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Everything posted by Korsakovski

  1. Two-man interplanetary science SSTO, basically a heavier version of the earlier Phantom and Valkyrie designs. https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Vulture-Y1 http://imgur.com/gallery/2G2sa
  2. Another vector SSTO, a full passenger version this time. https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Nightingale-N2 http://imgur.com/a/NsBxz
  3. Doesn't really have an intended purpouse other than "Ion SSTO", but I suppose a Laythe flyby and return to Kerbin would be feasible with that dV. Landing on Laythe and then taking off is probably impossible without refueling. Also, I turned a lab into a rocket SSTO https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Sirius-S1 http://imgur.com/a/MLBk0
  4. Ion SSTO, nuff said https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Arrow-IX http://imgur.com/a/pF6Do
  5. Another vector SSTO. 6 kerbals to orbit, nothing fancy https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Skydart-P1 http://imgur.com/a/4iPDL
  6. Extended range Phantom https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Phantom-U4A2 http://imgur.com/a/PY2b4
  7. Decided to downsize the clipper and got the dinghy https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Dinghy-O2 http://imgur.com/a/ZNPeK
  8. That crude prototype shall never go beyond LKO unfortunately. This is what I am planning on having go to Laythe. https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Phantom-U2A1 http://imgur.com/a/9a1Z5 Also somewhat finished the overweight VTOL prototype. https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Kraken-E4 http://imgur.com/a/6ub8J
  9. Rhino/whiplash prototype number 2 https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Vulcan-L1 http://imgur.com/a/nYzor
  10. Don't remember the exact numbers, but KER says TWR is 1.21 with only the rocketfuel at 20km, so it actually isn't too excessive. The design can certainly be pushed more, but the whiplashes are the problem. They are just too weak in comparison, so you would need an awful lot of them. Well, I already have another prototype in the works.
  11. Or one way trips to Laythe https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Phantom-U1 http://imgur.com/a/cbirn
  12. Slapped together a low Kerbin orbit SSTO built around the Rhino engine. https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Beowulf-K1 http://imgur.com/a/h772u
  13. Extended range versions of the clipper https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Biome-Clipper-XS1B http://imgur.com/a/pCvzd https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Clipper-Tanker-XC1 http://imgur.com/a/wpsty
  14. The clipper design was suprisingly easy to convert to a biome hopper with a lab. https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Science-Clipper-XS1 http://imgur.com/a/aOnqx
  15. It's quite amusing how often a Tylo lander ends up as a kerbin ssto https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Clipper-X1 http://imgur.com/a/YDUM3
  16. Returned to the oversized VTOL and after renaming it into Kraken E1, it is now ready to be tested for vertical landings. https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Kraken-E1 http://imgur.com/a/kJIu2
  17. Another science SSTO with more dV https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Wraith-Y1 http://imgur.com/a/0XI43
  18. Science SSTO. Might be ok to take to Laythe https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Arrow-F1 http://imgur.com/a/Qw3ES
  19. After having my fafnir vtol prototype repeatedly kraken'd, (After the screen froze for a few seconds, plane just performed a spontaneous explosive self-dismemberment on the runway.) I decided to clear my mind and make some valkyrie variants. Crew over range version https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Valkyrie-XB http://imgur.com/a/UPkGN And then the golden middle ground between crew and range. https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Valkyrie-XB1 http://imgur.com/a/SJpu4 Will post the craft files later, kerbalx is being kinda wonky (or maybe it's imgur) EDIT:Craft files uploaded
  20. Mmm, yea, it is way too much monoprop, and I will clip 5 large reaction wheels inside the fowardmost passenger cabin in the next version. (Forgot to do it with Mark 1 and Mark 2.) But the monoprop tanks are mostly to partition the cargo bays. I think I will try for an optimal solution with only one mk3 rcs tank later on. Maybe replace rcs tank with crew cabin.
  21. Fafnir Mark 2 testing underway. And the damn thing has gotten almost too heavy for 3 vectors, Tylo landing would have to be with the tanks mostly empty, with just enough LFO to land. Should I add a fourth vector? But that would require a more significant redesign and perhaps the throttle-controlled avionics mod... Decisions, decisions http://imgur.com/a/ObJN0
  22. Started wondering how exactly am I going to land a several hundred ton SSTO on Tylo. Grabbed 3 vector engines and ended up with this unfinished and untested VTOL prototype. I'll post the finished product later. Fafnir D-1 http://imgur.com/a/9MVjy
  23. Went back to small craft for a bit and did a canardless long-range version of the earlier Valkyrie http://imgur.com/a/iWABY https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Valkyrie-XR
  24. Midgard with a rear ramp works suprisingly well. http://imgur.com/a/LesKV https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Midgard-BX
  25. Upgraded version of the standard Asgard, nothing special. http://imgur.com/a/GVIGC https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Asgard-AX
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