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Everything posted by Korsakovski

  1. Made a mining version of the Asgard with some extra crew capacity. Should be able to do most things well, except landings. http://imgur.com/a/G6dMM https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Asgard-A11M
  2. Upgraded passenger Midgard. 164 crew, 514 tons http://imgur.com/a/78wTU https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Midgard-B18XL
  3. Ended up making an upgraded mining Midgard with the engine layout from the valhalla/olympos Even clumsier than the B12LM with way more delta V and faster burns. http://imgur.com/a/8ve4j https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Midgard-B16M
  4. Another pointless SSTO. Basically a payload over dV version of the Valhalla. Still, for those who use life support mods, this would be pretty nice for those long voyages. 2 orange tanks and 20 crew. http://imgur.com/a/tLghJ https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Olympos-S2
  5. After having such great success with two rapier clusters I decided to go with three and this is what I ended up with. Valhalla Orange tank interplanetary SSTO with 4,6kms dV when in low Kerbin orbit http://imgur.com/a/8yjYW https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Valhalla-R3 Although on hindsight you could just use an overlord to hoist up three times as much cargo and then dock it to a purpouse built interplanetary drive stage
  6. Just had to do a mining version of the Midgard too. http://imgur.com/a/S9vND https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Midgard-B12LM
  7. Some additional messing with the Asgard design created the Overlord, a non-nuclear cargo ssto that can transport 108 tons of cargo to orbit. https://imgur.com/a/WFDoq https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Overlord-C2
  8. After some messing about I made a passenger version of the Asgard Midgard 438 tons 18 rapiers, 5 whiplash, 8 nerv and 1 goliath (Yes, I slapped a goliath to the back just because I could.) 148 crew http://imgur.com/a/Bj7oz https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Midgard-B9L
  9. Decided to tackle the question of how to transport an orange tank or other equivalent cargo to Laythe and this is what I ended up with. Still somewhat of a work in progress though, haven't sorted out the CoM/CoL while empty and stuff. http://imgur.com/a/bTh3l Asgard A2 370 tons 291 parts 18 rapiers, 5 whiplashes and 6 nervs https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Asgard-A2
  10. Also decided to push my old valkyrie design a little and got a 10-man minmus ssto (although with no mining capability, but it does have rcs and a docking port, so it can refuel even in stock without having to manhandle (kerbalhandle?) it with the claw.) https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Valkyrie-X2
  11. Made a 20 kerbal mk3 mining ssto. https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Mobius Edit:actually a remake of an older design, but the differences are significant enough for me to post it
  12. Back in 0.90 I made a karbonite-powered biome hopper for and it performed a spontaneous disassembly in Minmus orbit. Apparently the landing frame from the karbonite mod didn't really appreciate having stuff clipped into it. And when I deployed the landing gear, well... to make a short story even shorter, one karbonite tank, a science bay, a goo canister and some assorted stuff became an expanding cloud of debris around my ship... all from the same side, which made my craft rather asymmetrical. Thankfully enough of the ship survived to limp back home. And while the redesigned version avoided being damaged, I did mux up the first landing just a little. I kept SAS on retrograde hold and gave a little too much thrust. And suddenly, my retrograde vector was pointing down... as was my ship. However, thanks to my excellent reflexes and pro piloting (Read:Dumb luck while mashing the keys in a frenzied panic) I was able to cartwheel it 360 degrees back to the right direction... mere meters from the surface. And then I realized it had asymmetrical fuel flow...
  13. Technically this isn't a landing since this is just an earlier prototype that fell over due to not enough landing legs
  14. Vector engine ftw Fatlander 16 kerbal SSTO rocket. http://imgur.com/a/2FrIL
  15. Did a 4 rapier 2 nuke mining ssto that should be able to go anywhere short of eve and tylo. And kudos to Matt Lowne, I ripped the basic concept from one of his builds (hope he doesn't mind) http://imgur.com/a/qKvG4 https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/X12A1-Thor
  16. Well, haven't actually tried landing that behemoth, so I don't really know how well it would work. To begin with it was just a sandbox mode prototype I slapped together to break my personal record. Also don't remember if I checked the com/col without payload. It does have some fuel left so there should be a little room to tweak it. Still, I'm quite satisfied with how it turned out and if you think you have a use for such an absurd contraption then feel free to put it to use. It does have mechjeb though, but the data readouts are just too handy. https://kerbalx.com/Korsakovski/Odin
  17. Also, some older designs Arrow 10 tons, 1 ton payload, if memory serves me correctly http://imgur.com/a/TEpVY Valkyrie 35 ton twin rapier nuclear ISRU design. Haven't taken it further than Minmus, but it should be able to do everything short of eve and tylo. http://imgur.com/a/kXzvj
  18. Tried my hand at a 77 tons to orbit design and this is what I ended up with 12 Rapiers, 2 Whiplashes, 218 tons and 113 parts. Also, rather beastly at the climb Rest of the album http://imgur.com/a/m0brT
  19. Started working on an orange tank to LKO design and after one redesign (V1 had too much oxidizer) ended up with something that was 127 tons fully loaded. http://imgur.com/a/6My6k
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