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Everything posted by Perotis

  1. Completed the moon flyby mission and landed back on earth (on my first attempt even) Not sure If it's task difficult enough to deserve a brag, but it felt really cool, and snagged me a boat load of science. http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh298/perotis/blahh/Screen Shot 2015-12-28 at 8.39.21 PM_zpsh7x85l03.png
  2. that's why the landing was only "mostly" a success. But any one you can walk away from....
  3. I succeeded (mostly) on my first try. http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh298/perotis/blahh/Screen Shot 2015-12-28 at 7.47.48 PM_zpsmpedb5lq.png
  4. I was wondering if there was a way to plan your flight path before launch. It just seems to me that a REAL space program would operate that way. I'm not sure if it is something that you unlock as you upgrade you flight center, or if it's not in the game at all because the game maker wants it to be a purely seat-of-your-pants experience. ...or at least being able to pause the flight while planning your next maneuver.
  5. I figured out quite quickly that the YouTube videos were probably a few versions behind the game. My choice of words was probably a bit off. I guess "space" plan is not what I meant I'm just trying to figure out how to make a flyable plane with the small intake/engine so I can do some 'observation' missions.
  6. All of the Youtube videos I've seen of 'build your first space plane' show the person using a radial air intake. But I only have access to the small circular intake and don't know how you are supposed to use it with the Juno basic jet engine, because you cant really attach the circular intake to the main fuselage.
  7. From the previous answeres, I guess I just have to try a longer arc.
  8. Having trouble landing after sub-orbital flights. Even when I pick a more ballistic trajectory, I always end up coming down too fast to deploy parachutes.
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