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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. That's happening in Coal country. Thing is, I keep hoping that some bright chemist will discover a way to make coal less polluting. Would love to be able to squeeze the juice out of it and see it become a viable resource... but I suspect our continued failure to do so means it's not feasible (or at least not economical). Thing is, I don't have a lot of sympathy for dirty ol' coal. Like an ex girlfriend; you appreciate the history with them, and how they helped you develop... but at some point, it's time to move on. Speaking of coal; ran across this and found it interesting. Mapped: The world’s coal power plants in 2020 (carbonbrief.org)
  2. Muller is interesting - he has suggested that because the waste / emissions from Fracking NG are so much less damaging than coal, environmentalists should support it. ;/ (How many environmentalists do you think are enthusiastically supporting this view?)
  3. You don't sound hostile at all - appreciate the discussion! Some have... Probably not the rational ones, but I've met plenty of people in California and Europe who talk about 'radical action needed to save the planet' and they're hard to reason with.
  4. This is the kind of thing that Climate activists should be capitalizing on: Positive effects of COVID-19 lockdown on air quality of industrial cities (Ankleshwar and Vapi) of Western India | Scientific Reports (nature.com) Some excerpts: Pretty much every part of the planet saw visual proof of what a change in our habits can do. The problem is that it also came at enormous economic cost... so, the challenge is to find ways to show people other methods than merely stopping industrialization. Yet the fact of clear skies is a recognizably graphic spur - finding ways to reduce emissions can coincide with economic prosperity. Los Angeles is a pretty good metaphor. Multi-decadal efforts, both public and private have shown significant improvements. 50 Years of Progress (aqmd.gov) It wasn't always easy.
  5. Check out this - the author goes into detail (on lichen) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entangled_Life Talks about lichen experience in space and projects about what it means for Mars.
  6. I've intentionally overstated the issue - to the degree that I don't think India will fall apart in the next 5 years... but if hamstrung, it could face problems. Serious problems. The gist being; I'm not advocating inaction - but rather recognizing the impediments to action. It's really nice to have an affirmation of what one would like to achieve or see the world do, but its another to figure out how to actually do it (and what the challenges are). India is a fascinating place. Remarkably smart and exceptionally well educated people, some of whom are quite wealthy living alongside the desperately poor in a place with massive internal political and social problems that hamper its development. It faces immense pressure and recognizes both internal and external threats. China is both an inspiration as well as a rival (c.f. what's going on with the border and China's control of the headwaters of India's rivers). Keeping India stable has very real geopolitical ramifications... and, frankly, if they can get stable then they can get off the polluting stuff faster than if forced to by external means. It has all the problems of a developing economy - but with just enough of the features of a fully functioning modern economy to be able to bootstrap itself out of those problems in the next decade... given the time. China no longer enjoys the excuse - it has come far enough that it needs to start cleaning up its act if it wants to enjoy the prestige of being a leading economy. The thing is, China has a population that is starting to wake up to its potential, does not have the same internal issues as India, and has some very capable leaders who recognize that change is necessary. But China wants to be the master of that change - not beholden to some arbitrary timeline or metrics brokered on the world stage. I suspect that the grey-brown skies so prominently displayed over the last 10 years will be much cleaner at the end of the decade - because the Chinese decided to clean up their own backyard, not because they were told to. The key for places like India, in my opinion, is going to be internal demand. Just as in the United States and Europe (and others) the people have started to demand 'cleaner' 'greener' products and processes, and the industries and businesses have responded to those demands... we need to help Indians to demand (and direct) the change in India. Absent some massive external loss-leading altruistic investment by the US and Europe to rebuild India (which would look like soft-Colonialism) - that's the only way it will work. Don't discount the power of things like this: Coronavirus lockdown reveals long-unseen Indian skylines - Axios ...nor the power of the people. ... (the 2050 stuff is quite speculative as well, and based on a presumption not of inaction but continued and increased pollution at current rates. ).
  7. Certainly a conversation starter - a memorable one that will be talked about for years, I'm sure.
  8. If KSP-2 keeps the fireworks as usable parts - could we do dogfighting / clown kart battles? Could have so much fun with this!
  9. If they're anything like MRE's... its the appropriate cure. MisterE can plug up pretty much anything.
  10. from experience, that has a variable TWR, and NASA likes to be precise and eliminate uncontrolled variables whenever possible. Thus, a temporary delay is recommended.
  11. Bwaaah! "Build the Dome" "Build the Dome" (I swear this was prophetic:)
  12. I'd be suspicious of this: Jim Henson could have come up with a simple puppet and allowed the educator to voice the (zero G indicator) puppet with some creative filmmaking. IOW - its a solvable problem that a very creative guy could have done without hardly thinking twice. Thus: I'm leaning toward rumor or 'something that was proposed but never seriously considered'.
  13. The part connection thing has been discussed - but not answered... ... Although - I seem to remember something about how the tree structure isn't as rigid... I just have not found it yet.
  14. I've tried it all. CP forward worked for one rover - but then not the next two. OFC - the one expansion I don't have... -- Good news is that there is a vanilla fix - just not with the parts I mentioned (edited b/c I Googled 'engine plates' which hopefully make it in). One would expect that, yes. But given how these problems still exist in the game today... It is likely that they are core conflicts within the engine itself (like the re-coupling issue) or something unexpected (like the wonky wheels). I guess what I'm asking is 'have we heard from the Dev team about improving and adding new engine features or mechanics'? I'd like to see a video of 'let's peek under the hood' of KSP2.
  15. I know we have healthy modding community that has solved several of these - but I like to play my games vanilla. There's a couple of things that bug me about KSP that I hope are fixed in 2. Take putting two small engines on a destination stage; like two Terriers attached via a bi-coupler to a craft the diameter of a Mk-3 command pod. To reconnect to the lower (atmospheric) stages, the temptation is to apply two small decouplers to the bottom of each engine, then flip another bicoupler over and attach it to them, and continue building out the lower stages with parts again the diameter of the Mk-3. Looks great in the VAB, but often as not blows up in flight. Do we know whether this will work - or if there is a way to build a manifold of small engines that a decoupler will work across in KSP 2? Also - and this is a real pet-peeve: the wheels on my rovers lose their ever-loving minds between when I first use them on a celestial body and the second/all subsequent times I visit. No matter how well I construct and test a set of rover wheels (4 or 6, makes no difference) and set them up so that some are drive wheels and some can steer and all work the way I want them to at the KSC and when first deployed... the NEXT time I go to use the rover, the wheels decide to go in different directions (w-key makes some go forward, some go backward) and turn or not turn regardless of what I initially set them up to do. I have never found a good solution to this or explanation of why it happens... it just happens. Would love to see KSP-2 rovers work the way they're set up and tested before flight throughout the entire mission.
  16. Enlightened self interest is a rare virtue. Places with deeply entrenched silver spoons are difficult to shift.
  17. There is literally no chance of India becoming anything but a failed state and possibly a number of states after a brutal season of Civil War without an inexpensive way to catch up. Trying to force them to cut emissions looks like a death sentence from their perspective with far more certain and immediate casualties than the possibility of a changed climate.
  18. Yeah - but the planet got donked by the planetesimal... And thus it's name
  19. I think I saw elsewhere (will edit if/when I find it) that the Plus sign was for the star and other dots are references for the planets. the line to the rocket points from the 3d planet to the rocket... so maybe that's where the rockets are from? Edit - here you go:
  20. What is that - rocket comes from the 3d planet and finds Kraken on the 6th?
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