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Posts posted by Crazy-Engineer

  1. 36 minutes ago, Starwaster said:

    You said KSP 1.2.2. That's what the prerelease version I linked to is for. If you're seeing anywhere in your game or log files then you don't have KSP 1.2.2

    The DRE menu doesn't use keybinds anymore. If you're seeing references to Alt+D+R then that's something I'll need to remove.


    well for some reason ckan shows 1.2.2 but ksp log shows
    your DRE readme has ALT+D+R

    so does this mean DRE doesnt work with 1.2.1?

  2. Thatmo looks like a white star in map mode on the side facing the sun so i hyper-edited to orbit around Thatmo and the surface looks bleached with some parts blue, again the side facing the sun
    also its atmosphere is flickering like hell in map mode when orbiting a body other than Thatmo
    although all of these issues disappear after entering the atmosphere
    is this a scatterer issue?

    Engine lighting
    Real Plume
    SVE (and everything that comes with it)

    Ksp v1.1.3.1289

    Other than that everything else looks awesome :) really looking forward to Tekto in the next update

  3. 26 minutes ago, not-working-at-work said:

    My kerbal keeps dying on her way back from the Mun.

    The reason given is "air toxicity", but I checked the oxygen and co2 levels, and they're totally normal.  I even installed the Jettison mod and dumped all the co2, but she still dies!


    It always happens a little past the 2-day mark of the mission.  I have run out of battery power, if that makes a difference, but I did try it once with the debug menu set to infinite electricity.


    [edit] ran a test, she survives if she's on EVA, but dies almost as soon as she gets back in the capsule, no matter what the O2/CO2 levels are.

    this used to happen back in 1.0.5 even, TACLS needs electricity AFAIK

    Also this is one of my fav mods and this shud be stock, glad to know its being updated

  4. 2 hours ago, Nefrums said:

    Nice lander,  I think you might get better performance with more twr and less dV.

    I have a working lander now with just over 4k dV + 600 dV from EVA. 

    Well tats one way to go but I like to keep them kerbals inside pods while doing orbital maneuvers and such

    I wonder if I can re-use the tylo lander for the rest of the joolian moons (except laythe)? would the TWR be OP?

  5. On 3/27/2016 at 8:21 PM, Claw said:

    Well, depends on your concept of an SSTO. Some people inherently thing "spaceplane" when they say SSTO, so I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for. But since Fellow314 posted something similar above, here's my most recent Laythe SSTO (which I used in my Jool5 submission). It's a bit tighter on fuel than I intended.

    There are a lot of options available for cargo bay sized SSTOs if you aren't meaning "with wings" (which you said in a previous post). Even with wings, you can still get away with small designs, but you sometimes have to work hard to drive down the size.

    Ahh the toroidal clipping exploit, i think this is allowed for this challenge as sdj64's submission did include this
    either ways tats one simple and cool design, i like it ^_^
    well as for SSTO it means any Single Stage To Orbit vehicle even if its a brick (doesn't necessarily have to have wings)

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