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  1. I am trying to analyse your situation but I need more information like what else did you change or kept constant while changing the TWR. Also I need to know if you have fired the rocket vertically up or you did give any [B]Pitchover Manoeuvre[/B]? If yes, then what was your [B]kick angle[/B]? In the straight vertical firing case, when pitch angle is 90 deg. and there is not pitch change, I found that TWR ratio is not giving any peak in culmination altitude. It keeps increasing but the rate is coming down. You can see that in the graph I plotted below. Don't worry about the culmination altitude value as it also depends upon the Mass ratio and specific impulse which I took as some constant value. [IMG]https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bwfo4o89dVSHVjBvSEFRYlNWNms[/IMG] [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] I got the answer. In my previous msg I shared a graph of culmination altitude Vs TWR, where there is no peak visible. But after reading your query twice I found that you are talking about the burnout altitude not the culmination altitude and yes burnout altitude has an optimal TWR. Any value before and after it will bring down the burnout altitude. I am not able to share the graph picture, if you can teach me how to share the graph, I shall share it with you. I think there should be an option to share the pictures and vids from your computer rather than sharing only the links. If there is any, I don't know yet, I am new to this forum.
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