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Everything posted by Dafni

  1. It doesn't move but it should = more boosters It is moving but it shouldn't = more struts
  2. Oh, I see Well, lets just hope they figure that one out soon. It really is a quite severe eyesore sometimes.
  3. Hmmm, intriguing! But I dont understand any of this. Care to explain a bit more? What exactly needs to be done/changed in KSP? Many thanks in advance
  4. Lovely mod. I only use the gridfins and stage legs at this point, and they look and work very good. So nice to have them in the 3 "stock sizes" too. Thank you for all the work on this.
  5. I agree with both statements. Still wonder why they changed it in the first place.
  6. I had to shut it off and use my own tunes after a few hours, and I assume most people do the same.
  7. @GDJ what mod is that LEM from, if I may ask?? Thanks in advance
  8. I am curious about this too. As far as I know there is no assignable command for this, but it sure would be very nice to have. Lets hope some of the guys who knows more about the inner workings of KSP can shed some light on this. I once was taught on here how to assign buttons to commands that are not available in the settings/input menu through manually altering the settings file, but I dont think this trick works here. These days I have almost all KSP commands set to buttons in my self-made little cockpit, only reaching for the mouse for these kind of commands (outside the editor of course). Would be so awesome to have the option for stuff like this now, plus make the command "control from here" available in action groups too, please @SQUAD
  9. Awesome! Is that the in-game performance (speed/FPS) that you get or is it sped up?? Either way, awesome GIF and great craft too of course.
  10. @Emilbjorn are you sure its not the newly introduced Plasma Blackout??
  11. On top of what has been said already: maybe its just the plasma blackout messing with you?? It's a setting they introduced not too long ago, and you could toggle it off and try again. Just a thought.
  12. Hello, and welcome to the forum. And welcome to the addiction too This forum is definitely the right place for all questions related to KSP. Put tech questions in the technical support subforum. cheers Daf
  13. I make some kind of jigs with small cubic stuts sometimes. Right next to the docking ports. One on one ship, two on the other, interlocking, in a way that only allows one exact orientation to mesh. Works perfect, but adds 3 parts to every docking node.
  14. Nice one. But its either Andy Weir, or Mark Watney
  15. Those visuals on Eeloo! Nice video, I admired your non-RCS dockings! And without the Navball too!! Well done man.
  16. Thank you @Streetwind The thing with the debug menu is new for me too, might be just what I was looking for. Cheers @TheKorbinger
  17. True indeed. Call it a mix between OCD and the quest for the most efficient lunar orbit rendez-vous, Apollo style. I like to launch my lightweight LEM ascent module straight to the rendez-vous with the Command Module (CM) and naturally I have some inconsistencies with fuel consumption (the longer you stay on the surface the more you have to adjust your ascent profile when the AN/DN of the CM is slowly drifting away from you. Difference is especially notable in very low CM parking orbits). Its minor and not much of a problem really, I was just looking for ways to make it more "perfect". But yeah, you are absolutely right of course.
  18. Thank you guys. That's what I was afraid of. I know about the mod solutions, and I used them before, as well as the eyeball approach that stock offers... I was just checking if I missed a better option in stock KSP. I agree that the inclination information should be a stock feature, as well as some other useful (not to say essential) numbers that KER or MJ provide. Thanks again Daf
  19. A payload that is added to the rocket while it is standing vertical. SpaceX usually does horizontal integration, means the rocket is lying horizontal as they attach the payload (in the HIF, Horizontal Intagration Facility, IIRC)
  20. Wow, thats awesome! Great work so far
  21. Hey crew, the title says it all. How to get an accurate number for the inclination, or how to get the DN/AN when you are in orbit around a moon (i.e. cant set an orbiting body with zero inclination as target)??? For example, around Kerbin we can use the Mun as target and get AN/DN to make corrections to get a perfectly equatorial orbit, but I have yet to find a way to do this around the Mun. Am I missing something? Thank you in advance Daf
  22. Hey there! And thanks for the lovely mod. Is there a way to remove some parts that I dont need? Just wondering. And has the creator of those perfectly stockalike legs and fins been contacted by Squad yet?? Thanks in advance Daf (the Squad statement was more a hint for whoever listens than a serious question)
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