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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. So funny story, if anyone's tried to search for 'gemini' before, you'll know it shows you a ton of random other parts. Recently discovered the reason for this - KSP automatically adds the tag ")mini" to any 0.625m part (anything with the bulkheadProfile = size0). The really fun part is the ")" tag means it matches the *end* of the search term/tag, so it matches "gemini", but not "min". Other autotags use "(" tags, which match the *start* of the search term/tag, and if they used that instead, it wouldn't match gemini. So pretty sure this is all because of a Squad typo! Just searching for "gemin" will work instead, because the end of it doesn't match mini lol
  2. Ah it's the AlternateXLR81Textures optional patch, which is just nuking the engine switch module and replacing it with it's own one, so it needs to be updated. If you remove it for now it should fix the issue. Edit: it's updated on dev now
  3. I was seeing it even with the stock deployable science parts though, like DeployedGoExOb, which only has ModuleGroundExperiment. I'll try set up a minimal recreation environment and get some specific steps soon Edit: updated the GH issue
  4. Not sure what could be breaking this, probably need a log. Yeah I think that'll be a bug in Part Volume. I think setting volume to -1 is *meant* to set the parts as unstorable, but that doesn't seem to be the case now. Then there's the fact it's trying to set parts as unstorable incorrectly, like the stock deployable science. You can remove the base PV mod and keep it's generated cfg file, and it should fix it. Had a hunch and tested it, and it seems it was correct - looks like it's an interaction with KSPCF. Removing KSPCF while PartVolumes is installed stops stock deployable parts having -1 volume. Obviously just removing PV after it generates the cfg is the preferable solution to removing KSPCF though lol. I'll report the issue on the PV github
  5. Not seen this before, would need a copy of your KSP.log (in main kerbal space program folder), and maybe modulemanager.configcache too (in gamedata). zip them up and host on google drive or dropbox or something, and I can have a look.
  6. You might just need to update, there was a short period where the majority of the thrust from the inline variant was coming from one of the verniers instead of the main bell. You probably downloaded dev between the 13th and 15th of July?
  7. @Neil Kerman If you want to fix this asap, you can place this file in your gamedata. Should also be fixed next update anyway too.
  8. I can't really see much that might be causing this, I can only really suggest installing KSP Community Fixes and testing again. You also have some minor installation mistakes for the BDB extras patches - they should all live within a folder called 'Bluedog_DB_Extras' inside gamedata, instead of directly in gamedata. It doesn't matter much, but it will break some texture replacements in the methalox patches, which do rely on file paths. Looks like KSP PartVolumes isn't recognizing that it shouldn't patch parts with ModuleGroundPart, so is overriding the volumes we set with it's automatically generated ones. Should be able to blacklist the affected parts, though I'll also report to KSPPV. Not sure how you ended up with negative volumes with those stock parts though...
  9. This is already like that on dev, but it doesn't seem to work very well like this either. The center-line SRMs point away from the CoM in 6x symmetry, while it's correct when individually placed. If the main advantage of symmetry is allowing the auto-sequential firing, you can at least replicate that by manually firing each engine manually. I might be able to set up a B9PS module to allow for correct setup... but no promises at this point. Looks like I can't fix this with B9PS 6x: Vs individual: Do you have FAR installed perhaps? Would probably need a log to look into it more, but it's unlikely to be something we can do much about on our end.
  10. Haha, yeah it was this or having drag even with an Apollo on top. The fix is kinda funny - there's now an invisible nose cone on all variants (it even still has a meshrenderer and texture, it's just on layer 21) , without any new colliders. The cargo bay module still sees it though, so it thinks it's shielded. Spent so long trying different combinations of extra colliders and cargo bay module settings, was such a relief when something finally worked lol
  11. Longstanding bug fixed, the SLA panels actually shield the contents: Also a new closed wide variant: Also updated the textures for less dds artifacts (no pink/green tinge), and they now have new normals so there's no more weird lighting at the part seams.
  12. The only patch we provide for hypergolic fuel switches in the optional patches uses AZ50/NTO, so you probably had some other mod that was changing it. You probably don't want to install *all* of the extras folder too. You should go though it and pick the ones you actually want lol
  13. https://github.com/Bellabong/Barking-Owl-Bureau/releases/tag/2.0 I think it only applies to the old/current Atlas parts however, not the upcoming/dev branch Atlas revamp.
  14. FWIW I also never use PVG as basically always have issues with it. Mainly overshooting the AP, so the craft ends up massively pitching down, but this then further raises the AP. Also had autostage issues, like a kick stage SRM getting triggered while the upper stage is still mid-burn, but it's simple enough to just not use autostaging. I just find it a lot easier and quicker (no resets) to fly manually. It seems like the closer to the limit of performance the rocket is, the better PVG will be at flying it, and high TWR craft will have more issues?
  15. I can’t reproduce this still. Does it happen with freshly built craft, as opposed to loading a saved craft? And how did you install your other mods? If you don’t use CKAN I might recommend clean reinstalls (delete old versions) of: system heat, at utils/configurable containers/throttle controlled avionics. Maybe even try without TCA and CC installed just to check. If none of that helps, and it does happen with freshly made craft, a copy of your modulemanager.configcache from your main gamedata folder could be helpful too
  16. It's on the dev branch of the GitHub, not in any releases. https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/tree/1.14-Development To download, press the green code button and select download .zip. It's not recommended to use dev branch for a "real" play-through, and there can be multiple updates a day (it can be worth setting up github desktop to sync updates, vs redownloading the whole thing over and over), but if you want to help test go ahead! Weird, not seen this one before... I'll have a look into it
  17. It will get fixed when Cobalt is able to, but I also echo what Pappystein has said and 100% recommend KSPCF, in all cases.
  18. You might need to install KSP Community Fixes, there seems to be an issue with one of the x15 textures, but having KSPCF allows it to load.
  19. @Cheesecake Since this has now been pulled into dev branch, the bdb hypergolic optional patch just isn’t active anymore with SSS, and you might as well just remove it. However since SSS hasn’t been updated in a while, it is absolutely going to be buggy with the updated titan engines in dev branch anyway, not to mention all the other changes and new parts added since SSS has last updated. I can’t currently recommend playing with SSS and BDB dev branch together.
  20. The main issue is I think the colliders would need changing for clearance with interstages, which is a little more involved than I’d want to get into. You can also currently disable the shroud in the PAW anyway (a stock feature), and offset tool a interstage upwards to fit too. But you may get some slight bumps on decoupling due to the colliders of the transtage not being set up for this, though it will kinda work. The fact the transtage is an all-in-one part too with integrated engines also means there’s basically no difference in stability between a shroud or an interstage. There isn’t a low mass engine part sandwiched in the middle of the stack that an interstage would bypass.
  21. Does it need something in particular? I'm not aware of any particular issues, and I don't think it's really required to switch it to solid interstages.
  22. It’s mine, and I’ll double check later, but it should have all of the new stuff already. There should be less parts in atlas category now as a lot of the different tanks got converted into part switches. Also make sure it is updated when you update dev, it’s quite easy to forget “extras” patches when updating, speaking from experience haha But yeah if there are specific missing parts from the FE/CCK patches, please do let me know and I can check/update
  23. This is why it's on the one specific side too - it fits onto the engine mount reinforcement points:
  24. @Kochi just letting you know, BDB dev has an updated AJ260. Both bluedog_Saturn_AJ260_Inline and bluedog_Saturn_AJ260_Radial are soft depreciated, and the new one is just bluedog_Saturn_AJ260. It only has a single engine module instead of a separate vernier engine module, and includes thrustFXTransform (detached from gimbals as it's a fixed nozzle) and vernierFXTransform. Bundled Smokescreen/RP compat is done by manually patching in a 2nd set of particle fx with transformName = vernierFXTransform into the main running effect, since there isn't a second engine module to have it's own running effect.
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