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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. If it gets down to somewhat under 50k I can decide between a year of college and a trip into space.
  2. To be fair, for a variety of reasons, the lunar module's footpads were extremely oversized, as were the shock absorbers. I remember a video on that somewhere, but I'm busy rn so I can't find it.
  3. Today my school went into lockdown because they thought that there might have been a shooter. It turned out to be the piano tuner entering through a back door without checking in at the office.
  4. Oof. Some days I learn more browsing Wikipedia during class than I do from the actual class.
  5. On Starship LES, there is plenty of room between the raptor bells for emergency single use solid rocket boosters or also more raptors.
  6. The great like derp of 2019 strikes again... Stay tuned for more hopefully unexpected things. Something I'm going to do in the rewrite, assuming I ever get there, is give more characters arcs and changes. Many of them are just there. I think I did this way better with Cheng than the other characters... But there's still lots of room for improvement. A bit late for that now! The endgame will begin soon. Thank you all for the kind feedback! Also, anyone here know a decent amount of photoshop? If possible I would like to get someone to make a few things for me for the next chapter, something that can't really be captured in the game.
  7. Engineers get extra power from power generation units. If you deploy the solar panel with Jeb you get 1 power. If you deploy it with Bill you get 2 if he's levels 0 or 1. You get 3 if he's levels 2 or 3, and 4 power if he's levels 4 or 5. Honestly that seems a bit wrong. If all they are doing is pointing a pre-assembled solar panel at the sun, then I want to know why I trained astronaut pilots can point them five times worse than engineers.
  8. If I understand right, you really don't want to fire vacuum engines at sea level because of flow separation.
  9. Sorry, I'm really busy right now, I'll update you and do the graph stuff later.
  10. Sorry for the lack of responses, I'm rather busy right now and will read those later.
  11. Yeah. The landing animation is pretty much the only new thing so far. I'm delaying my homework in order to watch this, I hope it gets better.
  12. Where? I don't see it. They pushed it back an hour because of weather, so an hour and 40 mins
  13. Sorry to hear that, Tater. Fortunately it looks like I will be home in time to watch it. Also, I just want to say that it is great finally having something space related happen in my time zone so I don't have to convert!
  14. I'm on the road today. Might be back before it starts but probably not. Depending on how much data I have left I might be able to watch it (I won't be driving during it, there are 2 people in car).
  15. So now it's just stacking, legs, aero covers and other minor stuff right? Also probably hinge motors, but those probably come later.
  16. This is a concerning amount of mass growth. I know this is a prototype, but including the word "orbital" is a stretch as evidenced above. If it could do 150t maximum to orbit and 100t to a useful orbit and have enough to return, and Mk1 is 200 tons (might be more), assuming the 150 ton number was with an 85 ton dry mass, then it's lost 115 tons of capability, giving it 35 tons to orbit or -15 tons to a useful orbit.
  17. True. I'd say create a new Artemis thread then or ask nightside to rename this one to something more appropriate for an Artemis discussion thread. But you're the leading authority on space update threads here, not me, so I'll leave that up to you.
  18. I would imagine that would fall under the NASA thread, but if we want a specific Artemis thread I think we should start a new one seeing as the title might be misleading if this was a discussion thread.
  19. Either that or they are taking it off to mount the canard things.
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