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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. Talk about a hair raising experience ... You think a plane is gonna bite it and it just keeps going and going It was basically a fight with one pair having too much yaw authority and the other pair having too little
  2. I use the small nosecone deal ... radially attach to most parts and is aerodynamic I just ad a probe core
  3. And the video is up ... You can find it HERE Great battles although you will have to forgive me for the lack of music as I wanted to get it up as soon as Kermanly possible
  4. So the first match of round 1 in the BAD T2 Second Tier is finished ... I'll be uploading the video shortly to YouTube You can find my channel HERE
  5. Awesome planes to all of you ... the fights so far have been great to watch I will be setting up the 1st match shortly for Tier 2 @TangerineSedge vs @luftein... Good Luck
  6. I'm not sure if this is right but doesn't the materials bay store experiments too?
  7. If you have a 'Scientist' in your crew you simply walk over in EVA and right click the part then select take experiment or whatever the button is labeled and then walk over to the science storage part, right click and select store experiments or what ever the button is labeled
  8. Exactly my point ... if we as a community just sit around and wait for others to fix things it will never get done We have a bunch of brainpower here on the forums so lets figure something out
  9. Yes, an app for the forum that doesn't crash my tablet or phone
  10. I've got something to say, I got an idea for KSP today And it doesn't matter much to me, as long as I write it down and it gets read. I've got something to say, I think KSP is the greatest game these days And it doesn't matter much to me, as long as she's played worldwide and <redacted> Sweet Lovely Val Just waiting for the button to be pressed Come senior Jeb ... Lets have this one Last Caress ------------------------------------------------- So it's wet, me igloo is a meltin', those damn homesteader's up yonder keep pokin' holes in me dam ... Can't they just leave a retired Canadian beaver alone? ... but I digress ... Megots an idear up here in da great white north, we needs us a Mobile App for the forum community ... a good one conceptualized and built by the members of the KSP Forums With the brain power we got lurking here I'm totally convinced that we, as a community, can come up with something with the straight goods I visualize the community building this and keeping it going and working towards the best experience for all ... Enthusiasts of KSP, those who sleep and dream the KSP dream, I implore you, let's make this happen. If we were to do this, it would be epic ... Thing is that we need to do it for ourselves and not be bugging Squad to do this for us as they are too busy creating this thing that we all dream about every night, especially since if it wasn't for them you wouldn't be reading this post or playing the most epic creation in recent memory (I mean Kerbal Space Program for those who didn't get that) Do you really want to create a make work project for the Overseers of the Kraken? Thoughts?
  11. Fishing in Kerbal ... Fishing trip in a few weeks
  12. OMG my head hurts ... You just couldn't leave Pandora and her box alone, could you? lol
  13. @Bob_Saget54 - Looks to me like we battle it out in the 14th fight ... Good luck to you sir, hopefully it doesn't land on AFHV or Full House On another note, The Link to the Second Tier is here -> http://challonge.com/BADT2_Second_Tier I will fill it as we get results from Tier 1
  14. Unfortunately I don't think so as @tetryds has clearly stated that once submissions were closed your craft fights as is
  15. That was fantastic, love the visual mods ... I picked up some more RAM to bring me up to 14 gigs so imma still hoping I can use some of them There was a lot of happy tail action going on with both crafts - Tip for all concerning Yaw Stability for your next designs ... Set your Yaw control surfaces to a low control deflection (start at 8 ... even lower) as you want your control to be mainly handled by your Roll and Pitch (use Yaw to keep your nose from wobbling side to side) Doing this will help solve the happy tail conundrum
  16. Can't wait to watch On another similar note, there will be a total of 5 rounds with an additional round to determine 3rd place for Tier 2. The challengers will consist of the first 16 defeated craft from Tier 1 (link in the above post) Good luck to all
  17. There is an old saying ... people who THINK they know are the worst type of people to have around as they will tend to refute anything you say just so they can feel like they were right Take the 'salt tears' thread for example ... There were many forum users who think they know what's up spouting stuff about subjects they had only a rudimentary understanding of (at best). Even after having pertinent information supplied to them, it was ignored and the conversation kept going around in circles. People having a sense of entitlement is the bane of our society these days ... First world problems
  18. Don't encourage him, it's just circular talk on things totally unrelated to KSP Like Jackie Chan said in Rumble in the Bronx ... I stay quiet to see how full of it you really are (paraphrased)
  19. So what you're saying essentially is that you are of the opinion that Squad should just scrap KSP altogether and start creating a new game which is .... Hell, I don't even understand what you're saying other than you want Squad to completely overhaul the whole concept behind KSP and create the whole of creation which even the top scientists and thinkers of humanity still don't even understand Sounds like a great game
  20. I do it every time ... even when I'm watching a KSP video on my tablet I reach for the mouse to adjust the view Kind of awkward when your sitting at tim hortons beside some stranger
  21. Pain, so much pain (and agony reading this thread) ... Skywalker the kiddies are in so much pain Spinning, spinning (and getting dizzy) ... You spin me right around (and unfortunately I didn't end up before I started when I started reading this thread ... see 'Time Travel' and 'Granfather Paradox') There is an old saying ... The less you know the more you speak
  22. What he said ^^^^^ Let alone nobody playing KSP will upgrade their computers ever, right?
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