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Everything posted by wissx

  1. I know this has been awnserd but where can I find the downloads for the sub Assemblys
  2. When you plan your life and have 4 variations
  3. Will you include all the shuttle payloads? and will you include the launch pads? I am hyped for this mod
  4. When you find aviation games fun When you want simplerockets in order to perfect your orbit skills in ksp cause they are non existent
  5. wissx

    Can you setup a post with all your mods?

  6. You know when you are a nerd when you order 50 mission stickers and are hyped when they arived You know when you are a nerd when you decide to start remembering things about shuttle missions. You know you are a nerd when you can say that Sts -27 was flown by Atlantis carrying a DOD classified mission and was the most damaged shuttle to land.
  7. You know when you are a nerd when you are the only nerd. You know you are a nerd when you have no freinds
  8. I think if we enedned up sing more power, than the average man could live on a 2 dollar electric bill. What iif we went to mars not the moon
  9. You know when you are a nerd when you want to go to a nuclear reactor You know when you are a nerd when you admire U235 You know when you are a nerd when you know nuclear history better than some certain history
  10. I would think it would be cool if you got science earned no matter where and what as long as it is different.Like Every 1 cubed KM you get a different result. and every 10 in game minutes you get a different result per cube
  11. Then in ten days it would be a 1 minute day What if Rock and Roll never died
  12. The one sentence to destroy the gullible: Can I have your username and password? I will only give you <Currency>
  13. get scratched all over your body and then jump into a pool of lemon juice for lols would you rather be the first man to die on the moon or be the first man to die on mars
  14. wissx


    Got it now thanks
  15. wissx


    To clarify I only use RAM in a game when I am playing it
  16. wissx


    If you have 4 Gig Ram and you have like 5 games that run 2 Gig ram each. Would that be possible ? So you only take up ram when you use?
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