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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. When you watch the video, if you're like me and over 50 - you see the guy who founded the company and realize that young people are still disrupting traditional businesses like Elon and Bezos did a generation ago. Simply amazing that people under 40 are getting the funding to do stuff like this - and it actually makes you hopeful that they can pull off and accomplish what they say they can. There's a line in the video where he talks about part counts and traditional manufacturing, analogizing the e-vehicle struggles - trying to slap a battery on a traditionally built car and making it electric, vs simply tooling from the ground up to create dedicated e-cars, which don't need all the stuff necessary for internal combustion driven vehicles. Really cool stuff!
  2. relativity space - Search (bing.com) Relativity Space This is their niche:
  3. They're one of the many players trying to get into the commercial space game. I'm of the opinion that 'the more the merrier'. What I fear is that if none of these smaller players are successful, in 5 years we get ourselves (US, that is) into another 'single provider' situation, resulting in status quo merely having shifted - not being replaced by a mature space economy.
  4. That footage looks sped up. The water-vapor image (when they focus on the clouds of water vapor in the wide shot) just look janky. Am I imagining this - or does it look sped up to anyone else? Edit - I think I'm right about this: they slow the footage down again in the last few seconds.
  5. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/11/nuclear-power-hot-moment/620665/ Grudging acceptance
  6. I just want Artemis to set up a Go Pro (or rather long term moon-functional analog) that would allow me to log in and watch the Earth from the Moon any time I want. A constant stream, available to everyone all the time. That would be cool.
  7. The main article did talk about some countries poor accounting resulting in this - but look again at the 'how we did it' article, specifically where they reference Phillipe Ciais' work. He's got a few interesting articles about carbon sinks, and how we need more granularity. Divergence in Taiga / Boreal forests vs Tropical CO2 uptake, and insufficient appreciation for how the Northern Hemispheric landmasses efficacy as sinks. This part - 'suggesting a decrease of carbon uptake in the Southern Hemisphere' is interesting. Also of note: things like the wildfires in Australia fed algal blooms in the Southern Pacific, which when the algae die, sinks the carbon released by the fires to the bottom of the ocean: Australian wildfires release CO2 and cause vast algal blooms | Space
  8. So this was an interesting read: apollo-15-mission-anomaly-report-no.-1-main-parachute-failure.pdf (nasa.gov) My first thought at seeing the image on page 4 of the report was 'that's a parachute with cut risers'. Indeed, that's what they found, too "The most probable cause of the anomaly was the burning of raw fuel (monomethyl hydrazine) being expelled during the latter portion of the depletion firing and this resulted in exceeding the parachute-riser and suspension-line temperature limits." (although melted, rather than cut). So - not at all what I speculated about, above with stolen air. Anyway - it was a good drop: everyone survived. ... Of note: had it been one of the steel cable risers - the chute would have flown free. Failure in a fabric riser basically eliminates whole sections of suspension lines - which is where you get that weird, half deflated look. Also - found this funny: Page 13 notes the presence of a pesky Russian ship (presumably doing nefarious, Cold War things). I say we blame them. Case closed.
  9. I'd have to look that up. So before I do - let me hazard a guess that NASA stuff is so engineered and weight focused that there is / was little wiggle room.
  10. Collaboration is indeed a good thing. Thanks - I'd heard the word wasn't used by Chinese, but did not know what was preferred. Do y'all use taikonaut regularly when engaging with others in English or if several Chinese folks were in the same English conversation would be the phrase used more often?
  11. Neat. I also understand that we've forgotten everything learned during the Cold War about espionage security? Totally makes sense to outsource the interior of AF1.
  12. Maybe they are going to erect it outside as a monument to things they aspire to accomplish?
  13. 'chutes can steal air from one another. The phenomenon can get interesting in a mass drop of troops (where the guy below you can steal your air and abruptly drop you... Only to have you uncontrollably return the favor in a' race to the bottom'.) With air dropped loads - two out of three 'chutes filled usually = a good drop. Not sure whether NASA would agree - but they usually like precision
  14. The simple fact that the Chinese (astronaut? cosmonaut?) crew is alive and well tells us all we need to know. Having someone else come out to say 'it's nice' is just icing.
  15. Sounds like something the former guy would shrug at.
  16. I appreciate @Rakaydos response b/c I couldn't tell if the flair was for mounting larger payloads or the engines I did know that it was a pathfinder - but it is good to reiterate
  17. Addendum: the articles above not only explain that carbon and other emissions are underreported - but also the efficacy of Earth's natural mitigating processes (carbon sinks, etc) are similarly underreported.
  18. This should be of interest: https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2021/11/07/invisible-methodology-measuring-emissions-gap/ "The plan to save the world from the worst of climate change is built on data. But the data the world is relying on is inaccurate" World needs to come up with a standard, or a set of standards universal to all players. Check out the associated articles
  19. They're doing a fly-around photography tour of the ISS; first that's been done in a while.
  20. Snark? Frankly I'm more of a read the reports and try to decipher the underlying science guy than a 'listen to the talking heads talk' guy. The Summit is a chance for nations to agree on policy goals, and there is tons of lobbying, advocacy, whining and hedging. Activists are complaining the regulations/ agreements won't be stringent enough, that fossil fuel beneficiaries have too much access, the Global South don't have enough, and that interested parties have to wait in lines that are too long and not accommodating of disabled persons... What do you think I'm missing from following any more closely than that? I'm a firm believer that we need to cut our polluting processes... but I don't think there is any chance Climate Activists will walk away from the Summit feeling like it was a success. The loudest voices want immediate action, regardless of economic harm, or no action regardless of long term harm. Getting those two groups to agree to compromise is not easy. The best anyone can hope for is an agreement where no one is happy. You can analogize to the American Constitution; which was a brilliant, if flawed document encoding compromises that both guaranteed the formation of a nation and that we'd have a civil war at some point.
  21. You mean "A two week celebration of business as usual and blah blah blah"*? *G. Thunberg
  22. Easiest way to say 'you don't have any chance to win' as presented. Often when dismissed, leave is granted to file again if they can figure out how to squeeze the facts into a cognizable claim... But you kind of guess that they took their best stab at it on the first go.
  23. Perhaps we need to study the effect of Polar Bears on the reduction of sea ice? https://polarbearscience.com/2020/07/08/10-fallacies-about-arctic-sea-ice-polar-bear-survival-refute-misleading-facts/ In this footage you can see distinctly that Polar Bears have a heavy reliance on steel - which uses coal coke in massive amounts. (Grin - sorry, had to be done!) - - at least partly on topic!
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