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Everything posted by MC3craze

  1. I\'d use this, but the textures have way too much color noise, But nice parts anyway.
  2. If you pilot it right, I don\'t see why not. But you have no room for a lander, which is why I made my own.
  3. I could do that, but I\'m a selfish prick who just finished his own personal texture pack. Maybe later mate.
  4. TBH it looks like you just paint bucketed red and sickle/hammer crosses on everything. No offense
  5. There are at least 4 other stock part re-skins, plus I don't think HarvesteR would mind, given the amount of mods available.
  6. If I recall correctly, the computers were so outdated because they were stable, because in space you can't have somebody go up and reboot Windows, or reset the modem.
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