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Everything posted by Dafni

  1. Thank you for this. I was pretty convinced I understood how the game does this, but who am I to argue with Val? Started to doubt my own logic there.
  2. I stand corrected. thanks for sharing. (hangs head and blushes)
  3. Unfortunately this is not true in KSP. You dont get a "pillar" of thrust. You are always balancing on the same "needle" of thrust, as KSP simulates a combined vector of thrust just as such, a vector, no matter how far away from each other you tilt the engines. Someone correct me if I am wrong and such a kind of phyisics has been introduced. Thats just how far I understood it last time I looked into how the game does these things. Consequently the statement of having multiple engines resulting in more stabilty is also questionable. The only difference is how far away your CoT is from your CoM, as far as on-power stability goes for VTOLs (when you ignore aerodynamics obviously)
  4. In my experience it does not. Arguably you gain a few degrees of gimbal if you are using gimbaling engines, but since you can not individually throttle engines what you gain on one side is your loss on the other. So I'd say point all engines straight down, with their combined thrust vector going exactly through the CoM obviously.
  5. Sorry, I was not aware the cheat menu is not available on the current console port. Hard to apologize for the alt F12 part though... temporary brain malfunction apparently.
  6. Its already available in the Alt+F12 cheat menu, use at your own convenience.
  7. Neat, very cool, and convenient. Thank you very much for your work, I appreciate it a lot.
  8. dont listen to them they are great books, I like them a lot. One of the best reads I ever had. I'm sure you'll enjoy the second half of the trilogy too. Have fun.
  9. Does anyone have the file that makes the new scatterer work with this now??
  10. I have the same "problem"... if somebody could suggest a sunflare that looks a bit bigger and instructions how to install it I would be most gratefull indeed. Thanks for sharing your configs. One question though: what does your rescale do to the atmospheres? thanks again
  11. Nice one Linux. A 1930s style open cockpit all the way to space? I bet Jeb is loving it.
  12. oh, that explains a lot, I felt the latest scatterer looked a bit "flat" on SSRSS in my defence, I always disable the ocean shaders, godrays etc. thanks for all the work on this great mod! I enjoy it a lot. And thanks in advance for the scatterer patch, last missing piece of the puzzle then (not that I was aware of it before you mentioned it, haha) other than that, all seems to work perfect for me. I also noticed an improvement in performance over my 1.2.2 or 1.1.3 installs. Lovely. Thanks a ton. No idea what you did though, and pretty sure I always went for the same resolutions etc.
  13. Is it recommended to install that ModularFlightIntegrator that comes with RSS?
  14. I never properly understood this setting. Is it limiting debris to 250 parts? Or 250 debris craft in total? And how does it go about deleting anything (like oldest first?)?? thanks for shedding some light.
  15. Its a lovely mod indeed, thanks for the great work @pap1723 I enjoy it a lot. One small tiny request: would it be possible to get a config for stock inclinations? Maybe like they did for the SSRSS mod (keep RSS inclinations for moons but put the planets in stock inclinations?
  16. Now really? Mine is doing exactly the same today!
  17. Do you just want to get to Eve? (a fly-by mission, an orbital probe, an impactor, or one-way mission or something like that?) Or do you want to make a return mission? I am not very familiar with the tech tree these days, but I believe the first should be achievable with relatively low tech (only takes parachutes to land, and they work very well there BTW), and for the later see the post of @Physics Student above.
  18. I would say that sounds perfectly fine, for Kerbin standards. I never counted, but yes, they are pretty abundant.
  19. So is this patch fix the way to go for RSS in 1.3? Or will there be an official release later on?
  20. I took the lazy approach this time and let CKAN update my SSRSS install, and now Phobos and Deimos are completely missing from my game. Is this a bug in the new update or a CKAN mess up?
  21. @EmbersArc great job on the gridfins so far, they are coming along nicely. @Boyster same story here. The gridfins and the landing legs from this mod are the only non-stock parts in my game. For a good reason.
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