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Everything posted by Rocketology

  1. If have never played with Real Scale, Real Solar System before, jumping to this scale will be an eye-opener. As most of what works at stock scale won't work very well, if at all so you have to relearn most of what you thought you knew. Using SMURFF can take the edge off of going RO/ Real Fuels as those make KSP, arguably, a different game. Plus, those are intended to mimic human space flight and with GPP, well, they are Gaeleans! And much of RO is written specifically for RSS so will require quite a bit of .cfg editing to work as intended. Stop by my stream any time if you have questions!
  2. I need to remember my monitor is ultra-wide so for me all of the text is next to the image. Thanks for the reminder!
  3. I am not a shuttle guy either, I prefer SSTO's for low orbit but this was an idea floating in my brain for a while and since many do like shuttles, why not make a better one? Plus they are more of an engineering challenge.
  4. Here is the max envelope flight sequence: Ready for lift-off! (Has 3 full large ore tanks totaling 51 tons of payload.) It really needs a launch tower.... And we have lift-off! Pitch and roll maneuver! (Arguably the most difficult part of the ascent due to CoM off-set and non-gimbaling SRB's.) Clean booster separation! Secondary roll complete! MECO and ET separation! Aerospikes burning for orbital insertion! (Aerospikes don't gimbal either, the upper set are angled to 10 degrees above horizontal and the lower set to 5 degrees.) And we have orbit at ~250KM! Go for payload deploy! Preparation for reentry burn! We have contact with the atmosphere! (Plasma trail by Reentry Particle Effect mod.) Finally slowing down! And right on trajectory! Pattern approach! (Always aim for a slight overshoot and do a pattern approach, much easier to correct than an undershoot, especially if unpowered like this.) On the base leg preparing for final approach! On final! Wheel Stop! Top down view showing her sleek lines! Baby Got Back!
  5. It flies great if you don't use SAS for the reasons stated above. I tried to balance it out but since the SRB's do not gimbal and the only reaction wheels on it are in the cockpit and probe core but SAS excessively over corrects into complete loss. It is easier to fly manually, especially if you have a joystick or if you use Atmospheric Autopilot. Aero-control surfaces are inactive on ascent so you have to remember to program them prior to re-entry. Roll and pitch are completely controlled by the Vectors/ cockpit reaction wheels. (I rarely use extra reaction wheels on my vehicles unless it's a VTOL as you don't have much choice.) The SRB's are actually 9 Kickbacks on both sides as it's the only way to get enough power to balance the 3 Vector's. The SRB's are thrust limited, off-set in pairs, so it mimics thrust trail-off and makes the control much easier as they start to burnout just as loss of fuel mass starts to push TWR over powering the Vectors. It is set for max payload so you would need to re-tune based on payload mass. I plan on making them sub-assemblies tuned for different weight classes to make that easier. Re-entry, even from 250KM is uneventful and has great cross-range ability if empty. Re-entry at max payload is also smooth, but you have to re-enter with a higher AoA or you won't slow down and cross-range ability is obviously less and requires a more "shuttle" like high speed approach in order to be able to flare.
  6. Anyone that watches my stream knows I am more a spaceplane SSTO guy than a shuttle guy, but for you shuttle lovers out there, I think you will like this. It is not meant to be a NASA STS analogue but more a Kerbal version of what STS 2.0 could be. It is stock, but so much easier to fly using Atmospheric Autopilot in Rocket Mode as stock SAS has a major issue of over-correcting itself into a never ending oscillating roll. Or, with enough practice, pure manual flight. It can put more than 50 metric tons into a 250KM orbit and return. It can re-enter stable with 50+ tons of cargo as well, but you will need to practice approach and landing as it doesn't want to slow down and you have to keep about 3 times the velocity vs. empty on approach in order to flare properly. I created this and many other vessels on my stream https://go.twitch.tv/rocketpcgaming Here is the Advanced Orbiter + Stack: https://kerbalx.com/rocketpcgaming/Advanced-Orbiter-+-Stack (The mod Kronal Vessel Viewer takes the blueprint screen shots.)
  7. Also Wild Blue Industries M.O.L.E. uses the ASET props as well.
  8. Those two are primarily Ven's Stock Part Revamp (which mostly re-textures stock parts and adds a few, KW Rocketry, FASA (the launch towers) and Wild Blue Industries - Buffalo Rover & M.O.L.E. And then of course their dependencies. I have a ton more mods installed, but that is where those are from. @Poodmund Awesome stuff, Sir! That ALCORS is HAWTNESS! Use 1.3.0-6 for either GPP 1.5.0 or 1.5.1 ;-)
  9. The Real Scale Gaelean Space Program Career update: https://www.twitch.tv/rocketpcgaming Some shots of first manned orbit around Ceti: Crew module w/ transfer stage (1 of 2)... Crew module w/ transfer stage (2 of 2)... View from the cockpit... Galileo taking the first space walk in Ceti orbit... Here are shots from our first manned landing on Iota. Not enough tech for an Apollo approach so the crew module and lander were launched separately, lander first, then the crew vessel; rendezvous in Iota orbit. Launch of the lander (1 of 3).... Launch of the lander (2 of 3).... Launch of the lander (3 of 3)....Just gorgeous! Transfer burn 1 to Iota for the lander... Launch of the crew vehicle... Rendezvous and docked with the lander in orbit of Iota... The decent burn... Preparing to land... Footprints, not craters... Ascending back to orbit to rendezvous with the crew vehicle... Almost home...
  10. Any contract pack tied to any stock celestial will not work for obvious reasons. But what isn't so obvious which packs are; GAAP for example is obvious, others not so much. You can always look through the .cfg files on the packs you want and edit them to GPP, for personal use... EDIT: You can also always use Galileo's own Play Your Way Mod
  11. I haven't messed with jet engines on Tellumo, yet, but what are the curves in Advanced Jet Engine? Do they continue beyond 1 atmo? If so, the work is already done and just needs to be borrowed, if possible.
  12. Yes, his Calm Nebula works really well with GPP. It just fits! :-)
  13. @Galileo @Poodmund @JadeOfMaar @OhioBob @TheRagingIrishman Team Galileo, I am not sure how you all keep improving on this epic mod, but you do! And I thank you for it, sincerely! This...This. Is. Planet. Porn! Baby! Yeah! (And this is stretched to 10.625X scale!) And I had to do this again :-P
  14. @PLAD Using just RO, I am not certain it is possible with chemical rockets considering how small the payload to fuel margin is. Maybe from a point of high elevation and a very light weight probe it could be done, maybe? You would need ~13,500m/s velocity to achieve orbit, (too late for math so just an educated guess) that would be in the ball park of 17,000m/s of dV required from launch. With a TWR to push against 1.8G's, which would rule out high efficiency/ low thrust, light weight engines for the most part. It would have to be a multi-vessel journey and the hard part would be getting the relaunch stage successfully through re-entry, which isn't that easy as not much depth to the atmosphere before going dense, maybe requiring a retro burn during entry. I have entered and landed safely on Tellumo in testing, but haven't attempted getting back into orbit from there, yet. I think of Tellumo as more a "Hotel California" planet for Gaelean (Kerbal) retirement. If you give it a shot, be sure to let everyone here know how it goes! Good Luck! (you are going to need it!) :-P
  15. More Screenshots inbound from The Real Scale Galean Space Program! (10.625X/ Earth scale.) All streamed Live at https://www.twitch.tv/rocketpcgaming Launch for first landing on Iota! First probe landing on Iota! First Ceti Flyby. Launch for first orbiter probe of moon Ceti. Just a beautiful sight! Real Scale launches are just so epic!
  16. @Poodmund is working on something awesome! It's almost there!
  17. Not today, need to get some stuff done around the house and do some stream admin...like apply for twitch partnership (not likely to happen...but never hurts to try) and design some bttv emotes.
  18. Here are some more 10.6X scale images, queue epic music for this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aItrMzaMxe0&t=11679s First Jet First Polar Orbit Polar Beauty First Manned Launch (Second Stage Burn) First Manned Orbit First Orbital Space Walk Galileo Gaelan looking down at his world in awe... See it unfold live! https://www.twitch.tv/rocketpcgaming
  19. I will will be going over the install process again this morning for anyone having issues and I will post the stream highlight here later. https://www.twitch.tv/rocketpcgaming Install instructions with video demo can be found in this highlight here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/167018110
  20. I had this very thing as well, they are not only not working, they do not physically exist. I haven't checked the KK thread though to see if there is a fix.
  21. The Gaelean Space Program begins... First Flight... First crash landing (bloody awful landing gear!!!!).... First orbital launch.... The Money Shot! The beauty of first orbit....
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