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Tirehtoori R.I.P

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Posts posted by Tirehtoori R.I.P

  1. 2 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

    Nice... the second one you should try to build with the new "rotor" mode of IR. It offers much more controll over the rotation via a lot more axis that you can also bind directly (not only via the action groups).

    But, you should wait for 3.0.2 (should be out soon, at least as a preview)... it improves the behaviour of this mode in some situations.

    i will try that as soon as possible, but hey i ubgraded the design already just to SugarCoat it  even more 


    oh yeah already forgot to mention this..... Why is Speed and ACC only able to do 20? i need them to go into 1000 :D can't get walkers go over 2-4m/s

  2. 16 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

    it's something on my list... and I'm sure it won't take too long

    Alrighty, please inform me as soon as possible so i can do marvelous things with IR sequencer :D

    16 hours ago, kcs123 said:

    Use pre-release IR Next. With those you can use stock sequencer/controler. It is available on github, but not trough CKAN yet.

    throw me a link buddy :D

  3. 22 hours ago, kcs123 said:

    Hahaha, what is next after washing loundry ? Dishes ? Some kind of Goldberg machine ? Definately some crazy contraptions :D.

    i have already made a Kerbal Vending Machine but couldn't come anything funny with it soooooo not gonna show that x,D i was thinking of LUBE tube for some reason, and Fully automatic gun, maeby oven, Dish washer would be funny though x,D

  4. 10 hours ago, Shogun Gunshow said:

    All I know is the second I attach anything to servos they suddenly stop working at all. They'll shudder slightly and change orientation maybe 1 degree when the target angle passes its current angle, but it otherwise stays rigid.

    i know this problem and can help with it too, If that happens in Editor, how about not being in the Custom action section when moving robotic parts :D And if that happens During in game "sequence" that just means the sequence lenght is too short and just goes wobble wobble wobble and will not do the wanted sequence, just raise the sequence lenght by second or 2. Not sure if this was the problem you described but anyway :,D

  5. On 4/10/2019 at 7:08 PM, V8jester said:

    @Catatau_27 I’d suggest doing a bit of digging on YouTube. Also through the sequencer thread. And for some shameless “advertising” of what @kcs123 was talking about. Here is a sped up video of me configuring a walking mech from start to finish. (You’ll probably need to watch on a Pc and pause a lot to see what’s actually going on)


    And truly dig into what @Tirehtoori R.I.P has on YouTube. Really amazing work. He was the guy that showed me what I know about mechs.

    I HEARD SOMEBODY CALL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD

  6. 4 hours ago, kcs123 said:

    I'm not sure if I like to have such parts in game. It is more than a half of fun to have multiple "lego" parts that you can combine and discover for yourself if something work properly or not, discover flaws in your own designs and how to counterpart those flaws. I understand that there always will be users who would want something that is ready to plug in and play (or pray) with it.

    im with @kcs123 with this one, for examble i take great pride on my work on the mechs i design, always building them again and again, never using the same schematic twice "except for the legs and arms uses same base design with little modifications from time to time when needed" and i can model them anyway i like to, so they will resemble a specific robot/mech/droid/suit or even METAL GEARS that some of my viewers desire to see. like my next project "Halo - Grunt Goblin" wich i will probably reveal tomorrow.

    Still working on that Pacific Jaeger "Gipsy Danger" still having problems because of its size and weight.

  7. 16 minutes ago, kcs123 said:

    Sequencer is also reworked, so it is possible that you have discovered some new bug. Try to make some screenshots and catch log. Report it in linked IR next thread to prevent things left unnoticed. @Rudolf Meier could tell you more what is going on.

    im quite sure that its the same problem that the old sequencer had when it doesn't pop up, il be trying few things before reporting

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