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Everything posted by MC3craze

  1. I wouldn\'t call arguing berating, but I\'m not in the mood to argue my point anymore. Do you think deleting the posts is a good idea?
  2. There is no reward when you cheat. It feels better when you actually achieve something, instead of getting frustrated and deciding to cheat.
  3. It looks like the belly is black, but the top is probably orange because its like a life-boat.
  4. Piss-poor excuse for a cheat part. If you\'re really testing junk, just use cfg edits.
  5. That looks really nice. Time to make some fighters.
  6. What? A complete Saturn V? Sweeeeeeet!
  7. Is it going to use the main engines of the Vanguard? Because if it does, you should add orbital maneuvering thrusters for deorbiting. Or just give it a little bit of internal fuel. Oh and are you sure you\'re not going to put in a payload bay? You know, with the doors being decouplers? I know on reentry it\'d be a little silly looking, but this is KSP. (If you do add a payload bay, size the Vanguard up to fit a small Probodobodyne satellite.)
  8. Hahahahaha. This isn\'t a mod part. It\'s a model that is to be used on mod parts made by mod makers.
  9. What if we thought of some balance values and ran them by Harvester? It\'d have to add a bit of challenge.
  10. C7 is making the fuselages in three different configurations. One is structural, one is for atmospheric flight, and the other is for spaceflight.
  11. Indeed, as long as the engines burn rates are balanced right, you\'ll have no problems. I mean, KW Rocketry has heavy tanks filled with tons of fuel, and correspondingly heavy fuel consumption.
  12. In a way. If the tank is pressurized its obviously going to need to be strong enough to hold the fluid in.
  13. I think dry mass should be dependent on the apparent 'material' of the tank.
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