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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. god i feel a bit embarrassed reading back on this.

  2. ?!


    1. GDJ



    2. SpaceplaneAddict


      I just felt like exclaiming joy at the moment :)

    3. GDJ


      Okay. Carry on then. ^_^

  3. DAMNIT KASPER, why u do dis... i'll miss you
  4. Well that sucks. I totally agree with ya, on the part of reiumbursing KSP-StoreERs for a steam copy limitless-ly. I mean, really, they bought a legit copy, just not from steam. Why not let them transfer to? *confused*
  5. Alright, pls no hate me for this, but I'm genuinely curious. Didn't they do that?
  6. [snip] I'm assuming you haven't read the last part of this OP. It states they can't put the pre-release onto other services mainly because they are A: Inefficient B: Insuffcient It's just not within their abilities. Plus, they didn't choose it. They were forced by circumstances.
  7. Now now, no need to go and childishly remark. We're all cool here, OK? I just can't read walla of text on screens. No joke, it's actually serious.
  8. Alright , was redirected here. For this here pre-release, will you be giving us an opt-in code, or will the option simply appear in my Betas tab?
  9. Just putting it out here, I really hate Tylo right now...

  10. So, yeah, I'm just dropping by, ya know? Looking to buy me a GRILL! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xannari Ferrows

      Xannari Ferrows

      Boys, come on now. There's plenty of me to go around.

    3. SpaceplaneAddict


      Easy now, I just wanted some BBQ :)

    4. Xannari Ferrows
  11. Ey Fengist! You still alive?

    1. Castille7


      I wondering where Fengist has been, I've completed the Elcano Challenge a good while back and haven't heard anything back about my 8 day mission.

  12. I want BBCode.





    I beg.

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