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Posts posted by Sir_Robert

  1. 1 hour ago, SurrealShock said:

    I think that you will need larger crafts with more fuel. Try using engines that have gimbal like the main sail. This will help you to control your aircraft. As far as getting into orbit you need to make sure you have a good amount of fuel. When you try and get into orbit raise your apoapsis to at least 100km this will keep you clear of the atmosphere. Then you are going to want to point your ship toward the pro-grade maker. This will raise your peripasis. Prograde until your peripasis is at least above 70km. Then, you will be in orbit. (Yay!!!)

    That's actually a fairly common mistake. Bigger is not actually better. If your rocket is bigger, it means more mass. More mass means less deltaV, and thus you'll need a bigger rocket to get where you want to go. You only need a tiny rocket to get to orbit. Only reason to go with big 2,5 meter parts (or bigger), is if you need to lift something big itself.


    @bradwiggo: think of deltaV as mileage. It's how much bang you can get out of your rocket. Delta means difference, and V stands for velocity (speed). DeltaV is literally the amount of speed difference you could get if you burned all of the fuel. So if you had a rocket with 100m/s deltaV, and you burn all your fuel (while in frictionless space. Air drag will slow you down and cost extra), you would be going 100m/s faster than before you started.

    To get to Kerbin orbit, you need about 3500m/s deltaV (with a final orbital velocity of 2200m/s. So losing over a kilometer/s speed to air drag). This number is ofcourse when you know which way to turn and when. As a safe number, try 4000 to 4500m/s deltaV. Remember, smaller is better. As upper stage, a FL-T 200 fuel tank with a Terrier engine. As bottom stage(s), FL-T 400 and a Swivel engine. See how much that gives you, and if not enough, add fuel (or another Swivel stage).

    Note that it's possible to be going TO fast with such a small rocket. If you go to fast in the atmosphere, you run a bigger risk of flipping. A quick and easy way to test this is to check your time to Apoapsis. Try to aim for 40seconds to 1 minute. If you reach that, try throttling down a little to keep it near that number

  2. 1 minute ago, jlcarneiro said:

    I've renamed the quicksave to dock_kraken when I got the explosion exactly to be able to replay it, and unfortunately, EVERYTIME I retry it, KABOOM! :(

    Thanks! I'll try to get what F3 log says. About reviving, I'd rather not: I'd like to avoid their deaths (even by using quicksave and quickload, what I've already promised not to use a LOT of times), but I don't want to risk reviving them... I still remember Pet Sematary... ;)


    So whatever it is (and it's probably a bug of some sort), it's a consistent problem with the ships. Probably something glitching through the docking ports?

  3. Thanks, so it was as I suspected. Sounds roughly the same as the super twitchy regular SAS from way back during alpha. The problem is that regular SAS is fine, so it's probably specifically a problem with the constantly changing nature of the directions.

    For now I'm just using MJ smart ASS to hold direction instead, which is as silky smooth. I'll take a look at that stock bug fix collection. I've been seeing it quite a bit lately

  4. I have recently started playing KSP again after a long hiatus (pre release). After a few landings on the Mun, I have noticed a few things.

    Retrograde hold SAS is extremely useful for landing. And Retrograde hold SAS (and prograde) are extremely twitchy, to the point of rapidly draining power by constantly running the reaction wheels at full. Is this normal? And is there anything you can do to reduce it?



  5. On 22-5-2015 at 10:19 PM, pikedastr said:

    In my contract it says that i need to send a "ship" with a research lab, does it require a mobile processing lab? because i don't see one in your ship.

    Thank you anyway your answer was exactaly what i was looking for

    If it says to get a research lab, than yes. You need a research lab. His picture is an example of his base, not an example for yours.

    Basically what he's saying is: Keep it simple

  6. 7 minutes ago, BloodDusk said:

    However, not all mods are present in CKAN. Do you use only CKAN mods? What if I want a mod that's not listed?

    I manually install mods that aren't in CKAN, and have a notepad file to keep track of them. And I tend to forget to update them. I don't use CKAN for its ease of installing, that is easy enough. It's great for keeping track of mods and updates

    Though there are very few mods that I am interested in that aren't on CKAN. It's mostly texture packs for texture replacer

  7. I agree that you should be able to turn things off, and have run into the same problem with my early SCANsats. Fired up a heavier duty scanner with only surface panels, and it ran out.

    Interestingly enough, the trickle of power was still enough to run the probe and reaction wheels, but not enough to turn off the scanner.

    As a workaround, this is exactly what cheat menus are for. Turn on infinite EC, switch off the power hog, and turn infinite EC back off. Since you're actually just using a workaround for a feature that should be possible in the first place, it's not cheating

  8. Auto pilot mods can really help someone learn the game. For example, watching GravityTurn mod preform a perfect gravityturn taught me how to do the same. Watching Mechjeb land on the Mun taught me how to land, and watching MJ preform rendezvous taught me how to do rendezvous.

    Especially if you'd be there to help explain what is happening.

    Do not underestimate the importance of learning through observation. Its far easier than making someone learn something completely unknown through trial and error

  9. 33 minutes ago, Kobymaru said:

    Click on the green Cube in the VAB, the total supply time is listed there. Note that with recyclers ("Start Life Support" in the Mobile Processing Lab) this number drops down to about 5.

    If you click on the green cube in flight, the current consumption is listed as well.

    That is amazing, I can't believe I missed that. Thanks.

    Ok follow up question: What exactly is habitation? I assume it has something to do with USI mods, but I must have looked over it. Same thing for wear and replacement parts. If someone could point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful

  10. This mod seems exactly what I am looking for. I've always wanted the feel of life support, without the punishing 'one mistake and your Kerbals are dead'.

    After toying around, I do however have 1 request. Is there a list of how much supplies a Kerbal consumes per day? My initial toying around told me Jeb eats 16,2 a day, is that universal? And if it is, could you list this number on the life support parts in the VAB? It would take some initial guess work, or trying to remember the numbers, out of the construction

  11. 14 hours ago, artwhaley said:

    My understanding of the user's problem is that he wanted to ABORT the node execution and because he didn't have access to the Mechjeb window yet he couldn't? 

    I think it could be fixed by either adding an "Abort Mechjeb Node Execution" button to your window that called the .Abort on the  MechJebModuleNodeExecutor as long as the computer module was .enabled  , or testing the .unlockchecked property before making the circularization node would fix his issue?

    EXACTLY this yes. Couldn't have said it any better.

    The system is great, and now that I know the problem it won't be a problem. What happened was: GT does it's thing, hands off to MJ (and makes a manouver node. Not sure which mod does that). MJ attempts to auto-execute the manouver node (but can't because that module isn't unlocked yet). So it autowarps to the node as normal, but at the node stops working. This causes problems for manually executing the node


    18 hours ago, mcirish3 said:

    Sir_Robert has been told that this mod is not integrated into career mode yet, which is why it causing an issue.  As a result GT tries to access a function of MJ has not unlocked yet by this user. The thing is MJ behaves exactly as it should.  The maneuver node is created but it does not execute it. I do not understand why Sir_Robert thinks it should auto execute since he has not unlocked that function of MJ in career mode. There really is no malfunction in either mod the user is trying to use both mods in an unintended way.  IF he is coming to ask for help I would just tell him what he is trying to do is unsupported.

    Please stop putting words in my mouth. I never said anything about expecting an auto execute. In fact, my confusion came from the mod FORCING an auto execute where non was possible.


    18 hours ago, Overengineer1 said:

    I'm not clear that there's actually a problem to solve here.  My understanding is that the MJ hand-off works as intended, but the user was confused about how it works.  Did I miss something?

    I do intend to run a check to see if the node executor has been unlocked in the tech tree to keep consistent with the MJ unlock path.  The ascent module isn't involved, though.

    In normal situations, it works great. However, what I stumbled upon is a fringe case where GT attempts to hand off the execution of the manouver node to MJ, but MJ manouver planner not being unlocked (early in career). This causes problems with MJ warping to the node as normal, but than not doing the burn.



    For now, the problem can easily be worked around by deleting the manouver node

    Because MJ manouver planner wasn't unlocked yet, my assumption was that GT was just warping me to the node so that I could do the burn myself. Than mcirish3 starts putting words in my mouth about how I apparently assumed certain functions. I never even mentioned the ascent module

  12. 14 minutes ago, mcirish3 said:

    It is not GT turning it back on, it is MJ that is turning it back on, that is how MJ auto execute works.  After exiting the atmo GT hands control over to MJ, and turns itself off.

    GT is an auto assent mod.  MJ also has an auto assent module.  In career mode MJ's auto assent module does not unlock until well after maneuver planning does. GT is not balanced or set up for use in career mode.    Thus the only career guidance that you have comes from MJ which say you should not have any auto assent guidance at this point of your career.   You have chosen to ignore that guidance by installing GT.  And that is fine, it is after all your choice.  But I again ask if you are ok with walking around that aspect of MJ,  why do you care if MJ's auto node execution and auto time warp are accessed as well since those functions are lower on the tech tree than assent guidance is.

    Edit:  Sorry Overengineer1 I totally missed your response.

    That was my question yes. IF MJ manouver planner was in effect despite that not having been unlocked. Turns out it is. Which is a slight malfunction, but now that I know the cause, easy to work around. MJ Manouver planner isn't 'accessed' through some cheat, it's not unlocked yet. It just warps to the node and than stops, leaving me to do the actual burn.

    And than you for the lecture about how to play the game. But I think that I can decide for myself when I 'earn' an assent guidance.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Overengineer1 said:

    @Sir_Robert GravityTurn isn't timewarping to Apoapsis.  MechJeb is.  GravityTurn stopped all operations as soon as you left the atmosphere and handed it over to MechJeb.

    I see. So I was right in suspecting MJ had something to do with it.

    I'll assume that it is indeed Gravityturn telling MJ to do the manouvernode, but with manouver planner not active, the process going wrong? I'll just work to unlock the planner. Thanks

  14. 19 hours ago, mcirish3 said:

    I am not sure what the problem is?  MJ auto assent is also not available if you don't have access to maneuver planner yet.  By using GT you are already circumventing that part of MJ why do you care if you also circumvent maneuver planner?

    The part about MJ was just because I suspected the attempted co-operation between the mods caused the problem. NOWHERE did I mention auto assent, so I am very confused about where you got that from

    The problem is Gravityturn timewarping to the apoapsis, and not letting me STOP the timewarp. If I turn off timewarp, Gravityturn jus turns it back on again

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