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Everything posted by Dafni

  1. Hey Cupcake! Been a while! Good to see you! Nice video man, some pretty hairy maneuvers. Great piloting and great video editing as well. In the meantime I spent some quality time with that lovely bird too. It still flies great.
  2. Its all good mate, easy mistake. And by new players I meant other forum visitors or members, who might have read it and got confused.
  3. ah okay, I see now. easy mistake to make. did not want to nitpick, just thought I point it out, not to confuse new players or something.
  4. I may be missing a joke or something here, but just to avoid confusion: There is no Lithobraking in atmospheres, as it requires solid gound per definition. (litho = greek for stone)
  5. The first one looks a lot like the Ares mission to mars as described in the book Voyage by S.Baxter. Great videos, all of them (and a great book too, btw)
  6. How do you get rid of KSPedia? What exact files and folders does one need to delete? Thanks
  7. Well, that might appear so, but if you'd have left the extra mass behind you would have had those 95.2 in the previous stage. There is no winning in the mathematical sense. I think this is what people where trying to explain and what you also understood. I get what you are saying about putting some fuel away into an additional stage as a kind of emergency stage. Makes a lot of sense from a mission or story point of view too.
  8. Anyone in here ever built a Falcon9-like rocket with the KRE parts that does RTLS in RSS??
  9. They are great! They look very animate too! Nice job on the pictures as well, very dramatic.
  10. Might be nitpicking, but I feel like mentioning this here still: To clarify, gravity itself will change much less on your way to orbit than you might think. In orbit you only have the "illusion" of zero g because you are falling sideways so fast that you keep missing the planet. Lose any horizontal velocity and you will drop down pretty quick indeed. Think about it this way, if gravity goes away when you go up, what is keeping the moon from flying away? IRL, gravity at 400km altitude is still 90% as experienced on the surface IIRC. This adds nothing (or not much) to the discussion at hand, just wanted to clarify. It is a very common misconception too. Like, why do the astronauts in the ISS float? Because there is no gravity of course. But thats not true. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_of_Earth#Altitude
  11. Hmm, I doubt that to be true. For once, every upward flapping motion would give you just as much downward momentum as you would get upward momentum when you flap down, in effect giving you no net movement. Arms are not wings. Maybe when you would do swimming motions? But that illustrates the point of how thick the atmosphere and how low the gravity actually would need to be. I doubt those conditions are met on Titan, with its 0.14g of surface gravity and 1.45 atm pressure.
  12. I cannot help you, I just want to add that I get similar performance on similar hardware. And obviously I am wondering about the same things as you. Why does performance drop so drastically even though none of the hardware components seem to be close to its load maximum? For what its worth, I got noticeable better performance on some of the pre-release versions of 1.2, then it dropped off again.
  13. Agreed, its a very clean build. I like it. One of the nicest KSP tanks I have seen so far (although I have to admit I dont go looking for them a lot)
  14. Nice craft, man. Well done. The only thing that is bothering me is that weird fairing under the heatshield of your CSM. Personally I would use the (less known) upper attachment node for a cleaner look. But that is nitpicking really.
  15. RIP Peter Lustig. He will be remembered by many many people.
  16. Ahhhh, "die Sendung mit der Maus"..... those were the days!
  17. Either fly there with an atmospheric plane, or do a sub-orbital hop with a rocket.
  18. I agree. I am in the same position as you, forced to play on the next lower 16:9 resolution available.
  19. There is still the "old Duna"... they changed it in 0.21. Before that it was a bit more exciting to explore Duna, no idea why they changed it. Anyway, there is a mod that restores it back to its old glory: Maybe you like this old one a bit better?
  20. Not a "drawing" as such, but kinda space related as it reads ASTRA
  21. Wait for scatterer to be updated. In the meantime you can disable the ocean shaders in the scatterer config menu and the tiles should stop.
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