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Posts posted by hikoriyami

  1. Totally off-topic but I just realized we both have earthrise as are picture, confused me for a minute. 
    Is this supposed to go in the Gamedata folder? Ksp doesn't even load it when I do that. I'm trying to find out if that's indeed where it should go.
    No matter where I put this it won't load in KSP. KSP loads normally, but I see no config file generated. ReDownloaded DX9 and same problem persists.

    I'll be in my office till 10PM central. Screenshot of related log is here:

    I don't think this is going to work for you because it is so outdated. 

    ALTERNATIVELY: (not for the non tech savy)

    Run KSP and disable fullscreen
    Close KSP
    Open the Settings.cfg in the root KSP directory (Download Notepad++ if you don't have it, makes it WAY easier)
    Find the lines  "SCREEN_RESOLUTION_WIDTH = 1280" and "SCREEN_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT = 1024" and edit to your wanted resolutions.
    Save the file
    Run KSP and position the window where you want it.
    Close KSP
    Create a KSP shortcut
    Open the properties of the shortcut with a right click
    add  -popupwindow after "" in the Target line with a space in between it
    Run KSP from the shortcut windowless over multiple monitors

    If bezels or adjustments are necessary, make adjustments to the desktop instead of the game 

  2. Oh I don't copy KSP Around on a bunch of computers I just HAVE a copy on a flash drive that I use personally. It's how I update textures and stuff on the go. And I'm pretty sure the college doesn't care Shouldn't be a legal issue.

    I know you can downgrade BACK to windows 7 if you started with it, I don't know if you can get a free downgrade though.

    if you're a student; most college bookstores offer heavily discounted OS. If you can't find it online call your schools tech line. The college I work at has it for 9.95


  3. Centauri Dreams has been a pet project of mine for a little over a year now. I'm proud to share it with the community, and thought that I would offer a write up about the Star System as well as the science behind the creation of it.

    As I am sure you have all heard, Pale Red Dot found a planet around Proxima Centauri this summer. While this was not the initial reason I started developing my theories into a KSP mod, it did help to support some of my ideas with facts. 

    I will add more to this eventually, including details of how the planets where textured and modeled. Please let me know if there are any questions or suggestions having to do with my math or the planets themselves. 

    Please take a look, and if you would like to try out the mod it can be found here

    Realism Overhaul Launch from Elcano


    Day Length 21.15 hours
    Gravity At Sea Level 0.788
    Atmosphere: Yes
    Oxygen Yes
    Atmosphere at ground Level 1.26 Atm
    Orbital Characteristics:  
    Orbital Parent Alpha Centauri A
    Semi Major Axis 135 Mkm
    Inclination 19.14










    Originally, Elcano was going to be Earth 2, but I decided that I would be stretching the reality of it a bit thin. In all Likelihood a planet orbiting this close to Alpha A would be Hot Mars, and that is what I have modeled it after, albeit with a thicker atmosphere and lakes of silicate bearing water. 

    To give it something interesting, I decided that it had a thick ozone layer that would allow for operation of modified air-breathing engines. It also would lend some believably to why humans would choose to land on a barren desert. The high levels of ozone3 could lead a species to believe that there was oxygen (well, there is) on this planet, and therefor life. This theory would be supported by the large lakes of water on the surface of Elcano and the strong magnetic field protecting the atmosphere from the intense stellar winds. It is possible that at one point Elcano supported life, or that it one day might, but when we arrived it was dead. 


    Day Length 30 hours
    Gravity At Sea Level 0.0212
    Atmosphere: No
    Oxygen -
    Atmosphere at Sea Level -
    Orbital Characteristics:  
    Orbital Parent Elcano
    Semi Major Axis 33,000 km
    Inclination 18.15











    Day Length 23.9 hours
    Gravity At Sea Level 0.512
    Atmosphere: Yes
    Oxygen No
    Atmosphere at Sea Level 1
    Orbital Characteristics:  
    Orbital Parent Alpha Centauri A
    Semi Major Axis 207 Mkm
    Inclination 18.34









    Gas giants are weird. The term "sea level" does not mean area where there is sea, or area where there would be sea if the was sea as I thought when I started this project. Sea level refers to the level at which there is 1 Earth atmosphere present. The misunderstanding of this led to some hilarious miscalculations in mass and atmosphere density in my first version of this. So the gravity of Newton is way stronger than the stats lead you to believe but, that's the easiest way to state the data.

    The rings around Newton are actually calculated to the Roche limit and the outer atmosphere, which makes them believably tiny asteroids that orbit around Newton.


    Day Length 23.9 hours
    Gravity At Sea Level 0.23
    Atmosphere: Yes
    Oxygen No
    Atmosphere at Sea Level 0.087
    Orbital Characteristics:  
    Orbital Parent Newton
    Semi Major Axis 170 km
    Inclination 18.14









    Inertia is the first Newtonian moon, it's kind like Mars. I wanted a moon that shows the effects of tidal locking over a large period of time. Inertia may have had a thick atmosphere eons ago, but due to its close proximity to Newton it has been slowly siphoned off. This has lead to a high level of tidal heating, tectonic activity, and the formation of large volcanoes and mountains.


    Day Length 23.9 hours
    Gravity At Sea Level 0.359
    Atmosphere: Yes
    Oxygen No
    Atmosphere at Sea Level 0.514
    Orbital Characteristics:  
    Orbital Parent Newton
    Semi Major Axis 295 km
    Inclination 18.54









    Magnitude is the polar opposite of Inertia, having large oceans and water as well as a thick atmosphere. This is because of its distance from Newton. The extra one hundred kilometers allows for this moon to keep its atmosphere and possibly even collect Inertia and Newton's atmospheres. 


    Day Length 38 hours
    Gravity At Sea Level 0.0512
    Atmosphere: No
    Atmosphere at Sea Level  
    Orbital Characteristics:  
    Orbital Parent Newton
    Semi Major Axis 465 km
    Inclination 27.14










    Day Length 168 Hours
    Gravity At Sea Level 1.34
    Atmosphere: No
    Atmosphere at Sea Level  
    Orbital Characteristics:  
    Orbital Parent Alpha Centauri B
    Semi Major Axis 7.7 Mkm
    Inclination 18.19









    Kelvin is rumored by several studies to actually exist in this general area of an orbit and at roughly this mass. Due to its extreme proximity to Alpha Centauri B, it would be tidally locked, leaving one side in permanent darkness and cold while the other burns.

    It was VERY hard to correctly model this in game. It basically is half Moho half Eeloo, but getting it to rotate and keep the correct side away from the star was quite difficult. I have yet to actually land on this one legit, as the high orbital velocity of Kelvin combined with its mass requires something like 9km/s of delta V to land.   

    Von Braun/Proxima b

    Day Length 175 Hours
    Gravity At Sea Level 1.218
    Atmosphere: Yes
    Oxygen Yes
    Atmosphere at Sea Level 1.26
    Orbital Characteristics:  
    Orbital Parent Proxima Centauri
    Semi Major Axis 7.2 Mkm
    Inclination 18.15









    Everybody's favorite planet: Proxima b. Modeled in the most optimistic way, it has a 3-2 orbit rotation which allows it to keep its atmosphere. Who knows; perhaps it has life? We'd better send a probe to check it out.


  4. Updated for 1.2 

    Change log

    0.5.0 First Alpha Release
    -Reviewed and updated planets meshes and textures
    -added "fake" body to help simulate Proxima Centauri better
    -complete change of Proxima Centauri's planets due to findings from Pale Red Dot
    -reduced brightness of Alpha B and Proxima to reflect reality
    -added coronas to Alpha B and Proxima
    -PQS levels reduced and polished
    -updated to current KSP and Kopernicus version


  5. I'll actually chime in on this, I was hospitalized a little over two years ago for three days due to debilitating headaches, nausea and hallucinations.
    I was sent home while they ran all of the tests, ended up dropping out of of college, and moving in with my parents.
    It was understandingly a very rough time for me. I had to deal with thoughts of impending doom, losing my license, and more depressing stuff. 

    My little brother convinced me to "help" him build rockets. After I realized he was talking about a video game, I crawled over to him and spent the next probably six hours designing a ridiculous rocket to reach the moon in (lol) one stage. 

    I eventually got a diagnosis and got treatment, still deal with some issues occasionally but I am doing much better. I definitely kredit KSP with distracting me during that agonizing month where I couldn't do anything.

    So yeah...KSP can cure depression and more. :P  

  6. On 7/29/2016 at 10:32 AM, FreeThinker said:

    Perhapaps it would be an fun Idea to have Earth Solar Sysem (RSS) in orbit at a range of 4 Light Years, then it would be possible for the Kerbals from the Alpha Centauri to visit planet Earth. Could be combined with BDArmory if you want to play the space invader :wink:...

    :PI like the idea, sadly I have already foreseen some problems with this, and how kopernicus loads planets.

    Everything would work fine between RSS and Centauri Dreams alone around a central body. However, the global flight tag that tells each planet what belongs to it would become misaligned depending on which star was closer to the core at start.

    The only fix I can think of would be a massive re-assign of MM patches within the compatibility patch to change what global flight tag that mod looks for (IE from 1 to 37). We would basically have to tell each mod that Mercury is not Alpha Centauri A. 

  7. 9 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Just a couple of small changes:

    1. File name should be: entauri_Dreams-   (you have 31 at the end)
    2. The version file shouldn't have the " (2)" as part of it.
    3. The GameData has the wrong case.  You have "Gamedata", should be "GameData"
    4. VERY IMPORTANT:  The Kopernicus directory should be in the GameData directory, NOT the CentauriDreams directory

    #3 will cause problems on Mac & Linux

    But looking nice

    Man, this modding thing is a lot like work.

    1. oops
    2. double oops
    3. triple oops
    4. Not an oops. That's not the kopernicus .dll directory, its just my configs. Will that mess up something on your end? I don't package with Kopernicus.


  8. 19 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:


    I was looking at the bad .netkan file generated by Spacedock, and would like to make the following suggestions:

    1. Put everything into a GameData/CentauriDreams directory
    2. Do NOT have spaces in the directory name.  Either do it as I suggested above, or use a non-space character, such as an underscore or a dash
    3. Add an AVC .version file, will allow CKAN to automatically see new versions (see the site: ksp-avc.cybutek.net to easily generate the file), and keep it updated

    As it is, I'm not sure if it can be properly indexed in CKAN, but if you make these minimal changes, it will be much easier to index, and incidentally, make it easier to install manually


    Just updated with what I had done. Let me know if theres anything else I need to change or fix.

    Below is the changelog for the Final Pre-Alpha


    Updated filenames to allow easier install
    Created proper barycenter
    corrected a serious flaw in calculated mass
    Ground scatter added to several bodies
    Better biomes for Elcano and Hawking
    Added AVC


  9. On 7/19/2016 at 9:39 PM, EnriqueB said:

    There's seem no overheating....... Thanks!, i will use that method of CD in my mod. Or, there's overheating when i scale down to kerbal scale a giant star with the RSS solar power curve? (My Abbadon problem)

    I'm not sure what your trying to say.

    If your asking what I think your asking, you want to know why a scaled down star doesn't overheat? This mod is RSS scaled, that is why I use that power curve. Please PM me if you have a question I can answer for you.

    10 hours ago, DMSP said:

    @hikoriyami, let me just get this straight, this is in RSS size.

    If so, would there be a way to get it to a stock size, like SSRSS?

     Yes this is RSS sized. Eventually, But currently I am aiming for realism. I will add this to an FAQ I'm working on for next release. There are too many PQS mods and variables that change with planet diameter, its not as simple as dividing by ten (or 6.4 or whatever the conversion is) to convert it to Kerbal scale. 

    On 7/7/2016 at 5:57 PM, Sigma88 said:

    so, this is how I approach making barycenters usually. I don't know how much of these rules you want to follow, they are not all strictly necessary, I'll try to explain why I made some decisions so you can decide what you want to follow and what you rather ignore.

    this will be a long read, it contains math and technical stuff, so I'm going to put everything into a spoiler to not annoy people

    Alright Sigma, I'll bite. I have done the math several times and while I get close to achieving a perfect binary orbit, at about the 85th year they become noticeably wrong.  They should look like this if my math is correct, which its not.


    But I get to this on earth year 99:


    Alpha A orbiting around the barycenter is moving too slow. I checked the math and I get the same periods if I plug the number into the equation you gave me. I'm guessing there is an inaccuracy with either KSP or hyperedit (I use it to set the time) that is causing this problem, but I want to run it by you first. 

    Important numbers:

    Alpha B SMA: 3500999999999 (weird I know, but I checked it)
    Alpha B Period: 3406593317
    Alpha A SMA: 1582165919282.51
    Barycenter Mass: 201875597261891427260025536512 Kg

    Am I missing something here? We can move this into a PM if it gets too heavy but I thought the answer may help someone else in the future.


  10. On 7/18/2016 at 2:43 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

    Can you PLEASE do NOT have spaces in the directory names?  It causes problems in CKAN and on Linux/Unix systems

    I would also suggest you put it inside a GameData directory in the zip, such as:


    I would also suggest you look at ksp-avc with an eye towards including a .version file in it


    Thank you

    *facepalm* I can't believe I forgot the no-spaces-in-names rule. Will be fixed in the next update which is coming soonTM

    Thanks for those suggestions, I will use them.

  11. 4 hours ago, Connor1234567821 said:

    @hikoriyami Hello it appears that when I loaded up my KSP my first communication satellite started orbiting Alpha Centauri A then The Bary Center then orbiting Elcano causing its apoapsis to become 332k and periapsis 6k. This has been happening with other mods and it appears to be the same bug with other Planet packs that reparent Kerbin So it might just be Kopernicus. But just want to fill you in about this


    Yep, did some reading and apparently that's a know issue with kopernicus :( we will have to wait for a new version to fix that.

    However, with sigma's help, orbits will be drastically changing! For the better too.


    On 7/4/2016 at 8:15 AM, Sigma88 said:

    hi there,

    just a couple of clarifications on GN, SigmaBinary and barycenters in general.

    PS: had to put everything into spoilers because it came out a big wall of text


    hope this helped

    cheers :)


    I got galactic neighborhood confused with another mod that aims for hyper realism. But I do have plans to one day scale everything down to Kerbin sized.

    That's what I thought about SigmaBinary, I'll admit that initially I saw your mod and thought; "I can do Centauri Dreams now". Yeah, didn't work out that way :( but the job still got done :) 

    I'd love to have an expert look over my work! I probably didn't calculate my barycenter correctly. I'm almost certain that its gravity is WAY to high. 50 Gs at sea level IIRC? 


    On 7/6/2016 at 3:53 PM, Connor1234567821 said:

    Hey I would like to know if you could add remote tech ground stations all around Elcano instead of just the KSC being the only ground station (If theres a mod other then Kerbol Origins that does that let me know) because I think that would be better and more realistic (In a race that has conquered rockets basically) then just one ground station.

    Yeah, I can do that. How many do you think are realistic for a landing site? I was thinking of doing something similar to NASA's deep space network. I think three locations across the globe would be the best compromise. 

    P.S. How do you remember all of the numbers in your name?

    4 hours ago, AlexTheNotSoGreat said:

    Perhaps you could work with RSS to allow travel from one star system to another in the real world planets/star systems!

    EventuallyTM I will write a config file to allow this mod to be installed after RSS and allow travel to it. However, I want to "finish" the mod first so I don't have to rewrite the code three times >.>

  13. 21 hours ago, Fireheart318 said:

    I can't get it to work. I have the right mods, nothing more, nothing less


    Edit I: Not sure if I wanted reverse psychology or not, but that's what I got. It works now, but the loading screen is a bumble bee

    Edit II: It was probably one of my own mods conflicting. It added in a planet with no gravity and lots of oxygen. At least, it did before it broke D:

    Yep, Forgot to add that any other Kopernicus mods will cause THIS mod not to work. I'll add a note to the OP.

    20 hours ago, Drakoflame said:

    you know what would be really cool? If @Sigma88 could get this to work with his(? a couple people work on it, i'm not exactly sure) mod "Galactic Neighbors" because it would be super awesome if there was a trynary system orbiting near by!

    Hmm... now I wonder if it would be possible to get these planets to work with his other mod Sigma Binary... it might be hard because the way you have this set up, is with A and B orbiting a Barry Center with Proximus orbiting around that. It'd be really cool (If you havent tried already either) to get A and B orbiting a Barry, with A-B Barry orbiting yet another Barry, with Proximus orbiting that!

    I may at one point work with Galactic Neighbors, but the defining difference between their work and Centauri Dreams is that my work is at least 40% fiction. Their planets have all been confirmed by various methods. At some point I may adjust some planets to conform with discoveries, but until then, only Kelvin/Bc is maybe, probably there. Look here for some more info on that.

    Now Sigma Binary was something I worked hard on for awhile. But it does not allow a barrycenter for the main body (the sun normally). That is the reason I made my own barrycenter outside of SIgma's mod. Many nights of code went into that until I googled why it didn't work. 


    Thank you all for the kind words. My [now] wife actually convinced me to release this mod instead of just playing by myself. 

  14. boL2hOs.png





    The planets and stars of Alpha Centauri are all sized to their real life counterparts. Only three of the bodies (Kelvin, Von Braun, and Armstrong) are known to exist in reality, a great deal of artistic license has been used with the others. The entire system is stable in N-body simulations upwards of 1500 Earth years. In the interest of my sanity in writing the configs I did not call the planets Ab, Ac. I have named them after popular explorers, scientists and physicists that led to the exploration of the stars.

    As the Pale Red Dot and ESA have released their preliminary findings I have modeled Von Braun and Armstrong to conform to the findings.

    New in version 0.8: CLOUDS! Extract the boulderCo folder into your Gamedata folder and download Environmental Visual Enhancements from here to use the clouds.

    To read about the planets and their creation check out this discussion thread




    Where's Kerbin?

    Gone. This mod is much like RSS in that it replaces the stock system with one a lot closer to reality.


    Do I need Realism Overhaul?
    Short Answer: Yes.
    Long Answer: This mod will function without it, but for the sake of your sanity you will want a mod to adjust fuels and engines to a realistic scale as stock engines are severely under powered in real scale. See the suggested mods section for more info on those.


    Will updating this mod break my saves?

    More than likely, yes. It is always best to stick with one version of a mod instead of updating it in between game sessions.





    Required Mods:


    Suggested Mods:

    Realism Overhaul or SMURFF
    Distant Object Enhancement

    Kerbal Engineer
    Realistic Progression - Can be used, but Contract Configurator must be removed

    Environmental Visual Enhancements -Only download plugin- no config files

    Incompatible Mods:

    Kopernicus Planet packs - Any other planet mods will not work with this, it will probably disable both mods
    Contract Configurator - Contracts look for "Sun" by default, causing Nullrefexeption errors if installed. 
    Scatterer - Uses the body named "Sun" to create shadows and atmospheres, I'm attempting a work around 

    Known Issues:


    Change Log:

    -Fix for atmospheres
    -4k textures for major bodies
    -PQS optimized
    -EVE Clouds
    -Minor fix for Hawkings Normal Map
    -Solar Power fixed
    -Alternate Start on the Hawking Asteroid added
    0.5.0 First Alpha Release
    -Reviewed and updated planets meshes and textures
    -added "fake" body to help simulate Proxima Centauri better
    -complete change of Proxima Centauri's planets due to findings from Pale Red Dot
    -reduced brightness of Alpha B and Proxima to reflect reality
    -added coronas to Alpha B and Proxima
    -PQS levels reduced and polished
    -updated to current KSP and Kopernicus version
    -Changed SOI boundaries for the stars 
    -Fixed filenames
    -Removed Alvarez (coming soon)
    0.3 - Final Pre-Alpha
    -Updated filenames to allow easier install
    -Created proper barycenter
    -corrected a serious flaw in calculated mass
    -Ground scatter added to several bodies
    -Better biomes for Elcano and Hawking
    -Added AVC
    0.2 - Second Pre-Alpha Release
    -Major PQS Material editing, planets have nice ground textures now
    -Fixed issue with spheres of influence being less than 0
    -Made Hawking's texture more realistic (brown)
    -Atmospheres are now the correct color
    -Added atmospheres to Newton and Copernicus
    -Asteroids will now spawn throughout the system
    -Stars textures are now correct(ish)
    -Optimized On Demand loading (keeps memory usage WAY down)
    -Public Pre-Alpha


    This License Dated 27 of July, 2016
    All folders, subfolders, images and codes contained in this folder are the intellectual property of Matt Epperson/HikoriYami/Mepperson. All rights reserved.
    Kopernicus is used with permission from its creator (Thomas P.) It is used under permission from his license.
    This mod includes version checking using [URL=http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79745]MiniAVC[/URL]. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the [URL=http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79745]KSP-AVC Plugin[/URL].


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