Struts, Civillian Population, Coherent Contracts, Community Resource Pack, Community Techtree, Contract Configurator, Advanced Progression Contract Pack, Scansat Contract Pack, Remote Tech Contract Pack, Improved Contract Window, Interstellar, Crowd Sourced Science, Deadly Rentry Continued, DistantObject, DMagicOrbitalScience, Enhanced Navball, EVA Transfer, Extraplanetary Launchpads, ExtraPlanetary Launchpads-->Regolith Adaption, FAR, KAX, JSI, KAS, Kerbal Engineer Redux, Kerbal JointReinforcement, Kerbal Stats, KerbinSide, KineTech Animation, KIS, Klockhead Martin Gimbal, KSI, KSPX, KWRocketry, MagicSmoke Industries,MechJeb2, Kerbal Konstructs, ModuleRCSFX, NASAmission, Navyfish Docking Port Alignment Indicator, Near Future Constuction, Near Future Electrical, Near Future Props, Near Future Propulsion, Near Future Solar, Near Future Spacecraft, ORS Resource Pack, Procedural Airships, Procedural Fairings, Procedural Parts, RealChute, Regolith, Remote Tech, Scansat, Science Alert, Ship Manifest, SmokeScreen, TAC Fuel Balancer, TAC Life Support, Todicuss Tools, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Tweakable Everything, Tweakscale, USI, FTT, USI ExplorePack, USI Karbonite, USI KArbonite +, USI Kolonization, USI Survival Pack(previously D.E.R.P.), Universal Storage, Virgin Kalactic, Vanguard parachutes, Waypoint Manager, module manager 2.6.0, and DDSLoader, and Adjustable Landing Gear, Ambient Light Adjustment, Bahamuto Dynamics Parts Pack, BahamutoD Animation Modules, Burn Toghtether, Davon Thruster Control Systems, HyperEdit, Improved Chase Camera, Kerbal Flight Data, Kerbal Flight Indicators, Kerbal Foundries Wheels and Repulsors, Quiztech Aero Parts Pack, and lastly, Targetron.

  9. I have strange graphical glitches involving certain parts in the VAB and SPH, like the 'akula' reactor for example, will when moused over in the parts section will expand out of their icon area and cover the screen unitl they surpass it and they have a strange flickering on their description and have the description icon of the last properly working part icon, when anything is clicked and spawned, the icon will reset until moused over again. It will function properly when spawned , but the icon in the parts screen is still a glitched, here are some screenshots:


    Some Info:

    Version of KSP .90 (i use this because a lot of good mods are here like b9) Windows 64-bit, using 32-bit ksp (I thought 64-bit ksp was discontinued).

    List of mods, Toolbar, USI Tools, Active Texture Management (aggressive edition, 64x),Asteroid Reclying Technologies, B9 Aerospace, BDArmory, CIT Active Struts, Civillian Population, Coherent Contracts, Community Resource Pack, Community Techtree, Contract Configurator, Advanced Progression Contract Pack, Scansat Contract Pack, Remote Tech Contract Pack, Improved Contract Window, Interstellar, Crowd Sourced Science, Deadly Rentry Continued, DistantObject, DMagicOrbitalScience, Enhanced Navball, EVA Transfer, Extraplanetary Launchpads, ExtraPlanetary Launchpads-->Regolith Adaption, FAR, KAX, JSI, KAS, Kerbal Engineer Redux, Kerbal JointReinforcement, Kerbal Stats, KerbinSide, KineTech Animation, KIS, Klockhead Martin Gimbal, KSI, KSPX, KWRocketry, MagicSmoke Industries,MechJeb2, Kerbal Konstructs, ModuleRCSFX, NASAmission, Navyfish Docking Port Alignment Indicator, Near Future Constuction, Near Future Electrical, Near Future Props, Near Future Propulsion, Near Future Solar, Near Future Spacecraft, ORS Resource Pack, Procedural Airships, Procedural Fairings, Procedural Parts, RealChute, Regolith, Remote Tech, Scansat, Science Alert, Ship Manifest, SmokeScreen, TAC Fuel Balancer, TAC Life Support, Todicuss Tools, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Tweakable Everything, Tweakscale, USI, FTT, USI ExplorePack, USI Karbonite, USI KArbonite +, USI Kolonization, USI Survival Pack(previously D.E.R.P.), Universal Storage, Virgin Kalactic, Vanguard parachutes, Waypoint Manager, module manager 2.6.0, and DDSLoader.

  10. Version of KSP .90 (i use this because a lot of good mods are here like b9) Windows 64-bit, using 32-bit ksp (I thought 64-bit ksp was discontinued), Kerbinside, newest since I did download and reinstall today, kerbal konstructs I got it in the all in 1 download along with kerbinside. List of mods, Toolbar, USI Tools, Active Texture Management (aggressive edition, 64x),Asteroid Reclying Technologies, B9 Aerospace, BDArmory, CIT Active Struts, Civillian Population, Coherent Contracts, Community Resource Pack, Community Techtree, Contract Configurator, Advanced Progression Contract Pack, Scansat Contract Pack, Remote Tech Contract Pack, Improved Contract Window, Interstellar, Crowd Sourced Science, Deadly Rentry Continued, DistantObject, DMagicOrbitalScience, Enhanced Navball, EVA Transfer, Extraplanetary Launchpads, ExtraPlanetary Launchpads-->Regolith Adaption, FAR, KAX, JSI, KAS, Kerbal Engineer Redux, Kerbal JointReinforcement, Kerbal Stats, KerbinSide, KineTech Animation, KIS, Klockhead Martin Gimbal, KSI, KSPX, KWRocketry, MagicSmoke Industries,MechJeb2, Kerbal Konstructs, ModuleRCSFX, NASAmission, Navyfish Docking Port Alignment Indicator, Near Future Constuction, Near Future Electrical, Near Future Props, Near Future Propulsion, Near Future Solar, Near Future Spacecraft, ORS Resource Pack, Procedural Airships, Procedural Fairings, Procedural Parts, RealChute, Regolith, Remote Tech, Scansat, Science Alert, Ship Manifest, SmokeScreen, TAC Fuel Balancer, TAC Life Support, Todicuss Tools, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Tweakable Everything, Tweakscale, USI, FTT, USI ExplorePack, USI Karbonite, USI KArbonite +, USI Kolonization, USI Survival Pack(previously D.E.R.P.), Universal Storage, Virgin Kalactic, Vanguard parachutes, Waypoint Manager, and module manager 2.6.0.

    What do you mean by directory list of gamedata, do you mean I should list the files within it?

    Path of KSP, how do I find this?

    To get the KSP log from the root of that I assume I need to find the path of KSP installation first.

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