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Posts posted by storm_soldier2377

    • Plant a flag on the Mun/Minmus. (I typically have to go there anyway to collect science, and sometimes these pop up when I already have a Kerbal there.)
    • Conduct temperature surveys in orbit around the Mun/Minmus. (I typically have a satellite in polar orbit of those bodies awaiting these cash grabs.)
    • Rescue Kerbals from orbit (Essentially free cash and Kerbals, especially when done with a spaceplane.)
    • Get science from/explore celestial body (Generally easy and cheap to do with a small probe.)
  1. Here's something I've always pondered on for a bit. Using gravity assists to get captured on Jool is pretty straightforward as using Tylo and/or Laythe will get you captured around Jool. On Kerbin and Duna, however, it's not so clear. You might get a decrease in velocity if you get behind Ike or the Mun, but it's never quite enough for a capture. I've always wondered if it is better to use the moons for an assist and use a retrograde burn or if doing that just loses the Oberth effect of the larger body the moon is orbiting and ends up costing more d/V.

  2. 20 hours ago, Shpaget said:

    Why did Elrond allow Isildur to keep the Ring when he obviously knew it was evil and had to be destroyed.? It was not Isildur's to keep. Why did Elrond not call a meeting of kings/rulers and basically force the destruction of the One Ring (and all other rings).

    Note the part where Elrond and Isildur goes to the crack of Mount Doom doesn't happen in the book as far as I am aware(Never read the book but I'm a big fan of the movies and have read up quite a lot about it). Anyway, while I can't quite give you definitive answers, I'm going along with some guesses: Maybe he was afraid it would start a war. Middle Earth has just been run over with war, maybe he thought it was best not to create tensions. Maybe Elrond thought that Sauron was vanquished after he had his finger cut off.


    20 hours ago, Shpaget said:

    Gandalf seems to have the ability to summon the giant eagles whenever he needs to, yet he's always in some hurry and has to ride the comparatively slow Shadowfax, or even worse, the ponies. He also runs a lot. Why didn't he take one eagle and just airlifted Frodo to the volcano? The whole business would be over in a jiffy, countless lives would be spared.

    I've heard this one being explained as the eagles being friends doing occasional favors for Gandalf rather than beings summoned at will. They are also sapient creatures that will covet the Ring just like anybody else.

  3. My favorite way of landing rovers:


    The reason I do it that way is that you only need one probe core and is somewhat simpler to build than a traditional skycrane.

    5 hours ago, Aethon said:




    Here's my Standard science rover with the skycrane still attached.


    What mod are you using for that camera?

  4. On 8/1/2016 at 7:05 AM, Blaarkies said:

    -Gilly is cheaper to land on and then return to return to kerbin, than the Mun is...but it does take learning the basics of orbital mechanics first:D

    I can believe you can land on Gilly for less dV than needed to land on the Mun, but I doubt you can return under the same budget. It only takes 270 m/s to return to Kerbin from Mun orbit while returning from Gilly will cost at least as much dV that it took to get to Eve.

  5. 20 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    ummm, I _am_ linuxgurugamer

    Are you using the latest dll?  also, I don't use this mod, I just recompiled it for 1.1.3.  Are you running 1.1.3?  

    My understanding is that you need to install the full mod, then replace the dll with the one I supplied

    I see, excuse my ignorance :D. I will give that a shot.


    EDIT: Works thank you

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