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Everything posted by Dobelong

  1. Looks pretty impressive! I like the design choice of the jet being able to be used for vertical and horizontal flight, you generally don't see many of those with center-mounted engines. How's the fuel capacity?
  2. https://imgur.com/a/hfooKO6 (screenshot embed failed for some reason) I'm not sure why but despite active particles being set to 1,000, when I load up a craft with lots of RAPIER engines, the particle limit usually goes way past that. Is this intended?
  3. The science lore in this modpack is really cool (when it isn't generic placeholders, that is) I especially enjoy how basically every single report on Narath talks about how disappointing of a habitable world it is I highly anticipate seeing what you think up for the other systems!
  4. This helped a lot, thanks! Another thing, if I may ask, are there any mods that add 2.5m cargo bays and the ability to reconfigure stock fuel tanks to store things like IntakeAtm?
  5. Would this be a good place to put gameplay related questions for these parts? such as: -The Schramjet seems to be pretty weak at subsoninc thrust, are other engines required at this stage or have people found workarounds for SSTOS? -The Warpjet "MARGE" part description indicates it and the "SAGE" can operate in vacuum but both modes seem to require IntakeAir, how does this work? These questions aside, this modpack is generally incredibly fun to play!
  6. A couple ingame years ago, a Kraken attack destroyed the wings of Jeb's SSTO while it was refueling at the Mun Space Station. Jeb decided to land on the Mun anyways, but broke both engines after landing when another kraken attack destroyed them upon loading a quicksave. Today I took this brand new Vertigull III SSTO to fetch him from the Mun's surface. The engines' ability to tilt vertical for nonatmospheric landings certainly simplified the landing process in this case. Since the Vertigull packs an ISRU suite, however, this is probably not the end of our crew's adventures. In other news, you can grab the Vertigull III here: https://kerbalx.com/Dob23/Vertigull-III
  7. Interesting, definitely a planet mod to keep an eye on! Haven't got time to play it right now but most definitely will give feedback once I do!
  8. Is there any clear way to see if engine exhaust is being blocked by a part and heating it up rather than producing thrust that is moving the craft forwards? I know that sometimes this change in temperature will show up on the F11 indicator but I feel like I have experienced situations where this change in temperature has been negligible. In these cases, is there some way to check if a part is blocking an engine's exhaust and reducing effective thrust?
  9. This mod is absolutely phoenomenal, and runs very stable on 1.12! That being said I've accidentally drained all my graviolium in long term time warp by forgetting to turn off reactor power at least 20 times now
  10. Is there any way to easily drain all the fuel from a craft in the editor without checking every individual tank? It would make taking a look at a spaceplane's center of mass when all the fuel is drained, compared to its center of mass with full fuel, much easier.
  11. Just a mild gripe, the spacedock site for this mod lists its compatiblity with 1.12, but this forum site hasn't gotten that yet Threw me off a bit at first, but of course if mods like betterTimeWarp for 1.12 need this then this has to be 1.12 compatible
  12. Ah, I didn't consider that exotic matter might be the problem. I'll have to give that a try. Edit: It's not possible to drain exoticmatter before launch, and draining xenon didn't change anything. The drag is still extremely high. Just curious, has anyone else replicated this situaiton (trying to get a warp drive to orbit in a mk2 cargo bay or a fairing using something with fairly low TWR like an SSTO?)
  13. It seems that the 0.625m drive generates huge amounts of drag even when stowed in a cargo bay or fairing. Is this intentional or a bug?
  14. Just tried this mod and I can assert its absolutely phenomenal with galaxies unbound that being said does anyone have any tips for actually getting into orbit of another panet without burning a huge amount of deltaV? Usually I’m passing by way too fast to slow down.
  15. I made this little STOL Paraglider thing. It was meant to be a supercruise capable aircraft, but unfortunately it still wasn't FAST enough. So I strapped a whiplash to it and this happened.
  16. Looks neat. As soon as I get it I'll make a flying Gustav Cannon
  17. Noticed that the old Mk1 cockpit design has some slits on the sides; maybe add an internal intake as well to run a small jet? Good idea. I think it would be good to add a heat tile version, but instead as a customization option. (Like how you can color the new rover wheels and fuel tanks.)
  18. This thing doesn't need any control surfaces, and can fly up to 30,000 meters!
  19. Good, now we just need this to be a stock feature without requiring glitchiness to use. Paragliders will become commonplace, and don't even get me started on when MULTIPLE KERBALS GET ON THE SAME CRAFT.
  20. Looking to get back into this mod but can't find enough firepower. Maybe add the Big Bertha or the Gustav cannon?
  21. Okay, got a new profile picture after 50000 attempts to get the right res.

  22. DOBELONG'S FLYING EXPERIMENTS AND ETC.TM So after wandering the endless wastelands of the KSP forums, I've decided to make my first (official ) entrance into the thread base. And unfortunately, it is not in the fanfiction thread. Instead, I will be uploading various craft that I have built, and maybe place them up for download. This thread in particular is meant for aircraft that don't exactly conform to standard construction boundaries. Most of these use the goliath engine simply because of its high thrust and insanity value, and each aircraft has its unique quirks. One thing's for sure though; these planes certainly aren't boring! Packer X3 This is a fairly conforming design, but still manages to carry a fairly big payload size, thanks to its aerodynamic shell. I recommend it as a "starter aircraft," as it isn't too insane and is pretty good at its job. Download:https://kerbalx.com/Dob23/Packer-X3 Wow, you've reached the end. This thread is pretty small for now, but more downloads will be coming soon!
  23. I decided to build a craft with no symmetry, build guides, stack attachment nodes, or duplicates of a single part. Furthermore, I decided to place it on KERBALX! So, you know, in case anyone else wanted it. Trust me, you will not regret this fine purchase. https://kerbalx.com/Dob23/TurboScrap-X1
  24. I decided to build a series of durable rovers that can withstand a knock from those outrageous hills. Out of the 3 models made, some were more useful than others. From X1 to X3 left to right: The X1 is speedy and turns fast, the X3 has an ore processor and 2 powerful engines, and the X2 is meant to run only on ElectricCharge. Thus, due to the relatively poor handling of the rovemax wheels, the X2 is slower than either of the two and has to stop for constant charges. (TLDR, it's useless)
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