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Everything posted by TiBERiUM

  1. ok! got it. problems and confusion solved for me Going to do a bit of tinkering (exploding) and then off to minmus!
  2. Thanks guys, and jofwu in particular for the clear instuction. (and goldenpsp for the analisys) Problem 2 is now solved, i am able to get the AG bay working by letting kerbals enter. It requires as input both mulch AND fertilizer though... makes me wonder: is my first problem (unable to create fertilizer from mulch in hab) really a problem? Or is it design? There is also a part (not included in hab, its separate) that converts dirt into fertilizer... Maybe my assumption that mulch is supposed to be converted to fertilizer is incorrect? That assumption came from the instruction on the wiki though. That would also mean that the link i posted earlier has an outdated workflow.
  3. First off, Roverdude, i love your mod(s)! I have MKS lite and USI-LS installed. First wanted to get my feet wet with lite, then move over to full pull! I am playing career. I installed the mods recently and have been playing for quite some time without em, i did not start over, i am using an exsisting save. I am about to build my first base on minmus and really looking forward to it. I wanted to do some kerbol SC testing before i launch to be sure everything is working correctly... and i am glad i did... coz it seems we have a problem. Or i do something wrong. I have a command pod with lander module attached, expanded hab module, working sifter and expanded arphonics bay. Have enough power. Life support is activated, also tried lights on and of. Dust and ore drilling is working. I am trying to make the workflow as stated here under point 6 https://github.com/BobPalmer/MKS-LITE/wiki/Base-Building-Parts but am unable to. I cannot get the mulch to turn into fertilizer. The arphonics bay keeps saying that it needs fertilizer. Problem 2: the arphonics bay keeps saying it has not enough crew (0/1). I cannot add crew to it. Tried pilot, engineer and scientist. Also moved all of em outside, into the command module and into the hab. No difference. Am i doing something wrong?
  4. great advice, solved it. I did find the parts in sandbox... made me check every technode individually in my savegame. Turned out those parts where indeed linked to locked nodes. Since i did not know this could happen with mod parts (other mods i have installed allowed me to use every part without unlocks), i never bothered to check. Thanks Tarheel and Zodius!
  5. Yes i am working with a career save which i really like to continue on. I have invested over 80 hours in the progression there and don't want to start over Besides; other mods which add parts (like USI-OKS/MKS) work perfectly normal and i installed that one at almost the same time. (so alsno not on a fresh install of ksp). Of course i can start fresh and see if it works just to get more information about the problem... but would that provide any usefull information to later be able to integrate IF into my saved world?
  6. Good day to all you happy kerbal fanatics out there. I'm Tiberium and i am completeley hooked on KSP. A friend of mine introduced me to it some months ago, but because he could never got to orbit, i thought all you could do i launch rockets... that blow up. Later i found some youtube vids and got interested... a whole galaxy to explore. Turned out, my friend did not have the patience to learn to get into orbit! Now here we are... few months later and i am building my first mun colony!
  7. Sorry to be so rude that my first post is a question I just unzipped the IF mod from the startpost, as i did with many mods before. Problem is; the new robotics tab is created in the VAB, but it is empty. I also see an IF button at the botom right of screen, pressing that does nothing. When installing the package from this thread i see a few white parts but still nowhere near complete. What i tried already: removing all other mods, reinstalling IF, downloaded newest modulemanager.dll (2.6.6.) Nothing helps. Can anyone help me on my way?
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