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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. Rey vs EvilYoda in the next Trilogy NewRepublc is a disaster and EvilYoda is backed by an army of Mandolorians, Grey Jedi and criminals once it becomes apparent that Rey succumbed to the DarkSide and EvilYoda isn't actually evil, he's the Balancer
  2. The big cats prefer to hunt when they have an advantage - the night increases the likelihood of a good stalk. So the behavior is attuned to the inability of the prey species to detect their approach rather than suggesting that cats see better at night than day. They just see better at night than the critters they eat. @Spacescifiyour 'aliens messed with the genetics of another species could be, effectively, a slave story. The Unobtaniym ores are too deep for strip mining and the glow people are required because they are cost effective. But as an adaptation for surface dwellers who enjoy the day night cycle?
  3. The interesting thing about this point is whether it gives 'the Child' time to grow up a bit. Are we destined to only have a 'Baby Yoda' with mysterious powers, or will he become something different? (The 'baby eats the eggs of other sentients' scene was both awesome and queasy... but I'm constantly troubled by what is an effective toddler having these mental pressures placed upon it. Grogu could become something truly nasty. Or, given the timeline, die ignominiously, yet tragically.) I've read he's supposed to be not a true child - but a Clone. Odd choice there. One might think that Yoda would either have to collude in this, or have been aware at some level.
  4. I'm often amazed at how wiki has answers to questions I think might be unique. Thanks for the info & link!
  5. Associated question: could we put an observatory at the Martian L5 and use the sun for gravitational lensing?
  6. If I were kicking it out in the Asteroid Belt and had LOS on the Orion constellation - but the sun was between me and it - could I still make out the constellation? (I know the sun will be the brightest thing I can see, but without atmosphere to create glare, will the stars beyond be visible?
  7. Do you think they will fire different 'rings' or banks separately for C&C purposes? Is there any utility to that? Like firing the yellow for one test, the blue for another and the orange... if at all?
  8. IKR?!? But this was my 'Scary Movie' from my childhood; the one my mom told me I couldn't watch, and so I did. I've told the story to my kids, and they love making fun of me about it. Now I need to find it so we can all laugh.
  9. Okay - some 'monster stalks the teens in a cabin in the woods' movie I saw on TV back in the late 70s/early 80s. Monster was some kind of golem; mud monster, and in one scene it's trying to get through the door and they either close the door (taking of its hand) or chop the hand off... which doesn't flop but scurries under the stairs. Later the hand attacks on its own. Movie freaked me out as a kid. Cannot for the life of me remember the name of it. (Actually, the movie did not freak me out as I watched it; but it was my 'there's something outside the bathroom window' monster... that's how young I was - which makes me think 70s. THEM! on the other hand was freaky to watch on TV (I lived in LA and knew where the tunnels were) but had no sticking power).
  10. You just know that Disney is going to flood Tatooine and the Sand People will inherit
  11. Got a buddy of mine - he's a NoS war hero. Saved a bunch of people. He too was 35 at the time. He's been a bit of a disaster for the last couple of decades. Nothing bad, just can't get out of his own way - because nothing matters. And nothing measures up. He's starting to turn his life around. In fact things are really looking up. I'm happy for him. Love the guy. I was thinking about him - and what writing his 'heroes journey' would be like... And it's just depressing. Because its backwards. He starts out 'saving the world' and then for two decades goes through the opposition phase only to succeed in coming back to the baseline that everyone takes for granted. The heroic culmination of his journey is to become average. I think that is not uncommon for older adults as protagonists. There is a saying in the law: 'a good settlement is one where when it's all over, everyone involved is unhappy... But it's done.' The young have the luxury of the no compromise attitude - but pretty much all of us who've survived to become old? We've all trodden a wandering path.
  12. Open one packet cocoa mix, pour in one packet instant Folgers coffee, one packet creamer, one packet sugar, add canteen water and stir with a stick, ink pen or the plastic spoon if you haven't lost it. Consistency should be vaguely pudding-like. Heaven
  13. Grin! Always welcome! (deleted - not capturing the thoughts I had hoped for) . ...
  14. Any writer can make something work - but even with those numbers, luminescence does not seem necessary. Most luminescent critters live in the dark depths of the oceans or in caves with virtually permanent darkness (often by choice - see the squids/krill that only come up at night to feed / breed). With a working day/night cycle, the luminescence is unnecessary for fully half the day. And you're looking for light to work by; but 'work' is a modern affectation. Biology doesn't care about 'work' (except for little things like if you work hard, you get stronger). Biology generally cares about keeping the critter alive in order for it to make more babies. The critter with this ability might evolve to the point where it uses the ability to help it work... but it also might be culturally shameful to do so; using mating signals while trying to fix a toilet is likely weird (i.e. we already have to deal with Plumber's Crack... but do you want him aroused by your dirty pipes?)
  15. ...well, now you forced me to google Pop.3 supernova: The Universe's First Supernovae May Have Been Powerful, Asymmetric Jets - ExtremeTech very interesting!
  16. There is a very real potential for Webb to begin amazing people this summer and spark a renewed interest in space, astronomy and spaceflight. Combine that with SX's potential for 'something new and amazing' to become a reality (successful SS launch and controlled splash-downs) and you have an environment seeded to give something like KSP2 a bit more of a bump than it might have had, were it released two years ago. I feel like they'll have an optimal window with the second half of 2022 that might offer diminishing returns if it lags into 2023. Just pure gut speculation on my part... but I'm also guessing their internal 'market analysis' people are aware of this.
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