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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. I would show them a digital clock and a calendar. The clock would cycle through and they would see the pattern of "the fast one goes up to 59 and resets, and every time it resets the next one changes, and that one goes to 59 and resets and the one after that changes, and that one goes up to 12 instead of 59, but oh look, that one cycles exactly twice in one day on the planet. With the calendar, they could see how we keep track of the days, and how we also use the Moon (more or less) to tell longer periods of time.
  2. 1304: An oven in the middle of the room. There is a pie in it.
  3. The book causes no physical harm, but it constantly taunts you about everything you do and is really annoying. I wish I had a big plate of malleable high-temperature superconductor and some liquid nitrogen.
  4. Sometimes I like to imagine what the earth will be like in a thousand years. Maybe everyone will have left in starships, and the ruins of our once great cities will stand above dense jungles and arid, lifeless deserts. I imagine walking along, looking at the huge monuments, and think of how great that civilization was to build all that. I'll also wonder why they left. Nothing stays perfect. Every clock winds down. Every orbit decays. Every civilization falls. Every building crumbles. It doesn't matter if it takes ten or ten million years, it will happen. That is the only thing we can be sure of. One day, KSP will die. The forums will be forgotten. That's just how the universe works. It's still cool to look at the ruins and wonder what it was like before it ended though.
  5. Orion is designed for deep-space exploration, thus it must be tested in deep space with a large rocket like SLS.
  6. No more than 3 exclamation points per sentence, you cheater! Also, you put a spoiler inside another spoiler! AND you put the same thing in BOTH spoilers! There's no point in cheating that badly!
  7. 1302: Daleks. Daleks everywhere. Luckily, they seem to be playing KSP and don't notice you. COMPLETELY USELESS REVELATION: Daleks=Evil converted astromech droids?!?!?!
  8. My speedcube tower. I will teach the forums CFOP! The object nearest to the nearest writing utensil to you has become sentient and telekinetic and evil.
  9. The reason the forum upgrade took so long is the part count was too high so it was laggy and there weren't enough struts so it was hard to control.
  10. This looks like facebook :huh: 

    And what's the point of having the forum active yet if none of the forum stuff is active?

    What does "status" even mean?

    Why did we even need to move the forum anyway?

    Why is this double spaced?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. HoloYolo


      This better be still updating lol


    3. tater


      If this is what all forum entires will look like, I think I'm done with the forum. Reddit is a terrible model for having real content in a forum, this might as well be twitter.

    4. HoloYolo
  11. cheater you can't put two wink faces in one sentence!
  12. You necro'd a crapton of forum games! That's the cheatiest Cheater McCheatypants I've ever seen here!
  13. I take the place of last poster
  14. 1299: A sign pointing up the stairs says: "You are almost there!" Trouble is, there's at least twenty different sets of stairs.
  15. I must be the last one!
  16. Because SSTO stands for Single Stage To Orbit, not Single Stage To Interplanetary What is a bouncy ball?
  17. [quote name='SpaceplaneAddict']-6. [-][/QUOTE] I think you meant 6? Reverting to cantab's 7 6 (-)
  18. Known for *paste* [COLOR=#333333]spamming a full page of the forum game subforum before shut down[/COLOR]
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