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Posts posted by arsenal3185

  1. I've been playing the same KSP save for a while and while I was building a station, I noticed the crew I ferried to the station weren't in the bottom right corner. I can't toggle the view with the "c" key to IVA, and the crew portrait is completely missing on every craft. I clicked the hatch and selected the crew to EVA, where they are registered, and when Jeb rolled out, he was fine. However, when he tried to get back in, the hatch registered that he was in but created a duplicate texture of Jeb still on the ladder. I tried to EVA Jeb again, but it said there was something obstructing the hatch. I tried switching to the Phantom Jeb, but the vessel switcher claimed there was nothing there. So, I can't view the IVA or EVA because it locks the hatches. Can someone help me fix this issue?

  2. 1 hour ago, Kerbart said:

    For one, the issue could be that your rockets are not top heavy. A rocket is like a dart; the more forward the center of mass is, the more stable it will be.  The longer the distance between the fins (at the back) and the center of mass, the longer the lever is for aerodynamic forces to provide torque to keep your rocket flying straight.

    In short:

    • Put fins as far backward as you can
    • Try to move the center of mass forward. That doesn't always mean moving stuff forward; it also means limiting heavy stuff (engines) at the bottom.



    32 minutes ago, NathanKell said:

    Yeah, that's your problem.

    You should be tipping over gently well before you reach a single kilometer up. And don't give yourself too much thrust, either.

    Thanks, guys! I'll try tomorrow and maybe come to this thread.

  3. When I build a rocket, no matter what configuration (regular, asparagus, fairing, ignorant to aerodynamics), the rocket can get up to the stage where I used to preform my gravity turns (5,000-7,000 meters). As soon as I tilt my rockets even the slightest bit, they flip over. I've tried not even putting a payload on rockets and they all still flip upside down and refuse to point up again. I've tried no payload, limiting the gimbal, limiting the thrust and fuel amounts, etc. The rockets definitely aren't top-heavy, so what's the issue here?

  4. On 12/3/2015, 11:58:53, Geschosskopf said:

    Actually, several nations built at least 1 sub that could carry aircraft internally and others carried aircraft in external pods on normal subs.  For most, this was for the same reasons that they all put aircraft on their cruisers, to provide long-range recon to the ship in the days before radar, to help it hunt for prey in commerce warfare.  The Japanese different mainly in doctrine, viewing their submarines as scouts and attrition weapons of their main battlefleet, instead of lone raiders.

    But is it an I-400?

  5. On 12/2/2015, 12:10:21, Geschosskopf said:

    Part Breakage:  What causes part destruction in the water is a huge mystery to me, and this unknown lurks under all my observations, casting doubt on my conclusions.  Horizontal speed seems irrelevant.  I've had boats reach 250m/s without damage but on various runs, sometimes parts (even those apparently above water) die at lower speeds.  I'd really like to know what it is that destroys parts in the water these days.


    It's the true Kraken. The space Kraken was just a wanna be.

    On 12/2/2015, 4:31:35, kiwi1960 said:

    I have built sea planes.... I have built submarines...


    I now want to combine the two... its been done before....


    Those kooky Japanese! (Is that an I-400?)

  6. On 12/1/2015, 9:53:20, worir4 said:

    The devs are actually kerbals. They brought kerbal language to Earth long ago. Early Spanish people adapted Kerbal language into what is now known as Spanish.

    Next time on Ancient Aliens

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