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Posts posted by Imperium_Titan_Roma

  1. 37 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Good news:

    I have  a beta for you to try out:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/8nnpsih3awd9zad/QuizTechAero-beta-1.1.3.zip?dl=0

    The neutral news is that I haven't heard from @Quiznos323, so I'll be supporting this as a Redux version when I release it.

    Please let me know how it all works



    Thank you~! I use the parts in this Modpack for quite alot of my smaller craft, so its great to see it continue to be supported by others~!

  2. On 5/3/2016 at 6:24 PM, Laythe2 said:

    Just include the parts from older versions. Ill put them back in next update hopefully.

    Make sure they aren't hitting water.

    I had this before. Either delete it or reinstall the mod. Or rename the part in the config. the original engine might do the same thing.

    Thank you, I used them in quite alot of my beloved crafts, since I found them to be superior to the stock ingame structs, I hope you do :) 

  3. 7 hours ago, sashan said:

    Btw, I can't vote on the poll again, but it would be super awesome if you could divert some attention to hull parts. So far we have awesome weapons but very basic models of hulls, from that large boat pack.


    A long, and sleek bow like what was seen on the Iowa class would be nice to have, but tweakscale can help to adjust hulls to make them work better. 

  4. 13 hours ago, Acea said:

    Thx and we may take that into consideration, but don't expect it since we already have two 152/155 mm turrets.

    I have various other ideas~! 


    A 180mm gun would make for a fantastic medium sized cruiser weapon, and would be a good balance between 152mm/155mms, and 203mms. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Tr1gg3r said:

    Kerbal foundries, kool ill give them a looksee. Cheers epicspacetroll139

    yer, thought i was being a bit dreamy with my hopes for pushing the physics of this game, at this stage anyhow.


    Its a good mod, it provides good hover engines, though control is rather strange since speed can build up rapidly without any easy way to slow down, atleast in my own personal experience, perfect for open fields, but terrible for closed in environments. 

  6. 7 hours ago, harpwner said:

    One is not too far off my friend, I'm actually updated to1.1 already, burp just want to add some things before I go for a release

    So far I've revamped some old effects and updated a couple models/textures

    Also some new plugin additions to have things go nice and smooth. 

    Sounds great,  the dawn of my new ICBM designs are coming~! 

  7. On 4/26/2016 at 10:46 AM, rbray89 said:

    Working on the crashes.

    Unfortunately it seems as though the unity upgrade borked one of the functions I was heavily relying on. I have to refactor a LOT of code to get this to work, and early testing shows that it may not be possible.

    I'll keep you all informed here of any progress.

    Thank you for working hard on the update~! this Mod is quite essential :) It really does help with performance, and for myself, heavily reduces the number of crashes to near zero.

    Best of luck on updating it ~! 

  8. 2 hours ago, rough93 said:

    I'm having a problem with loading the game, every time I load, the games loading hangs on certain parts within B9, I need the parts so I can't delete them and I have no idea what to do. Any suggestions?


    If your playing 1.1, your likely going to have to revert back to 1.0.5, or wait for the mod to update so that you can use the parts. 

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